Home Healing Foods 10 Best Natural Sources of Zinc

10 Best Natural Sources of Zinc

by Andreea Laza

If you want to learn what are the top natural sources of zinc, continue reading this article and find out how. But first.

Zinc is an essential mineral for immune function, metabolism, and cell repair, but finding natural sources of zinc has become increasingly important. Due to intensive farming practices and the widespread use of toxic pesticides and herbicides, most soils are now depleted of zinc, making it harder to get sufficient amounts from food alone. In this article, we’ll explore the 10 best natural sources of zinc that can help you meet your body’s needs and maintain optimal health.

10 Best Natural Sources of Zinc

What is Zinc Good For?

Zinc has a huge influence on our health, for one simple reason: it is involved in everything related to cell division. It is a key factor in body regeneration, and tissue renewal, as well as the production of no less than 300 enzymes, that are involved in all the body’s vital processes.

Zinc is tremendously important for:

  • strong immunity
  • hormonal balance
  • liver health
  • pancreas health
  • adrenal glands health
  • fertility
  • ability to think and feel positive emotions

This is why scientists have been paying close attention to this mineral over the last decade. Natural zinc supplements administered to various categories of people have been shown to support complete and quite miraculous recovery. At the same time, the researchers found that zinc deficiency, even a small one, can seriously impact our health.

Zinc for Viral Infections

This trace element competes for the title of the strongest known immunity aid. The body’s reserve of zinc reserves quickly depletes when we suffer from colds, at a 3-4 times higher rate than normal. This indicates that the body uses zinc for natural defense mechanisms against viral infections.

Moreover, when we supplement with zinc while suffering from a viral infection, the body’s defense capacity increases rapidly. Research conducted by the American Institute “Linus Pauling” in Oregon, showed that 10-20 mg of zinc, administered daily, reduces the recovery period from viral infections (influenza, herpes, rotaviruses, etc.).

Together with natural Vitamin C, Zinc boosts the immune system tremendously!

Zinc is recommended to increase the effectiveness of antibiotics and antiviral treatments. It is also recommended as a natural supplement for treating serious diseases, such as HIV infection, viral hepatitis, and infections with bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Always choose the best natural sources of zinc.

How to Know If I Am Zinc Deficient

According to the latest medical publications, almost 50% of the world’s population suffers from zinc deficiency. Why? First of all, today’s super-processed and refined foods are very poor in zinc. Here is how you can know if you’re zinc deficient.

Low Zinc Deficiency:

  • increased vulnerability to all infections and tumor diseases (low immunity)
  • brittle nails, nail ridges, and missing moons (lunula)
  • rashes
  • dizziness
  • eye floaters
  • dry skin
  • brittle hair
  • sleep issues
  • painful menstruation

Chronic Zinc Deficiency:

Severe Zinc Deficiency:

10 Best Natural Sources of Zinc

1. Seafood & Algae

Our number 1 spot and one of the best natural sources of zinc is seafood. Clams, crab, oysters, and fish roe especially, contain impressive amounts of this trace element. For example, 100 g of oysters (absolute zinc champion) contains 400% of the necessary amount of zinc for one day. Algae are also rich in zinc sources, especially kelp, and they are also free from toxic heavy metals, unlike most oceanic fish.

2. Sprouts & Microgreens

Sprouts and microgreens are excellent natural sources of zinc, offering a nutrient-dense boost to your diet. These young plants, such as broccoli sprouts, sunflower microgreens, and wheatgrass, are rich in zinc, which supports immune function, cell growth, and metabolism. Their concentrated nutrient content makes them a fantastic addition to salads, smoothies, or as garnishes for meals.

3. Nuts & Seeds

Besides great fatty acids for the brain, some nuts are also natural sources of zinc. We’re talking about pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, and cashew nuts in particular. Make a habit of snacking on these nuts instead of chips or junk snacks.

4. Beans

Green beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils, are other great natural sources of zinc. Include them in your weekly diet, to enjoy fiber, fats, and proteins and regular input of natural zinc. Hummus is a great zinc-rich food because it contains sesame paste and chickpeas.

5. Veggies

Asparagus, artichoke, radishes, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, parsnip, carrot, black radish, beetroots, celery root, horseradish, ginger, onion, and garlic are great natural sources of zinc. Coincidentally or not, the last 4 veggies in this list are also known for their antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, confirmed by numerous clinical studies.

6. Leafy Greens

Spinach, collard greens, and parsley are also great natural sources of zinc. Toss them into your salad, make tabbouleh with plenty of fresh parsley, or add them to your morning smoothie. Popeye will have nothing on you! Nor your zinc.

7. Fresh Juices

Cucumber juice, carrot juice, celery juice, beet juice, and potato juice are great natural sources of zinc. Also, blueberries and blackcurrant fresh juices are also amazing zinc drinks. Make the juices at home, Store-bought juices, even if 100% natural, have been pasteurized, and thus, they have no nutrition in them, except for the residual sugars and water.

8. Fruits

Dried plums in particular are great natural sources of zinc, as well as blackberries, raspberries, pomegranate, cantaloupe, apricots, guava, peaches, kiwis, and blueberries. Needless to mention the other amazing health benefits of eating fresh fruits daily!

9. Raw Honey

Raw honey is the best natural sweetener for humankind, and luckily is also a great natural source of zinc. Buy local raw honey from farmers near you, or purchase organic raw honey to enjoy a delicious and healthy source of zinc. Replace sugar with honey and you will see the benefits in the long run. The other beehive products are also great natural sources of zinc.

10. Nettle

Nettle leaves are a powerful natural source of zinc, essential for boosting immune function and supporting healthy skin and hair. Rich in nutrients, including zinc, they help regulate hormonal balance and promote overall wellness. Whether consumed as tea, in soups, or taken as nettle extract, nettle leaves are a versatile and effective way to enhance your zinc intake naturally.

Foods that Deplete Zinc from the Body

At the opposite end of the natural sources of zinc above-mentioned, are refined foods. These foods are very rich in sugars, preservatives, and other toxic chemicals. Besides the fact that they contain no zinc at all, it also forces the body to consume large quantities of this trace element. Thus, sugar, and GMO foods, including modified starch, processed meats, pastry, and frozen junk food, deplete significant amounts of zinc for their metabolization.

For these reasons, it is very necessary to avoid junk and refined foods and eat whole foods instead. These foods nurture and fill up the body with natural zinc. Conventionally grown fruits and veggies are most likely nutrient deficient, so try to eat as natural and organic as possible when choosing natural sources of zinc.

The Health Benefits of Zinc – Good to Know

Most people today are chronically deficient in zinc and Vitamin B12, two of the most important elements that prevent us from getting sick. Poor diet, pollution, as well as heavy metals such as copper, deplete these precious trace elements, this is why zinc supplementation should become a healthy habit for us all. Always choose the best natural sources of zinc. Here are other health benefits that zinc has for us.

1. Natural Food for The Brain

It can heal nervousness, which is caused by copper/zinc imbalance in the brain. The more copper there is the less zinc. High concentrations of copper in the brain can lead to continuous nervousness, aggression, irascibility, depression, or even mental pathology. Eating zinc-rich foods, and/or taking natural zinc supplements will help reduce the copper quantities in the brain and make you feel better in less than 48h. In addition, a combination of zinc and B vitamin complex is, among other things, one of the best solutions for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

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2. Cancer Prevention with Zinc

The latest studies show that zinc is an important factor in the prevention and treatment of cancer. The team of Dr. A.S. Prasad (a world-known medical personality in the field of trace elements) has shown that the development of malignant tumors in the body is preceded and accompanied by a decrease in zinc level.

Moreover, when zinc is systematically administered, the vascularization process of the tumors is slowed, as is the multiplication of malignant cells. Zinc is currently on the list of proposed drugs for cancer prevention and chemotherapy. So far, good results have been obtained with natural zinc supplements against prostate, breast, colon, ovarian, lung, and skin cancers (including melanoma), as well as leukemia.

3. Healthy Skin, Nails & Hair

Zinc contributes to skin firmness and protects the skin from inflammation, including psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, and herpes skin infections. For teens, zinc helps to improve acne and regulate sebum secretion. A great way to see if you’re zinc deficient is to observe how much it takes for skin wounds to heal. If they take a lot, then you’re zinc deficient.

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4. Zinc is a Natural Aphrodisiac

Moreover, zinc cures increase the concentration of sperm, helping their normal development (morphologically and functionally) in men and in preventing the emergence of so-called anovulatory menstruation and it also helps in the complete maturation of the egg, in women. Zinc is a good remedy against frigidity and premature menopause. Zinc reserves in the body are extremely useful during pregnancy, helping the normal development of the fetus. It’s amazing for sexual health for both men and women.

5. The Anti-Aging Treatment with Zinc

Along with vitamin C, natural zinc is probably the strongest and most available anti-aging treatment. Taking zinc helps prevent premature menopause and andropause, skin and elastic tissue degradation, and prevents heart problems, as well as prolapse of various organs. Zinc plays a very important role in the prophylaxis and treatment of eye diseases that come with age, especially macular degeneration and cataracts.

Then, this trace element helps to maintain the brain’s cognitive abilities intact when we grow old. It has been proven that zinc is a real help in the prophylaxis of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and some forms of senile dementia. It is worth mentioning in this context that the natural zinc supplement is an excellent brain tonic for the elderly, keeping their morale high and inducing a state of optimism. Choose the best natural sources of zinc to supplement with.

Is Zinc Safe for Children?

Children actually have a special relationship with zinc. In third-world countries, where digestive infections still kill millions of children under the age of 5, zinc supplementation has reduced the number of fatalities. Always choose the best natural sources of zinc for your children. Besides its immunostimulatory effect in children, this trace element is an excellent preventative measure for many other diseases, such as:

  • digestive problems – diarrhea and malabsorption syndrome
  • hormonal imbalances – zinc prevents infertility in boys and girls together, the onset of early puberty, and other hormonal disorders that may occur during puberty
  • pneumonia
  • juvenile diabetes
  • treats growth delays
  • contributes to the good development of the brain
  • emotional and mental development – zinc helps to develop memory and attention and prevents hyper-sensitivity and hyperactivity. A shocking study, conducted in Croatia on 400 children with ADHD, showed extraordinary improvements in attention, socialization, and overall behavior after a 3-months administration of natural zinc supplements.

How to Choose a Good Zinc Supplement?

Avoid liquid zinc supplements that are loaded with citric acid, natural flavors, alcohol, and other toxic ingredients. Instead, opt for a clean, high-quality liquid zinc sulfate, or zinc picolinate capsules. Some synthetic zinc supplements are contaminated with cadmium, a highly toxic metal that is often linked to zinc. Moreover, synthetic zinc supplements are more difficult to assimilate and can cause serious digestive and kidney disorders.

We hope that after reading this article you are more empowered and know what are the best natural sources of zinc and the best zinc supplements to boost the immune system. Always choose what is natural. Stay healthy, naturally!

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10 Best Natural Sources of Zinc - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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