Home Cures 6 Natural Treatments for Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ear)

6 Natural Treatments for Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ear)

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for simple and effective natural treatments for tinnitus (ringing in the ear), continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.

Tinnitus, more popularly known as ear ringing is an unpleasant hearing perception inside the ear that may be the cause of various lesions of the ear. However, there are other things that can cause tinnitus or ecophene, such as blood circulation in the head or viral inflammation. But before we jump to the natural treatments for tinnitus, here is something that you should know about tinnitus.

Natural Treatments for Ringing in the Ear (Tinnitus)

Epstein-Barr Virus and Tinnitus Link

Recent finds point to the Epstein-Barr virus getting into the inner ear’s nerve channel and causing ear ringing. Hence, tinnitus can be caused by the EBV virus inflaming and vibrating the labyrinth and the vestibulocochlear nerve. In this case, an anti-inflammatory diet and a body detox should be the first thing to do. In addition, go for natural antibiotics to kill off viruses that cause tinnitus. We have a complete article on the best natural antibiotics that can help you.

There are around 2.5 million people out there suffering from different cases of tinnitus hence we present to you some of the best natural remedies for tinnitus or ringing in the ear.

6 Effective Natural Treatments for Tinnitus

1. Wormwood Remedy for Ringing in the Ear

Wormwood is one of the most powerful natural treatments for tinnitus, and here is how you can use it. For the first 6 days take 10 drops of wormwood tincture dissolved in 50 ml of water, three times per day, 30 minutes before the main meals. After the 6 days have passed, replace the wormwood tincture with a common hawthorn tincture and continue the treatment for another 14 days. Also, very important:

  • First thing in the morning, drink 100 ml of water in which you add 1 tbsp of apple vinegar and 1 tsp of honey to sweeten it.
  • Before bedtime, drink a simple tea made with 2 g valerian, 5 g common St. John’s wort, 2 g red clover, 25 g lavender, and 50 g of cowslip steeped in 250 ml of hot water.
10 Natural Treatments for Giardiasis - Wormwood
Wormwood leaves

2. Home Remedy for Tinnitus with Natural Oils

There are two wonder oils that are simply magical when it comes to ringing in the ear: St. John’s wort and chamomile. Use St. John’s wort and chamomile natural herbal oils according to their prospects. Topically, warm up some salt, put it in a cotton gauze or scarf, and apply it as a poultice over the ringing ear/s. Do this in the evening. The symptoms will soon go away, but be perseverant and have faith. This is one of the best natural treatments for tinnitus.

2 Home Remedies for Cervical Spondylosis - St John's Wort
St. John’s wort flowers

3. Onion Juice Remedy for Tinnitus

One of the most amazing natural treatments for tinnitus is onion. This remedy fights the noise and crackling in the ears and it also improves hearing and removes ear wax plugs. Make a small hole in one medium-sized onion and fill the hole up with caraway seeds. Seal the hole with a piece of bread crumb. Bake the onion in the oven until mushy. While still hot, squeeze the baked onion through two layers of gauze, until you get all the juices out.

Pour 1-2 drops of the onion juice into the ear and then plug the ear with a piece of cotton. Do this twice a day, for at least a week until the ear has recovered completely and the tinnitus is gone.

6 Natural Treatments for Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ear) - Onion Juice in The Ear

4. Natural Treatments for Tinnitus with Herbs

Make a simple herbal blend with

  • 20 g of horsetail
  • 30 g sage
  • 20 g plantain
  • 20 g calendula

Steep 1 tsp in 250 ml of boiling water. Drink 2 cups of this tea daily. To boost its healing properties, add a splash of Swedish bitter to each cup of tea. This is one of the most effective natural treatments for tinnitus.

5. Nettle Steam Remedy

In the evening make a simple ear steam bath with nettle. This steam bath should last for 10 minutes. Then plug your affected ear with a Swedish Bitter-soaked piece of cotton. As simple as it sounds, this remedy can actually help with tinnitus.

6. Simple Infusion for Ringing Ears

Mix together 5 tbsp of pine needles, 2 tbsp of rosehips, and 2 tbsp of onion peels. Simmer them for 3 minutes in 1 liter of water. Cover and leave to infuse for the next 3 hours. Drink ½ cup three times per day. This tea is one of the most effective and simple natural treatments for tinnitus.

12 Health Benefits of Pine Needles, Uses, and Remedies – How to Make Pine Needle Tea - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Pine needle tea

Other Natural Treatments for Tinnitus

  1. Take 2 tsp of common hawthorn tinctures twice a day.
  2. Steep 50 g of flowering tips of peppermint in one liter of water and drink 3 cups a day.
  3. Steep 30 g of sweet mockorange leaves (Philadelphus coronarius) in one liter of water and drink 3 cups per day.
  4. Combine together one grated onion with clay and make a poultice. Apply it over the ear and neck area twice a day.
  5. Mix equal quantities of ground salt and stove roasted millet, fill a small sachet with it, and keep it over the ear.

Read Also: Onion, a Natural Treatment for Ear Pain

In addition to all the natural treatments for tinnitus (ringing in the ear), we have presented to you, there are other things that help. First, go for a full-body detox, by eating lots of fresh fruit, veggies, fruit and vegetable juice, and raw veggies. Green barley juice 50 ml three times a day is also helpful for your detox. Keep away from junk food, medical drugs, perfumes, and pollutants as this will help your body heal naturally. And most importantly, don’t stress about it. Once you detoxify the body, all these mysterious neurological symptoms, ringing in the ear included, fade away. Stay healthy, naturally!

Natural Treatments for Ringing in the Ear (Tinnitus)

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