Home Conditions 7 Natural Remedies for Infertility – Fertility Boosting Herbs

7 Natural Remedies for Infertility – Fertility Boosting Herbs

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for simple and effective natural remedies for infertility with herbs, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.

It’s a known fact that healers have used herbs since ancient times. There are many natural remedies for infertility because there are herbs that boost fertility and help women get pregnant. Indeed, some herbal infusions and teas can help you get pregnant even after the age of 35. Before we get into the natural remedies for infertility, let’s see what are the best herbs for infertility.

7 Natural Remedies for Infertility in Women

The Best Herbs for Infertility

  • Vitex agnus-castus
  • False unicorn root
  • Red clover
  • Hogweed
  • Licorice
  • Sage
  • Nettle

Are you ready to find out which are the 7 natural remedies for infertility in women with herbs that can treat woman infertility naturally? Here we go!

7 Effective Natural Remedies for Infertility

1. Vitex The Best Natural Remedy for Infertility

Monk’s pepper (Vitex agnus-castus) is known to be a highly effective natural menstruation regulator. The fruit of this Mediterranean shrub acts as a regulatory hormone. It is effective in irregular menstruation cycles, amenorrhea, as well as lack of ovulation due to hormonal imbalances. This fertility herb is recommended for women who have experienced miscarriages. The remedy is simple and is one of the most effective natural remedies for infertility there is.

  • Take ÂĽ tbsp of minced dried monk’s pepper fruits with your breakfast.
  • Drinking monk’s pepper tea daily is also great.

Attention! You should not follow this natural treatment if you’re on any kind of progesterone treatment.

Powerful Home Remedy for Ovarian Cyst - Vitex
Vitex agnus-castus

2. False Unicorn Root, a Natural Fertility Enhancer

False unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum) is known to improve the functioning of the ovaries. This root has been used for centuries as an adjuvant for infertility. Considered an endangered plant species, you should use it only in severe and hopeless cases of infertility. Its beneficial effects include the regulation of ovarian functions and sustaining the tissue lining the uterus. You shall have 1 cup of false unicorn root per day on an empty stomach, early in the morning. Beware! These teas are not recommended for pregnant women!

3. Boost Fertility with Red Clover

One of the best natural stimulants for women’s reproductive apparatus, red clover (Trifolium pretense) works wonders as a natural fertility booster. The leaves and flowers of this herb are loaded with complex B vitamins and proteins. Even more, red clover it’s great for detox. For long-term treatments, specialists recommend the red clover decoction made from dried flowers. You can drink up to 4 cups a day!

Red Clover - Natural Remedies for Infertility in Women | Fertility Herbs - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Red clover decoction

4. Simple Treatment for Infertility with Hogweed

Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) helps increase women’s fertility because it is a powerful stimulant for the ovaries. Plus, it helps relax the uterus mucosa and increases the vaginal discharge quantity, women’s natural lubricants.

  • The dose is 30 drops of hogwood tincture/day.

If you can’t find it in your local drugstore, here is how you can make it at home like this. mix together 1/3 part minced hogweed leaves and strains with 2/3 refined 40° alcohol. Leave the tincture to soak for 2 weeks in a dark-colored bottle. This is, without any shadow of a doubt, one of the best natural remedies for infertility.

Natural Treatment for Oligospermia - Hogweed - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium)

5. Licorice, a Natural Fertility Herb

Considered to be one of the most efficient hormones from plants, licorice is an exceptional fertility booster. The most effective treatment with licorice for infertility is the licorice tincture. You can make this tincture yourself. All you have to do is:

  • Macerate 10 tbsp of the minced licorice root in 500 ml of 70° alcohol.
  • Pour the maceration into a tightly sealed dark-colored glass and leave it to soak for 2 weeks.
  • After the 2 weeks, slip the tincture and keep it in small dark-colored bottles.

For the following 2 weeks have 1 teaspoon of licorice tincture that you dilute in half a cup of water. Do this 3-4 times per day. Licorice root is a powerful body detox, as well as one of the top natural remedies for infertility.

5 Best Herbs for Viral Lung Infections and How to Use Them - Licorice Root

6. Boost Fertility with Sage

Successfully utilized in treating hormonal unbalances, sage is nature’s best herb for hormonal issues that can cause infertility. In this sense, you can use the sage decoction that you prepare with 30 gr of dried sage and 1 L of water.

  • Infuse sage for 10-15 minutes.
  • Strain and drink it sweetened with honey.

For best results treatment, have 3-4 cups of this tea per day. This may seem simple, but it’s one of the most effective natural remedies for infertility.

4 Natural Remedies for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) – Sage Tea
Sage infusion

7. Nettle, an Herbal Remedy for Infertility

Nettle is known for its amazing properties that prepare a woman’s body for pregnancy. Rich in chlorophyll and minerals nettle has a positive influence on the hormonal system and prepares the uterus for the new baby. Make a simple infusion with 2 tsp of dried nettle in 200 ml of hot water. After 10 to 15 minutes, the tea is ready to be served. You can add honey to sweeten it.

Stinging Nettle Tea - Stinging Nettle Health Benefits, Uses & Home Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Nettle tea

Natural Home Remedies for Sterility in Men

For men’s sterility, the quality of the sperm can be enhanced with dietary supplements that contain Zinc, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B6. For the stimulation of sexual hormones and even treat prostate enlargement the best natural remedies are dwarf palm tree fruit teas. Another great tea for sterility in men is made from the fruits of damiana (Turnera diffusa), a bush typically found in South America.

Read Also: 3 Home Remedies for Easy Delivery

We hope that the natural remedies for infertility with herbs you’ve found here will truly help you out. Let us know in the comments below what natural remedies for infertility you’ve tried successfully. Much health and a happy pregnancy to you!

7 Natural Remedies for Infertility in Women

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