Home Herbs Natural Treatment for Heart Palpitations

Natural Treatment for Heart Palpitations

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for a simple and powerful natural treatment for heart palpitations, continue reading this article and learn how to follow this remedy at home. But first.

Heart palpitations are actually caused by an overburdened liver that is unable to flush out the toxic residue from viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus feeding off of heavy metals, plastics, solvents, old DDT storage bins, and old pharmaceuticals. When this happens, a jelly-like substance builds up in the liver that in time becomes sticky and affects blood flow, and thus, the heart. Hence, the first natural treatment for heart palpitations is to lower all dietary fats, to support the liver.

When experiencing heart palpitations over longer periods, please consult with a specialized physician. The natural treatment for heart palpitations below uses a powerful blend of herbs, combined in a special way with proven efficiency, especially for heart palpitations.

Natural Treatment for Heart Palpitations

Natural Treatment for Heart Palpitations with Herbs 

This natural treatment combines the power of four medicinal herbs with known properties for supporting the heart, and with relaxation and adaptogenic properties. Make a herbal blend with the following herbs:

Steep 2 teaspoons of this herbal blend into 200 ml (1 cup) of hot water for 15 minutes, then strain. Drink two cups of this tea per day whenever you experience heart palpitations and another cup just for maintenance (three in total). You can find these medicinal herbs below.

Frontier Organic Valerian Root, 1-Pound, Certified Organic, Kosher, Cut & Sifted, Bedtime Formulas...
Wild Bliss Organic Hawthorn Loose Leaf and Flower Tea - Caffeine Free Heart Health Herbal Support -...
Health Embassy Motherwort Herb | Leonurus Cardiaca L | 100% Natural (100g)
Wild Bliss Organic Linden Flower Tea - Caffeine Free Loose Leaf Calming Herbal Tea - 1.76 Ounces -...
Frontier Organic Valerian Root, 1-Pound, Certified Organic, Kosher, Cut & Sifted, Bedtime Formulas...
Wild Bliss Organic Hawthorn Loose Leaf and Flower Tea - Caffeine Free Heart Health Herbal Support -...
Health Embassy Motherwort Herb | Leonurus Cardiaca L | 100% Natural (100g)
Wild Bliss Organic Linden Flower Tea - Caffeine Free Loose Leaf Calming Herbal Tea - 1.76 Ounces -...
Frontier Organic Valerian Root, 1-Pound, Certified Organic, Kosher, Cut & Sifted, Bedtime Formulas...
Frontier Organic Valerian Root, 1-Pound, Certified Organic, Kosher, Cut & Sifted, Bedtime Formulas...
Wild Bliss Organic Hawthorn Loose Leaf and Flower Tea - Caffeine Free Heart Health Herbal Support -...
Wild Bliss Organic Hawthorn Loose Leaf and Flower Tea - Caffeine Free Heart Health Herbal Support -...
Health Embassy Motherwort Herb | Leonurus Cardiaca L | 100% Natural (100g)
Health Embassy Motherwort Herb | Leonurus Cardiaca L | 100% Natural (100g)
Wild Bliss Organic Linden Flower Tea - Caffeine Free Loose Leaf Calming Herbal Tea - 1.76 Ounces -...
Wild Bliss Organic Linden Flower Tea - Caffeine Free Loose Leaf Calming Herbal Tea - 1.76 Ounces -...

True Cause of Heart Palpitations

In addition to this herbal remedy, you need to look at the real cause of heart palpitations. When you know what the cause of your heart palpitations is, you are empowering your immune system to fight back and heal.

Heart palpitations are actually caused by a jelly-like substance that forms in the liver when it processes toxins such as heavy metals, plastics, solvents, old DDT storage bins, and old pharmaceuticals.

This substance is a byproduct of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) feeding on these toxins. Initially, it is not sticky, and the liver holds onto it to protect the body. However, when the liver is overwhelmed and unable to cleanse properly, the buildup thickens and becomes sticky.

Normally, the liver produces a chemical compound that dissolves this buildup upon contact with oxygen in the blood, but high fat levels can reduce oxygen availability, making this process less effective.

While not directly harmful, this buildup can thicken over time, disrupting bodily functions and contributing to heart palpitations. This highlights the liver’s crucial role in detoxification and how overload can lead to unexplained symptoms.

What to Do?

  • Lower all fats, including healthy ones like coconut or olive oils and avocados, and do not eat any fats until lunch, to help the liver to cleanse.
  • Eat plenty of fresh ripe fruits and vegetables, leafy greens, fresh cold-pressed juices, and plenty of spring water with a splash of lemon juice.
  • Have a large glass of water at room temperature in which you squeeze the juice from half a lemon first thing in the morning and before bedtime. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Replace sweets with raw honey, maple syrup, dates, and coconut blossom sugar, the kind of glucose the liver loves.
  • Ditch medical drugs, alcohol, caffeine, pork, GMOs (soy, corn, canola oil), farmed fish, dairy, eggs, and gluten, and avoid MSG, citric acid, and natural flavors.
  • Give yourself the much-needed time and space to heal.

Read Also: 2 Natural Treatments for Heart Disease

Heart palpitations are not mainly caused by anxiety, but most likely by toxic buildup in the liver from viruses feeding off of toxins that have accumulated in the liver over the years. Now you know what causes heart palpitations and what to do about it naturally. This simple natural treatment for heart palpitations helps support your heart, while a low-fat diet rich in fruits and veggies helps support the liver. When we support the liver, we simultaneously support the heart. Stay healthy, naturally!

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Natural Treatment for Heart Palpitations

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