Want to know some of the key health benefits of fruit tree blossoms? Continue reading and discover the amazing world of healing blossoms.
The gentle spring sun is still not powerful enough to chase away the clouds that have covered the sky. Barely burst, the first tree buds tremble and shiver from the cold yet are excited to come to light. The first fragile yet wonderfully beautiful spring blossoms on the tree branches start to timidly come out. While your soul enjoys the fresh full colors and scents of springtime, the fruit tree blossoms that you see around you hid some valuable health benefits and healing properties few people know about. Here I am, eager to present to you the unknown health benefits of fruit tree blossoms.

In This Article You Will Find:
5 Unknown Health Benefits of Fruit Tree Blossoms
1. Apricot Blossoms
Prunus armeniaca
This fruit tree has been known for thousands of years for the therapeutic qualities of its buds and blossoms in the treatment of cardiac and digestive disorders, vitamin deficiency, and nervous and physical exhaustion in adults. It is recommended for children with anemia, and avitaminosis, to promote growth and strengthen natural immunity. An ancient remedy to prevent umbilical and inguinal hernias for small children (up to one year old) was tea made from apricot twigs, buds, and blossoms. To use these blossoms as medicine, you can add them fresh to raw honey, and enjoy a delicious healing tsp whenever you need a boost of divine vitamins and energy.

2. Sour Cherry Blossoms
Prunus cerasus
Sour cherry blossoms have special diuretic properties and can be used for cardiac edema, as well as to strengthen immunity, in case of cold with cough and fever. These fruit tree blossoms are also recommended for people with frequent hemorrhages as they have natural coagulant properties. Women at menopause suffering from uterine fibroids can drink herbal tea such as greater celandine to which they add sour cherry blossoms, together with the tips of the twigs. They also help fight insomnia, gastritis, constipation, kidney stones, jaundice, and avitaminosis due to the valuable trace elements they contain, namely iron, copper, magnesium, and potassium.

3. Plum Blossoms
Prunus domestica
People in the Balkan area have been using plum blossoms and twigs for hundreds of years to cure various ailments. The young shoots, flowers, buds, and leaves of the plum tree have antiviral properties, which is why they are used to treat infections, colds, and hepatitis. The flowers have a beneficial action on intestinal peristalsis, furunculosis, and skin dermatoses. The decoction of plum blossoms and young plum shoots is a good remedy for women suffering from leucorrhoea or inflammatory processes. A tea made from a mixture of plum blossoms and marigold leaves is particularly recommended for sedentary people.
In homeopathy, at the beginning of the 20th century, plum flowers were administered to people suffering from neuralgia. In the old days, healers would prepare a healing tea for erysipelas from plum blossoms and twigs by scalding 2 teaspoons of chopped branches and a spoonful of dried blossoms in a cup of boiling water. Then steam for 15 minutes on a double boiler and steep for an hour in a thermos. Then they would soak a piece of linen or cotton towel in this tea and apply it to the affected area for 20-30 minutes, 3 times a day.

4. Apple Blossoms
Malus domestica
Healers in Eastern Europe would prepare a healing tea from apple blossoms alone or in combination with pear blossoms to boost natural immunity and prevent and fight flu and frequent viral infections. To prepare this tea, pour 300 ml of boiling water over 2 heaped teaspoons of apple blossoms, simmer on very low heat for 2-3 minutes, and then steep for 25 minutes. The tea is drunk warm in two or three installments (100-150 ml each time), 30 minutes before the meal.
5. Wild Pear Blossoms
Pyrus pyraster
For therapeutic purposes, wild pear tree blossoms are usually used. The organic acids contained in wild pear blossoms create an unfavorable environment for pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract, which are responsible not only for intestinal disorders, but also for inflammatory processes at the level of the kidneys, gall bladder, and urinary tract. These healing blossoms are loaded with trace potassium, which is beneficial for people with heart problems.
If you have the opportunity to gather more wild pear blossoms, you can prepare a healing tea for tuberculosis or for when you suffer from dry cough, asthma, or dyspnea. Add a cup of freshly picked wild pear blossoms in 2 cups of boiling water in a pot, simmer for one minute, then turn the heat off and cover with a lid to steep for 25 minutes. This tea is drunk during the day, divided into 4 portions, 30 minutes before meals.

Good To Know Before Picking Fruit Tree Blossoms
When brutal and excessive, our interventions in the plant world can lead to ecological disasters. Doing damage to a single link often destroys many species of flora and fauna. The excessive harvesting of spring blossoms for commercial purposes can lead to the extinction of many insects that feed on their nectar. And then of course, if you pick fruit tree blossoms, these trees will no longer bear fruit, if there are no flowers left. Harvest with care and only small amounts of fruit tree blossoms, so that you also enjoy the ripe and delicious fruit of these trees when the time comes.
Read Also: 5 Health Uses of Fruit Tree Cuttings
If you’ve enjoyed reading about the health benefits of fruit tree blossoms and how to use them for various health conditions, please share this article so more people can use this information. May your spring be filled with blossoming ideas, vitality, and energy from Mother Earth. Stay healthy, naturally!
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