Home Herbs 5 Health Uses of Fruit Tree Cuttings

5 Health Uses of Fruit Tree Cuttings

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn about the health uses of fruit tree cuttings? Continue reading this article and see what are some of the most amazing natural remedies you can prepare from fruit tree cuttings.

In the spring, people clean the fruit trees by cutting and throwing away the small twigs and young shoots. Most often the fruit tree cuttings are burned and the ash is used as a fertilizer, at best, or thrown at the bin. Others compost this vegetal material, but most people simply throw away the fruit tree cuttings. Few people know that the young twigs from fruit trees can be used to make some amazing natural remedies.

If you wonder what are the health uses of fruit tree cuttings, here are 5 simple natural remedies that you can prepare at home with the small cuttings from your fruit trees, namely apple, pear, plum, sour cherry, mulberry, and apricot trees. Now letโ€™s get to the amazing health uses of fruit tree cuttings.

5 Health Uses of Fruit Tree Cuttings - MyNaturalTreatment.com

5 Health Uses of Fruit Tree Cuttings

1. Boost Immunity with Apple & Pear Tree Cuttings

For flu symptoms, recurring viral lung infections and overall low immunity, the apple and pear tree cuttings tea works wonders. This tea is made from young apple and pear cuttings, separately or in combination. Pour 300 ml (1 and 1/2 cups) of boiling water over two teaspoons of finely chopped cuttings, simmer on low heat for 7-10 minutes, and then cover and leave the tea to infuse for an hour. Drink 2-3 cups of the apple and pear tree cuttings tea while still warm, 100-150 ml (1/2 cup) at a time, 30 minutes before meals. These are the most important health uses of fruit tree cuttings from apple and pear trees.

5 Health Uses of Fruit Tree Cuttings - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Apple tree flowers and young branches

2. Cough & Fever Remedy with Sour Cherry Tree Cuttings

Sour cherry tree cuttings are a natural remedy for cough and fever, but also for cardiac edema. Especially the young sour cherry cuttings which fall down on their own after flowering. Collect them, wash them well, chop them and leave them to dry in a cool, ventilated place. Once dried, store the sour cherry cuttings in paper bags for later use. Now that you know of the health uses of fruit tree cuttings with sour cherry, hereโ€™s how to make it.

To make this wonderful remedy, pour 250 ml (1 cup) of boiling water over a tablespoon of finely chopped sour cherry cuttings. Simmer on low heat for 5 minutes, remove from heat, and steep covered for an hour, then strain. Drink the tea in three reps, 30 minutes before meals. The sour cherry cutting decoction is also recommended for those suffering from hemorrhage and low blood clotting. To add a special flavor to green or black tea, add a teaspoon of chopped sour cherry twigs and you will be amazed.

5 Health Uses of Fruit Tree Cuttings - Sour Cherry - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Sour cherry flowers in the spring

3. Cold & Flu Cure with Plum Tree Cuttings

The young shoots, buds, and leaves of the plum tree have antiviral properties. They can be used in case of infections, colds, or hepatitis. To make this tea, steep a tablespoon of finely chopped plum tree young shoots in 500 ml (2 cups) of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes covered, then strain and you can drink 80 ml, 30 minutes before meals, for 26 days. Pause for three months, and resume if needed. During this pause, you can drink raspberry cuttings infusion.

The plum tree cuttings are especially good for erysipelas. To enjoy their healing properties, scald two teaspoons of chopped plum tree cuttings in a cup of boiling water, keep the infusion over a steam bath for 15 minutes, then steep covered for an hour. Soak a clean piece of linen or cotton towel in the infusion and applied to the affected skin area for 20-30 minutes, three times a day. Amongst the health uses of fruit tree cuttings, plum tree remedies should not have been missed out.

5 Health Uses of Fruit Tree Cuttings - Plum Tree - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Plum tree branch filled in bloom

4. Lower High Blood Pressure with Mulberry Tree Cuttings

Mulberry twigs are used to make tea for people with diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, and headaches caused by intracranial tension. Put a cup of finely chopped mulberry cuttings in a liter of water, bring the to a boil and simmer on low heat for 10 minutes. Cover and keep the decoction wrapped in a blanket for an hour. You can drink 1 cup of mulberry cuttings decoction three times a day, between meals.

5 Health Uses of Fruit Tree Cuttings - Mulberry Tree - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Mulberry tree flowers on the branch

5. Hernia Remedy with Apricot Tree Cuttings

Apricot tree cuttings replace half of the pharmacy, they are this effective. I want to mention only an old grandma remedy when they used apricot tree cutting tea with flower buds to prevent and treat the onset of umbilical and groin hernia in small children (up to one year old). This is one of the least known health uses of fruit tree cuttings.

5 Health Uses of Fruit Tree Cuttings - Apricot Tree - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Apricot branch in bloom

Read Also: 5 Health Benefits of Fruit Tree Blossoms

Winter has passed, spring has come, and summer is approaching. Nature follows its unfailing course, offering us, in every moment of it, innumerable remedies for our health. Pampered by the light and the May sun, its paths are filled with flowers, and flowering trees, that can be used to make some of the most valuable natural medicine. If youโ€™ve enjoyed learning about the health uses of fruit tree cuttings and how to prepare them at home, please share this article so more people can use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!

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