Home Conditions 5 Natural Treatments for Erysipelas

5 Natural Treatments for Erysipelas

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for simple and effective natural treatments for erysipelas, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.

Erysipelas is usually a symptom of a streptococcus infection in the body and not a disease in itself. Hence, you may want to investigate the underlying cause of erysipelas and start from there. Some of the first symptoms of erysipelas are fever, chills, and poor overall physical condition. These symptoms are later accompanied by red spots and skin lesions that affect the overall appearance of the skin. We have here 5 simple natural treatments for erysipelas, that have been used successfully by people who have had a streptococcus infection that caused their erysipelas.

5 Natural Treatments for Erysipelas

5 Natural Treatments for Erysipelas

1. Almond Oil, the Best Remedy for Erysipelas

Cold-pressed almond oil is one of the most effective natural treatments for erysipelas, especially for the red spots caused by this condition. After a few topical applications with almond oil, the skin usually recovers completely. Apply almond oil on the skin twice a day, early in the morning and right before bedtime. In a few weeks, the skin will recover completely.

The vitamin and mineral complex in almond oil is healing for erysipelas. In addition, almond and almond oil, in particular, are used in the beauty and skincare industry, due to the amazing nourishing properties it has for the skin. This is one of the best topical natural treatments for erysipelas.

2. Natural Treatment for Erysipelas with Wormwood

Wash the affected area with wormwood tea twice a day. Wormwood is one of the most effective natural treatments for erysipelas. Afterward apply Rivanol. Most likely you will be prescribed antibiotics by your medical doctor, which can be very effective in the early stages of erysipelas. However, synthetic antibiotics have loads of side effects. You can look into natural antibiotics, and read this article here on the best natural antibiotics that I’ve posted on the website.

3. Nettle Remedies for Erysipelas

After your skin has recovered completely, it’s time for the “deep-tissue” erysipelas treatment. Namely, a powerful herbal tea to kill off the strep that has caused erysipelas in the first place. For this, the best natural remedies are:

  • stinging nettle
  • sea buckthorn berries
  • St. John’s wort
  • horseradish
  • garlic

Drink 1 liter of stinging nettle tea per day combined with sea buckthorn berries and St. John’s wort (3 tsp of each herb/berry steep in 250 ml of hot water). Then prepare a thick nettle soup with horseradish or garlic (your choice) with polenta as a side. These herbs are the best natural treatments for erysipelas out there, as some of them have powerful detox properties, others are natural antioxidants and some are amazing natural antibiotics.

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4. Herbal Poultice Remedies for Erysipelas

Lettuce poultices make an amazing and effective remedy for erysipelas. Slightly scald the lettuce leaves before applying them to the affected skin areas. Another great poultice that you can try is with marshmallow leaves and root decoction. Elderflower infusion poultice is also amazing for erysipelas. To prepare it, scald 100 g of fresh elderflowers in 1 liter of water. Use the infusion throughout the day to make poultices.

5. Homemade Treatment for Erysipelas with Wheat Bran

Last but not least, wheat bran is another amazing natural remedy for erysipelas that actually works. Scald 2 tsp of wheat bran in 1 cup of hot water in the evening and leave overnight. Drink the decoction first thing in the morning, before breakfast. Continue this treatment for 3-4 weeks.

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The Best Diet for Erysipelas

Alongside the natural treatments for erysipelas above, diet is also very important. Eat plenty of fresh fruits (around 30% of your foods a day) and follow a diet that consists of mostly plain boiled/steamed foods, nothing fried or heavily processed. Avoid meat, but have wild-caught fish occasionally to nourish the body, and free-range eggs on very rare occasions. Try to follow this diet for 6 months with small breaks. Look into Medical Medium to see what foods to avoid, and what are the most healing foods for strep infections such as erysipelas.

Read Also: Oregano Oil, The Best Natural Antibiotic Against Streptococcus

We really hope that you’ve found some great natural treatments for erysipelas here. Know that whenever the body is suffering, the soul may be troubled too. Try to relax, allow what happens to you so you can learn from it, and embrace things as they are. Allowing is not giving in, is accepting what is and choosing what you want to experience next. Choose health. Stay healthy, naturally!

5 Natural Treatments for Erysipelas

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