Home Conditions 2 Simple Home Remedies for Esophageal Cancer

2 Simple Home Remedies for Esophageal Cancer

by Andreea Laza

Looking for home remedies for esophageal cancer? We have here a couple of natural cures for esophageal cancer that has worked for people. But first.

Esophageal cancer, or cancer of the esophagus, is a very common form of cancer worldwide. Men tend to get esophageal cancer more likely than women and it is more popular amongst people older than 55. While age and gender are a few risk factors, there are other underlying conditions and lifestyle choices that support the development of esophageal cancer. Before we jump to the home remedies for esophageal cancer, let’s see what are the risk factors for this type of cancer.

Home remedies for esophageal cancer

Esophageal Cancer Risk Factors

  • smoking
  • alcohol consumption
  • obesity
  • reduces physical activity (sedentarism)
  • a diet high in processed meat
  • esophagus injuries
  • HPV infection
  • acid reflux (GERD)
  • Barrett’s esophagus
  • achalasia
  • tylosis
  • Plummer-Vinson Syndrome

The common symptoms of esophageal cancer are difficulty swallowing, weight loss, coughing, hoarseness, indigestion and heartburn, chest pain, and discomfort. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms we suggest that you consult a doctor as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we have here 2 home remedies for esophageal cancer with a few wonderful healing herbs and poultices that you can apply to the neck area. Let’s see what they are.

2 Home Remedies for Esophageal Cancer

1. Lady’s Bedstraw & Sage Remedy for Esophageal Cancer

This remedy for esophageal cancer uses two magnificent herbs that together fight the malignant cancer cells in the esophagus. They make one of the most effective home remedies for esophageal cancer. Use the herbs alternately, meaning the first 10 days of treatment use the lady’s bedstraw tea, then switch to sage tea for the next 10 days. To make this healing tea, follow the instructions below:

  • Scald 1 tsp of dried herb in 1 cup of hot water.
  • Infuse for 3-4 minutes.

Now that the tea is ready, use it to make gargles, 5-6 times a day. Try to push the tea down as much as possible so that it reaches the affected areas in the esophagus. These herbs together are some of the best home remedies for esophageal cancer.

9 Natural Remedies for Thyroid Nodules - Lady's Bedstraw Tea
Lady’s bedstraw plant

Externally, apply a poultice with white cabbage leaves.

Before using the cabbage leaves, smash them slightly so that the juices from the cabbage come out. Keep the poultice overnight for the best results. These herbal teas and the cabbage poultice are great home remedies for esophageal cancer, as well as thyroid gland conditions, vocal folds paralysis, and pharyngeal disease, including pharyngeal cancer.

2. Marshmallow Remedy for Esophageal Cancer

Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) is another one of the best home remedies for esophageal cancer. This plant also works great for laryngeal cancer, hoarseness, goiter, tongue cancer, and other affections. For this particular remedy, you need a fresh marshmallow plant.

2 Simple Home Remedies for Esophageal Cancer - Marshmallow Flower
Marshmallow flowers (Althaea officinalis)


  • Soak 10 heaped tsp of fresh plant in 2.5 l cold water overnight.
  • Bring the water (with the plant in it) to a boil.
  • Filter the macerate and drink 4 cups daily, in small sips.
  • Use the other 6 cups for gargles and mouth rinse throughout the day.

In addition, mix the resulted (still warm) marshmallow plant used to make the macerate with barley flour. Apply the warm mush to a clean piece of gauze to make poultices. Apply the poultice around the neck. To make the poultice more effective, alternate it with horsetail herb mash poultice. Marshmallow root is one of the best home remedies for esophageal cancer.

A Word About Healing from Cancer

These home remedies for esophageal cancer have actually helped cancer patients recover. Together with a healthy diet, a positive mind, and a great will to live and hope, you too can heal from cancer. Trust that all that you’re going through serves a higher purpose. Always remember that the universe works for you. Seed positive thoughts to create a positive reality and outcome. Only the state of being matters, circumstances are just a result of the state of being. Use the natural laws of the universe for you, because the universe supports your every thought, feeling, and emotion.

Read Also: 3 Powerful Home Remedies for All Types of Cancers

We sure hope these home remedies for esophageal cancer will really help you out. Stay healthy, naturally!

Home Remedies for Esophageal Cancer


Benedict Voon March 29, 2021 - 02:49

Hi Andreea,

Thankful to you to be able to share with us your findings. However, your findings seem to be a bit “far-fetched” Don’t get me wrong, I am a true believer in wholistic treatment for all kinds of chronic diseases. Currently, I am facing a cancer diagnosis. I have diagnosed with stage 3 adenocarcinoma of the esophagus cancer. Rejected chemo and radiation. When for surgery in Nov 2019. However, cancer came back to the same site again 2 months ago. I am looking into all kinds of wholistic treatment I can get hold of. Wholistic treatments that can be sustainable by science as well. Would be glad and apprecated if you could share more of your findings with us.

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza March 29, 2021 - 08:52

Hello, Benedict! The holistic treatment of cancer tackles multiple angles. Herbs and other remedies do work in conjunction with a healthy, plant-based, and mostly raw diet (if possible use organic fruits and vegetables) as a starting point. But there is also the component of the mind and the emotions. Pollution around us (food, water, air, etc) and pollution inside us (trauma, repressed emotions, fear, and worry) are what creates the perfect environment for any disease, including cancer. It is usually caused by a traumatic life event, a hit to an already weakened immune system. Look into the emotional cause of the disease, the spiritual lessons you need to learn from this that will help you grow as a human being, together with clean food, air and water. Much love to you!


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