If you are looking for a simple and effective natural treatment for vocal cords tumor, continue reading this article and find out how to follow this remedy at home. But first.
Vocal cords tumors can be caused by smoking, alcohol, or even other chemicals affecting the larynx and the throat. Especially if you are a vocalist and earn a living from singing, your vocal cords need a good cleanse once in a while, just like the chimney of the house. The wonderful natural treatment for vocal cords tumor below, besides healing this dreadful condition, can also protect the vocal folds from other types of chronic inflammations. It uses a simple, but very powerful medicinal herb that you can gather yourself. Let’s get into the natural treatment for vocal cords tumors.

Natural Treatment for Vocal Cords Tumor with Lady’s Bedstraw
The lady’s bedstraw tea (Galium verum) is very helpful in this condition, as it is known to fight against ganglion cysts, thyroid nodules, and thyroid gland disorders but also against cancer of the tongue, larynx, and genital organs. Lady’s bedstraw is in full bloom around the summer solstice, and this remedy is more effective during midsummer when you can pick your own fresh lady’s bedstraw. Gather the plant in full sunlight from unpolluted areas. Dry the flowers in the shade, by layering them in a thin layer, in a well-ventilated place. This will help preserve its active principles. From 1,5-2 kg of the fresh plant, you will obtain around 500 g of dry herb.
This is how to prepare it and use it at home.
- Prepare the infusion by steeping 3 tbsp of the fresh plant or 1 tbsp of dry herb in one cup of hot water for 15-20 minutes.
Strain and use the warm tea to gargle first thing in the morning, before eating. Before gargling, clean your tongue with a teaspoon or tongue scraper. While doing the gargles, allow for the tea to reach deep down your throat, so that it reaches the vocal folds. Make 5-6 gargles and vocalize some vowels while doing the gargles so that the tea reaches the larynx, and then spit it out. Then rinse your mouth 1-3 times, but this time swallow the tea.

Don’t eat, drink, or speak one hour after the gargles. Follow this natural treatment for vocal cords tumor for 7-10 days at a time. After a few days into the treatment, when you wake up in the morning, you’ll have the sensation of expectorating phlegm. This is the first sign that the remedy is working and that the vocal cords are cleansing. Your voice will not sound hoarse anymore and you’ll be able to breathe easier, without feeling the need to clear your throat. It’s enough to follow this remedy for 7-10 days once every 6 months.
This is perhaps the best natural treatment for vocal cords tumors.
In addition, supplement with raw honey and propolis. Have as many tsp throughout the day as you wish. Keep the propolis granules under the tongue until it turns into crumbs that you can then swallow. If you feel a burning sensation when you swallow it down, that is OK. It means that the honey you use is of good quality and it’s fresh.
Read Also: 3 Home Remedies for Voice Loss
We really hope that this natural treatment for vocal cords tumors will help many of you who suffer from this condition. This simple remedy is also useful if you want to clean your throat and keep your vocal cords in great condition. Let us know in the comments below what has helped you recover from vocal cords tumor. Stay healthy, naturally!