Home Conditions Natural Treatment for Lung Conditions

Natural Treatment for Lung Conditions

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for a simple and effective natural treatment for lung conditions, continue reading this article and find out how to follow this remedy at home. But first.

Throughout the ages, people in parts of Asia and Europe used to treat lung conditions by inhaling the scent of burnt rose petals. Later it has been scientifically proven that there are active elements in the rose petals that have powerful anti-inflammatory action, and help strengthen the body against viruses. Very many lung conditions can be healed with remedies made with rose petals. That’s right! In alternative medicine, rose petals are popularly used for asthmapulmonary tuberculosis, tracheitis, cold and flu, laryngitis, tonsillitis, and others.

Rose Petals Contain

  • ethereal oils
  • flavone derivatives
  • tannins
  • organic acids (such as gallic, citric, and malic acid)
  • vitamins A, B 2, C, K, and PP
  • potassium
  • iron
  • calcium
  • magnesium
Natural Treatment for Lung Conditions

These natural elements are found in perfect combination in rose petals, offering them astringent and disinfecting properties. Indeed, rose petals have powerful healing properties, as they prevent inflammation in the body. That’s why this is such a great natural treatment for lung conditions, including asthma or hemoptysis (coughing with blood). Without further ado, let’s get to the natural treatment for lung conditions.

Natural Treatment for Lung Conditions with Rose Petals

Make a simple infusion by steeping 2 tsp of crushed fresh rose petals (or 1 tsp of dried petals) in 200 ml of boiling water. Cover and steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain the tea, and sweeten it with raw honey. Drink 2-3 cups of this delicious rose tea after meals. You can use the petals from any type of rose, but we recommend the Provence rose (Rosa centifolia), the Damask rose (Rosa damascena), and the French rose (Rosa gallica) in particular, as they have been used in remedies for a very long time. 

Read Also: Natural Lung Cleansing Treatment

This is an amazing natural treatment for lung conditions and we recommend it to anyone with mild lung problems. Let us know in the comment section below if this natural remedy for lung conditions has helped you out. Stay healthy, naturally!

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Natural Treatment for Lung Conditions

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