Home Herbs 7 Home Remedies for Low Libido in Women & Men

7 Home Remedies for Low Libido in Women & Men

by Andreea Laza

Looking for the best home remedies for low libido and sex drive? Discover the most powerful herbs for low libido and how to use them. But first.

Low libido can have at least two causes, one that is physical (hormonal imbalance, poor diet, vaginal dryness, frigidity, etc) and another one that is emotional and mental (poor self-image, partner incompatibility, financial insecurities, not being able to express oneself fully, shame or guilt, stress, etc). When trying to fix low libido the best approach is holistic. That is, fixing the physical cause, but looking also at the emotional, and mental cause of the problem.

For the physical cause, we have here a collection of some of the most powerful home remedies for low libido using medicinal herbs and simple extracts. Without further ado, let’s get to them.

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7 Home Remedies for Low Libido in Women & Men

1. Marjoram Tea

Since ancient times, in the remote villages of the Apuseni Mountains in west Transylvania, marjoram was used as a magic plant for protection against evil spirits. People believed that marjoram has the power to draw heat out of the body, which is also useful in case of frigidity and loss of libido. Yes, marjoram is one of the top home remedies for low libido, and here is how to use it.

Home Remedy for Low Libido with Marjoram

  • Scalp 1 tsp of fresh marjoram herb in a cup of boiling water.
  • Let the tea infuse covered for 10 minutes, then strain and drink it in the evening, sip by sip.

You should begin the tea cure at the end of the menstruation period, and continue until the beginning of the next one. Stop drinking marjoram tea during the menstrual cycle and then resume and continue until the sex drive is back to normal. If you don’t have fresh marjoram available, you can use dried marjoram to make the tea.

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2. Yarrow Flowers

Yarrow tincture is another one of the best home remedies for low libido. You can easily prepare this aphrodisiac drink at home or use a store-bought yarrow flowers tincture.

Low Libido Remedy with Yarrow

You will need a 1 kg (2.2 pounds) wide-necked bottle that can close tightly. Gather as many yarrow flowers as possible. Ideally, pick the yarrow flowers that have a slightly pink color, which is said to have the greatest healing power. Shake them well, then pass them through a bowl of cold water to remove all the insects from them. After washing, dry well on a clean kitchen napkin, in a shady place.

  • Fill the jar almost all the way up with the flowers, then fill the rest with 1 l of homemade fruit brandy/rakija or vodka.
  • The flowers must be perfectly covered with alcohol.
  • Close the jar tightly and leave it in a cool place for 14 days.
  • Strain the tincture and put it back into the previously used and washed bottle in the meantime.
  • Seal the mouth of the bottle and place it back in the same cool and dark place.
  • Leave until the tincture is clear, only then you can pour it into an amber bottle with a stopper.

You can have up to two shots of this yarrow flower tincture a day, but never go above this dose otherwise, it will have the opposite effect. The tincture has a long shelf life, and it is actually believed that its libido-boosting powers increase over time. Yarrow is one of the top home remedies for low libido.

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3. Vitex

Vitex (Agnus castus) is one of the best herbs to take for almost any women’s problems that are caused by estrogen/progesterone imbalances. These issues range from irregular menstruation, lack of menstruation (amenorrhea), cramps, hormonal acne, lack of ovulation, infertility, and even lack of sex drive and low libido. Most of the time low libido is due to this hormonal imbalance, and in the rest of the cases, it is due to a mental attitude related to intercourse, to oneself, or not being energetically connected enough to your partner.

While the latter can be fixed through communication, honesty, and loving oneself, the hormonal imbalance can be fixed with Vitex and a healthy, plant-based thriving diet. For me personally, Vitex worked in a case of amenorrhea, when I refused to take any birth control pills, the “regular” gyno medication for any women’s problem. Use according to the prospect.

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4. Fenugreek

This herb is one of the best home remedies for low libido for both men and women. Fenugreek naturally improves vaginal dryness and has a positive impact on woman’s sexual behavior, not only by improving women’s sexual desire but also the frequency of their sexual desires. For men, fenugreek stimulates the libido and the frequency of sexual intercourse, but also improves the functioning of the male reproductive system, contributing to fertility and normal reproduction. In addition, it boosts sports performance, by increasing muscle mass and strength.

5. Rosemary Wine

A shrub that retains its greenery over the winter and whose branches can be woven into wreaths, rosemary symbolizes steadfastness, physical attraction, and emotional rebirth. This is why rosemary has been used in wedding ceremonies in parts of Eastern Europe since ancient times. This is not a coincidence, because rosemary is one of the best herbs for fertility and starting a family, and one of the top home remedies for low libido.

Rosemary activates blood flow, invigorates the mind, stimulates menstruation, and ovulation, boosts fertility and has a slight aphrodisiac effect on women and men.

 Home Remedies for Low Libido in Women & Men

Home Remedy for Low Libido with Rosemary Wine

  • Pick a few fresh rosemary branches, remove the spiky leaves, and put them in a 750 ml (25 ounces) glass jar.
  • Fill the rest of the jar with good-quality white wine, seal, and leave the jar in direct sunlight.
  • Shake well daily. In 7 to 14 days the aphrodisiac rosemary wine is ready.
  • Strain through a gauze by pressing down the rosemary leaves well.
  • Pour the rosemary wine into the same bottle you used to ferment it (but well washed).
  • Keep it in the fridge and consume it in the following weeks.
  • Drink as needed or, if you want to follow a cure, have 2-3 shots daily for a few weeks.
  • Women should use this remedy between the end of the menstruation and the ovulation period.

6. White Birch Bud Extract

(Betula pubescens amenti)

White birch bud extract has beneficial effects on the endocrine system, especially in sexual disorders for both men and women due to its rich content in hormonal substances. It is also antihistaminic (antiallergic) and is recommended in frigidity, impotence, low libido, hypogonadism at puberty, and sterility (in combination with other gemmotherapy products), due to its rebalancing action on the sexual organs and the central nervous system. Ash tree seed extract (Fraxinus excelsior) is another one of the top home remedies for low libido, just like white birch bud extract.

9 Health Benefits of Birch Buds with Remedies & Harvesting

7. Dong Quai

Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) extract is one of the top home remedies for low libido in women. The extract of this plant from Chinese pharmacopeia is considered miraculous in regulating the hormonal activity in women who face frigidity due to estrogen deficiency, menopause, menstrual disorders (dysmenorrhea), etc. Use according to the instruction on the package.

20 Foods that Boost Libido (Natural Aphrodisiacs)

Legend has it that Casanova used to eat 40 oysters daily. Whether true or not, one thing is certain: food is not to be neglected when it comes to love. There are amino acids such as albumin, zinc, and other minerals that play an important role in the production and activation of sexual hormones that increase libido. Here are the top foods that boost libido.

  1. Apples – a symbol of Eve’s sin, contain amino acids that give energy and vital power in love.
  2. Asparagus – contains a substance related to the male sex hormone, which increases potency, fecundity, and desire for love.
  3. Avocado – contains vitamin E (stimulates fertility) and unsaturated fatty acids (very healthy).
  4. Basil – a plant symbol, which seems to have given the Hindus a fulfilled sex life; contains essential oils that induce excitability.
  5. Carrots – the orange color in carrots stimulates the activity of sex hormones (use well washed but with skin)
  6. Celery – invigorates tired men due to its rich content in vitamin C and minerals; eat only raw or juiced.
  7. Coffee – stimulates the central nervous system. Especially “erotic” if seasoned with a little cardamom.
  8. Chili – it spices things up really quick, in the true sense of the word.
  9. Chocolate – contains caffeine and theobromine, two substances that stimulate sexual appetite and put you in the mood.
  10. Cinnamon – the essential oil has a stimulating action on potency.
  11. Dates – the Arabs consider them fertile. They contain fructose, being extremely energizing.
  12. Eggplants – purple-colored, eggplant contains alkaloids that relax and revives the senses.
  13. Fish and seafood – contain albumin, an amino acid, “responsible” for blood irrigation of the pelvic area and therefore for stimulating sexual appetite; they also contain zinc (stimulant of sexual appetite).
  14. Figs – a vital food, especially when fresh (stimulates the power of concentration, have an energizing effect).
  15. Leeks – contain sulfur which makes people more daring and fights shyness.
  16. Lettuce – is loaded with iron which helps men stay “green” and potent, as well as opium-like substances.
  17. Nuts, cashews, peanuts, and olives – all contain estrogen, promoting female eroticism, with beneficial physiological effects, such as vaginal lubrication, and relaxation of uterine muscles. More so, they help the development of secondary female sexual characteristics (natural breast augmentation, skin softening) similar to dill seeds, celery leaves, roots, and parsley seeds.
  18. Parsley – the two etheric substances contained it contains (apiol and myristin) ensure that the genitals are well supplied with blood, while the aroma of parsley stimulates erotic fantasy.
  19. Pumpkin seeds – like sunflower seeds, increase sexual desire and reduce fatigue; consume at least 30 raw seeds daily, in combination with other phytotherapeutic remedies. Recent research has shown that pumpkin seeds are more effective than Viagra.
  20. Spices – cardamom, cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, garlic, ginger.
7 Home Remedies for Low Libido in Women & Men - Foods that Boost Libido - MYN

Foods that Lower Libido

American scientists have found that men with high blood cholesterol are generally impotent. And one more thing: that excess fat stops the production of testosterone (male sex hormone) and causes fattening. In addition to albumin, pork contains large amounts of fats and cholesterol, and this combination is not only heavy on the stomach but can also lead to damage to blood vessels.

Conclusion: a high-cholesterol diet can reduce sexual appetite by 50%.

How to Boost Libido Naturally

1. Natural Supplements for Low Libido

  • Vitamin B6 – regulates the sexual hormones
  • Vitamin E – is also called “the fertility vitamin”, and it also protects cells and blood vessels; it is found in vegetable oils, nuts, etc.)
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) – found in leafy greens and green vegetables fights sterility and prevents embryo malformations.
  • Vitamin C – impacts sexual life positively, participating directly in the production of hormones that stimulate pleasure. It also protects sperm.
  • Zinc – improves sperm quality and quantity, increasing the chances of procreation and contributes to fertility and normal reproduction (Read also 10 Best Natural Sources of Zinc)
  • Phosphorus – boosts libido and increases potency
  • Royal jelly and pollen – are of real use in the therapy of frigidity that occurs due to deficiencies in ovarian activity, including those that occur with age. Cures are done for at least a month.
  • Herbs/ Herbal Teas – dill seeds, saffron, ginseng, orchid, hibiscus, mint, nettle

2. Using Essential Oils for Low Libido

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Scents are probably the fastest-action natural aphrodisiacs for women, with unimaginably strong and prompt stimulating effects. The explanation is that the olfactory receptors instantly transmit impulses that stimulate sexuality to the cerebral cortex. The top aphrodisiac perfumes in this sense are, it seems, musk and amber, but some women prefer more refined aromas, in combinations.

In addition to perfumes, natural essential oils also have libido-boosting effects. Many of these oils are secreted by plants to call pollinating insects, making them powerful erotic signals in the plant and animal world. This explains, among other things, why using essential oils has so many benefits in healing sexual dynamics disorders and boosting libido. Here are the top essential oils for low libido:

  • Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) – its aroma is a kind of a sexual “bait”
  • Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) – has a calming and relaxing effect, and is recommended when the low libido is caused by fears, anxiety, and shyness.
  • Bergamot (Citrus amara) – bitter orange is par excellence an aroma that awakens femininity and gentleness. This essential oil is suitable for rather domineering women, very strong or competitive, where erotic desire is harder to wake up even because of their excessive strength.
  • Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and lemon (Citrus limonium) – their pleasant aromas arouse the sexual appetite making them suitable for rather apathetic women, with a high dose of inertia, possibly with a predisposition to asthenia and mild depression.
  • Spearmint (Menta viridis) – has both a gentle and percussive aroma, being a perfect sedative for states of disgust, repulsion, or anger. It is especially recommended for combating frigidity caused by previous unpleasant or traumatic experiences.

3. Move Your Body

Numerous studies show that running, dancing, walking or cycling and aerobics stimulate the production of sex hormones. The key is enjoying the sport or the activity and finding pleasure in moving your body. Belly dancing is especially good for women because it activates the sacral chakra, which makes them more into enjoying bodily pleasures and is magnetic to men.

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4. A Trusting, Loving Partner

One of the best home remedies for low libido is a loving partner that is compatible with your needs. Perhaps the best therapy for low libido is to open up your soul and start talking with your partner with maximum tenderness and encouraging him/her to take the steps that you expect when you are intimate. Avoid criticisms and practice praising your partner, as they will too open up and be their true selves, as you met them. As long as you are bounded by love, the sexual desire between you too can always be reignited.

5. Self-Love

7 Home Remedies for Low Libido in Women & Men - Self Love - MYN

The most important part of healing a low libido and enjoying your sexuality is to love yourself first. This is a work with yourself, with those limiting beliefs and traumas that have made you deny your sexuality and enjoy the pleasure of intercourse. When making love you are actually making love to yourself. Physical reality (including your partner) is a reflection of your own self, and the way you are treated in your relationship, is actually the way you treat yourself.

Read Also: 15 Best Herbs for Love Spells and Magic Recipes DIY

Start being kind, appreciative, and caring for yourself so that you are eager to love yourself and unite with your partner in this sacred connection. Love is sacred and making love is an expression of love. It feels good, it is uplifting, it is empowering for both partners, and is divine. You are a divine-human being, start seeing this spark within you so that you can grow it to illuminate everything within and around you. Much love to you!

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7 Home Remedies for Low Libido in Women & Men - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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