Home Cures 3 Natural Treatments for Cystic Acne

3 Natural Treatments for Cystic Acne

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for simple and effective natural treatments for cystic acne, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.

Cystic acne is a case of severe inflammatory acne that affects the deeper layers of the skin. It is manifested through acne cysts or boils of various sizes. Cysts appear when the inflammation causes the hair follicles to rupture. Cystic acne can affect anyone, but it is more common in teenage boys and young men.

3 Natural Treatments for Cystic Acne - Acne

What Causes Cystic Acne?

Cystic acne is usually caused by the same factors as acne, namely:

  • excess dead cells trapped in hair follicles
  • bacteria that cause acne (Propionibacteria acne, Cutibacte­rium acnes)
  • hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands
  • use of cosmetic products for oily skin
  • hormonal imbalances
  • poor diet (sugar, eggs, dairy, etc)

Some people are more prone than others to develop a more severe form of cystic acne. If parents have suffered from cystic acne, their children are more likely to have this condition, but it’s more likely due to dietary choices. Cystic acne is not caused by a lack of hygiene.

How to Cure Cystic Acne

Most doctors prescribe oral antibiotics, isotretinoin, oral contraceptives (for women), or even recommend corticosteroid injections administered directly into cysts, and surgical excision or drainage. However, most of these treatments have considerable side effects that can last for a long time, and they’re not always effective.

From a more holistic point of view, cystic acne is caused by an excess of heat in the body, especially in the large energetic intestine, leading to its release through the skin. It can also be caused by a weakened spleen or energetic kidney. Both possibilities could be linked to a poor diet, high in processed foods, sugar, and dairy. These foods create heat in the large energy intestine and/or can block the activity of the energy spleen. Mindset can also affect the spleen, large intestine, and kidneys.

Luckily, there are natural remedies for this type of acne that actually work. Here are a few effective natural treatments for cystic acne that you can try firsthand. Let’s get to them.

Natural Treatments for Cystic Acne - MyNaturalTreatment.com

3 Natural Treatments for Cystic Acne

1. Herbal Treatment for Cystic Acne

This is one of the best natural treatments for cystic acne with medicinal herbs. These wonderful herbs have strong detox, antiviral, soothing, and hormone balancing properties. To prepare this remedy, combine equal parts of:

  • Black elder (Sambucus nigra)
  • Rosehips (Rosa canina)
  • Cowberry leaf (Vaccinium vitis)
  • Lemon balm leaf (Melisa Officinalis)
  • Nettle leaf (Urtica doica)
  • Raspberry leaf (Rubud idaeus)


Steep 1 tbsp of the herbal blend in 400 ml of hot water for 10 minutes. Add lemon juice to it or sweeten it with honey if you wish.

How to Use

Drink the freshly brewed tea at breakfast or throughout the day, but ideally while it’s still hot. If you don’t drink the tea within 24 h after making it, throw it away because it is no longer good to drink. In addition to the daily herbal tea, take care of your diet. Read the diet recommendations for cystic acne at the end of this article. This powerful herbal blend is one of the best natural treatments for cystic acne.

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2. Calendula Poultice for Cystic Acne

Herbal poultices are amazing for cystic acne. Wash your face with water and then let it dry completely. Then apply calendula tincture (Flores calendulae) to the affected areas. In addition, burdock root (Radix bardanae) infusion poultice is an amazing remedy for cystic acne. You can use it alternatively with the calendula tincture for the best results. Other herbal poultices that work for cystic acne are endive root (Cichorium endivia), birthwort, and common comfrey. Go for the one most handy to you. These herbs are amongst the best natural treatments for cystic acne.

3. Natural Treatments for Cystic Acne with Sulfur & Wormwood

Sulfur soap wash is one of the best natural treatments for cystic acne and is so easy to use. When washing your face early in the morning, use a natural sulfur soap and wormwood tea (Artemisia absinthium). In the evening you can make compresses with the wormwood leaves that you used for the morning tea. The sulfur soap together with the wormwood tea heals the acne scars and changes the skin PH. For this, you can also use corn and wheat bran scalded in a bit of hot water. This is one of the most powerful natural treatments for cystic acne and is also great for rosacea, itchy skin, tinea versicolor, and other related skin conditions.

Sulphur Soap - Natural Treatments for Cystic Acne - MyNaturalTreatment.com

Diet Recommendations for Cystic Acne

In addition to the natural treatments for cystic acne, diet is very important. Although this is still a topic of debate, data seems to suggest a clear link between cystic acne and eating sugar and dairy products regularly. In addition:

  • Avoid food preservatives, colorants, flavors, etc.
  • Avoid processed sugar, sodas and diet sodas, dairy products, meat and deli, fast foods, fried foods, Coca-Cola, and chocolate.

Although following a diet can discourage many people, you need to understand that it is for a short period of time to allow your skin to heal back. A complete body detox, with leafy greens, fruit and veggie juices, and fruit smoothies is also amazing for cleansing the skin.

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Natural Supplements for Cystic Acne

  • Zinc, Omega 3, probiotics.
  • Antioxidants and hormone balancing herbs – green tea (Camelia sinensis) or vitex (Vitex agnus castus)
  • Essential oils – lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) – topical.

Read Also: 7 Natural Treatments for Acne

We hope these natural treatments for cystic acne will help you heal completely. Stay healthy, naturally!

Natural Treatments for Cystic Acne

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