If you are looking for simple and effective natural remedies for panaritium, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Panaritium, also known as nail infection caused by micro trauma and is manifested through swallowing of the finger or toe, puss, and pain. A germ, most often the staphylococcus, is the culprit for panaritium. But there are natural ways to heal from panaritum. This is why we’ve gathered here a whole bunch of natural remedies for panaritium that have helped many people so far. Still, you need to consult a doctor before anything!

In This Article You Will Find:
9 Natural Remedies for Panaritium
1. Natural Remedies for Panaritium with Comfrey Root & Chamomile
Grind a few well-dried comfrey roots using your coffee machine until you obtain 1 teaspoon of powdered herb. Put the powder into a cup, pour a little bit of hot water over it and a few drops of oil, and mix well. Spread this mixture in a thin layer on a piece of clean gauze and wrap it around the infected finger. The next day, put your infected finger in chamomile tea or in cold comfrey root macerate. Heat the tea up a bit, then immerse your hand/foot in it with the bandage still on, until the bandage soaks up. Then remove your bandage and put a new one in place. Follow this treatment for 1 week.
2. Aloe & Clay Natural Remedies for Panaritium
Cut an Aloe Vera leaf into two and apply it to the infected nail with the gel facing the nail infection. Wrap the leaf with a piece of nylon and then bandage it. Leave it on for a few hours. At night, make a cataplasm with medicinal clay and water and apply it to the infected nail. For better results, before doing the clay cataplasm take hot chamomile baths, as chamomile tea helps the abscess open so that the clay’s amazing properties take their course of action. Alternate the two topical applications so that your nail is bandaged 24/7 until it heals. This is one of the most effective natural remedies for panaritium.

3. Remedy for Panaritium with Bread
Perhaps the simplest remedy for panaritium is bread. Take a walnut-size piece from the core of bread, and chew it well until it gets soaked in saliva. Add salt to it, mix it well on a small plate, and then apply it directly to the nail. Fix it into place and bandage the nail. Do this procedure twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
4. Cabbage Poultice for Panaritium
Wrap your infected finger with a well-washed and slightly crushed cabbage leaf (so that the juice comes out). Fix the leaf in place and leave it on for 12-24 hours. Then replace it with a fresh cabbage leaf. Repeat until the infection breaks down and the fingernail starts healing.
5. White Lily Flowers Extract for Panaritium
Another successful home remedy for panaritium uses white lily flowers (Lilium candidum). Put a few lily flowers in a small jar, those that have the most powerful scent, and pour enough homemade alcohol (70°) so that the flowers are all covered. After they soaked for some time, apply 1-2 lily petals on the infected nail (after you’ve washed the area well) and bandage it. In 2-3 days, you’ll see the inflammation is gone. White lily bulbs are also amazing for infected nails, and you can learn how to use them here.

6. Egg Whites Remedy
Combine 1 egg white with grated natural soap until you get a consistency like that of toothpaste. Anoint the infected nails with this paste and repeat if necessary. As simple as it looks, egg whites make one of the best natural remedies for panaritium.
Read Also: 2 Natural Treatments for Nail Infections

7. Lamp Oil Remedy for Panaritium
Pour lamp oil and plum-made alcohol into a small jar. Keep your finger in this solution a few times per day. If the infection is at your toe use a pipette to drop this liquid so that it reaches under your toenail. Let the finger dry well by itself and then add a few lamp oil drops a few times per day. In 2-3 days, the pus usually withdraws.
8. Salt Remedy for Panaritium
Make a concentrated solution with natural salt and water. Keep your infected finger/toes in this solution for 30 minutes in the morning. You can do the same with milk in which you’ve boiled garlic instead of salted water. This is 100% one of the most effective natural remedies for panaritium.

9. Flour & Honey Remedy
Make a pain dough with white flour and honey until you get a play-doh-like consistency. Shape a small flat dough and apply it to the infected nail. Make a new cataplasm every morning and evening, and bandage it in place. Continue until the redness goes away completely. Wash with natural soap before each application. This remedy is great if you use it from the very first signs on panaritium.
Read Also: 3 Natural Treatments for Ingrown Toenails
These natural remedies for panaritium have helped so many people deal with this dreadful nail infection, release the pain and eliminate the pus. We recommend them to you and we wish you fast and complete healing! Stay healthy, naturally!