If you are looking for simple and effective natural remedies for colon polyps, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Colon polyps are benign tumors in the form of tissue growths in the large intestine and can happen to people of all ages. In terms of symptoms, small colon polyps are usually completely asymptomatic, so screening after the age of 50 is necessary. But before we get to the natural remedies for colon polyps, here are the common colon polyps symptoms and causes. Larger colon polyps can sometimes trigger symptoms such as:
- bloody stools
- bowel movement changes (constipation, diarrhea)
- intestinal obstruction
- abdominal pain

In This Article You Will Find:
Colon Polyps Causes
The actual causes of colon polyps are not fully known. However, the risk factors include certain eating and lifestyle habits, including:
- a diet high in fat
- a diet low in fruits, vegetables, and fiber
- smoking
- alcohol
- sedentary lifestyle
- other medical conditions such as obesity
There are certain inflammatory bowel conditions, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease that can also increase the risk of developing colon polyps. The first thing to do is to consult a specialist. Here are a few natural remedies for colon polyps that you can try and improve your health condition.
5 Best Natural Remedies for Colon Polyps
1. Sitz Bath for Colon Polyps
This remedy has been used by an individual who had suffered from bleeding colon polyps and had no other option but surgery. Start with two sitz baths daily for the 3 weeks. First, you need to combine equal parts of the following herbs, except for the last two, that you use separately, but in equal quantities.
- horsetail
- yarrow
- burdock root
- sage
- calendula
- St John’s wort
- comfrey root
- oak bark
- nettle
- common mallow (Malva sylvestris)
- thyme
Put 4 teaspoons each of the common mallow and the thyme to macerate separately in 2 liters of cold water overnight. Next morning, slightly warm up the cold maceration and set it aside. Separately, put 8 handfuls of the rest of the herbs into a pot with 8 liters of boiling water. Steep for 15-20 minutes, covered. Strain and allow for the infusion to cool down. Then combine it with the cold maceration and your sitz bath water is ready.
How to Use
When the water reaches a comfortable temperature, bathe in a small basin for 15-20 minutes. In addition, have 2-3 cups of unsweetened yarrow, horsetail, and calendula tea (in equal parts). These herbs make some of the best natural remedies for colon polyps.

2. Propolis, a Natural Remedy for Colon Polyps
For this remedy, we recommend that you buy the best quality propolis tincture and use it as follows. On the first day, add 1 drop of propolis tincture to 1 tsp of tea and drink it. On the second day, add 2 drops of propolis tincture and then continue to add 1 drop per day for the following 25 days. On day 26, have the tea with 24 drops of propolis. Starting with day 27, decrease the dose with 1 drop every day until you come back to having 1 drop of propolis tincture in your tea.
Read Also: 5 Natural Treatments for Colitis
Pause the treatment for 1 week and resume it afterward. Propolis tincture has no side effects and is one of the most powerful natural remedies for colon polyps.
3. Nettle Remedy for Colon Polyps
Nettle (Urtica dioica) is one of the best detox herbs, which makes this one of the most powerful natural remedies for colon polyps. Have 2-2.5 liters of fresh nettle tea per day, harvested before blooming. Wash the nettle and then add it into the boiling water and make as much tea to last for 2-3 days. When you don’t have any more fresh nettle at your disposal, have 1 cup of plantain tea (you can find it in the wild). Continue the tea cure for 1 month. In addition, use nettle tea for anal douches and keep the tea inside as much as possible. Reduce or cut out meat from your diet.

4. Birthwort Enema for Colon Polyps
Steep 1 tsp of minced birthwort herb (Aristolochia clematitis L.) in 1 cup of hot water for 20 minutes. Strain and allow to cool down a bit. After the tea has cooled down, add 1 tsp of flaxseed and leave for 2 hours. Strain and use this tea to make anal douches. For this, we recommend that you use an anal douche to introduce around 30-50 ml of this tea into the colon. Hold it in for 10-15 minutes and then expel. Repeat the enemas daily for the following 3 weeks and then pause for another 3 weeks. Don’t drink birthwort tea as it is toxic! Birthwort is one of the most amazing natural remedies for colon polyps.

5. Herb Robert Remedy for Colon Polyps
Drink 4 cups (1 liter) of herb Robert tea (Geranium robertianum) or eat 4 tsp of herb Robert powder 4 times a day (the 1 tsp on an empty stomach). Continue for 3-6 months. This is a long-term, but one of the most highly effective natural remedies for colon polyps.
Read Also: 9 Natural Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
We hope that you’ve found one or more of these natural remedies for colon polyps helpful. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it so more people can use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!
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Hi and thanks for all the good ideas. Question: do you know where one could find birthwort herb for remedy #4? I’ve been searching far and wide but no luck yet.
Hello Chris! If you don’t find birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis L.) in your local natural pharmacy or health store, you can find it on Etsy. There are a few sellers there that have it, here is one with good ratings: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1496592662/birthwort-herb-aristolochia-clematitis. Much health to you and thank you for stopping by.