Home Conditions Complete Home Remedy for Ulcerative Colitis

Complete Home Remedy for Ulcerative Colitis

by Andreea Laza

This is a complete home remedy for ulcerative colitis that you can try and regain your health. The remedy is composed of three steps that you should follow alongside for the best results. Let’s get to the remedy.

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Home Remedy for Ulcerative Colitis

The home remedy for ulcerative colitis combines three elements, two herbal teas, and a compress that should be followed together for at least 10-14 days for maximum results. Here is what you can do to alleviate and possibly cure ulcerative colitis.

  1. Drink 500 ml of calendula tea a day in between meals followed by a plantain leaf tea for 10 days straight. To prepare these teas use 2 tsp of plants per 2 cups of boiling water. Calendula has mucosa healing properties in case of ulcerative colitis, while plantain leaf helps to restore the digestive mucosa. If you also experience pain and bloating add 1 tsp of fennel or caraway seeds to your calendula tea.
  2. Drink a simple common centaury tea first thing in the morning, made by steeping 1 tsp of plant per 300 ml of water. Common centaury helps the evacuation of the gallbladder juices. Continue drinking this tea for 2 weeks followed by a 10-day pause. Resume if needed.
  3. Apply a Swedish bitter compress to your abdominal area in the evening. Soak a cotton compress or napkin in a solution made of equal parts water and Swedish bitter, squeeze well, and apply it to your entire abdominal area.
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Common centaury flowers

Diet Recommendations for Ulcerative Colitis

As for your diet, there are a few things you need to take care of. Here is what you can and can’t eat so the remedy above will work for you.

  • Eat as many boiled foods as possible, veggie soups, unpeeled baked potatoes, fruit compotes with less sugar or sweetened with honey, cottage cheese, and whole bread slightly toasted. Raw fruit, and especially citrus fruits, may be too harsh and can cause headaches, bloating, and gas except for a few, such as ripe bananas, berries, and melons.
  • Lower your fat intake to a minimum, and have any fats only at dinner, never at breakfast or lunch, as this will help your liver lower its burden and build the necessary digestive juices to break down fats, thus reducing colitis symptoms. Do not eat fruit simultaneously with meals, especially if they contain fats. Fruits should always be eaten separately.
  • You may have beef, chicken, or fish three times per week, but focus on predominantly eating plant-based as this will help your colon change the putrefaction flora with fermented flora.
  • Avoid alcohol, coffee, fermented drinks, butter, chocolate, cocoa, preservatives, natural flavors, MSG, food colorants, and all types of deli meats. All high-fat foods such as cheese, eggs, butter, and animal products, should be completely avoided.

Read Also: 5 Natural Treatments for Colitis

The stomach mucous walls usually recover in 7 weeks after this treatment, but you must stick to these healthy eating habits. We really hope that the home remedy for ulcerative colitis here will help you. Stay healthy, naturally!

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Home Remedy for Ulcerative Colitis

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