If you are looking for a simple and effective home remedy for bacterial vaginosis, continue reading this article and find out how to follow this remedy at home. But first.
Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by an imbalance in the bacterial flora that is normally present in the vagina. When these bacteria are imbalanced it can lead to some troublesome symptoms. Bacterial vaginosis is the most common trigger for vaginal problems in fertile women.
The main cause of bacterial vaginosis is a bacterium called Gardnerella Vaginalis.
This bacterium normally inhabits the vaginal flora, but when it multiplies more than normal, it can lead to this unpleasant condition. Rapid bacterial overgrowth has more recently been linked to a viral load. Always look into the underlying issue in order to fix the cause. Before we get into the home remedy for bacterial vaginosis let’s look into the causes and symptoms.

In This Article You Will Find:
Bacterial Vaginosis Causes
- Sexual contact is one of the most common risk factors for this condition
- Women with multiple sexual partners are most likely to develop bacterial vaginosis
- Frequent use of vaginal irrigators or other intrauterine devices like tampons
- Synthetic underwear can also lead to bacterial overgrowth
- Early age at first intercourse
- Previous history of STDs
- UTIs (urinary tract infections)
- Yeast infection
- Oral-genital contact
Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms
The most important symptom of bacterial vaginosis is an excessive amount of foul-smelling discharge. The odor of the bacterial vaginosis secretion is best described as a persistent fish-like smell. It usually intensifies after sexual intercourse. This is a sure symptom of bacterial vaginosis. The color of the secretion is white-gray and it is very different from normal vaginal secretion. One in three women with bacterial vaginosis describes a yellow-ish vaginal discharge. However, nearly half of women with bacterial vaginosis have no apparent symptoms. Pruritus (itching) is not a common bacterial vaginosis symptom.
Common Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis
- abundant foul-smelling vaginal discharge
- white-grey-yellow-ish discharge
- bad smell right after sexual intercourse
- mild itching
- burning sensation
- redness
- swelling of the vulva
- pain during sexual contact
Now let’s get into the home remedy for bacterial vaginosis, and how to make it at home.
The Home Remedy for Bacterial Vaginosis

The allopath treatment for bacterial vaginosis is antibiotic treatment, but this home remedy for bacterial vaginosis is really effective and uses only herbs. If you’re looking for a less intrusive natural treatment, we really recommend doing this home remedy for bacterial vaginosis at home. The main ingredients for the home remedy for bacterial vaginosis are walnut shells and oak bark. Here is how to do it.
- Boil a handful of walnut shells and another one of oak bark in 3 L of water until the water turns brown in color.
- Strain the decoction, and add 2 handfuls of dried or fresh common comfrey leaves or a handful of dried root.
- Bring to a boil and after a couple of minutes turn the heat off.
- Add a handful of yarrow and another one of chamomile into the pot.
- Cover the pot with a lid and let it infuse for a few minutes and then strain it.
- When the decoction is lukewarm, pour it into your vaginal irrigator.
How to Use
Do the vaginal irrigations with this decoction in the evening time, before bed. Wrap a thick blanket or towel around your waist area immediately after the procedure. Use this tea for 15 minutes sitz baths as well, every 2-3 days.
This is an effective home remedy for bacterial vaginosis, but you have to follow the procedure for 2 weeks straight. Pause for 2 weeks and resume to make sure the bacterial infection is gone for good. Use organic plants from natural pharmacies or medicine shops. It’s important they were picked and kept in the best conditions for preserving their properties. For this procedure, get a new, unused irrigator. This is perhaps the most powerful home remedy for bacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial Vaginosis vs. Yeast Infection
The diagnosis for bacterial vaginosis can only be set after a pelvic and a microscope examination of a vaginal discharge sample. Other tests that can determine whether it’s bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection are PH and Pap tests. Normal pH values fall between 3.8 and 4.5. When bacterial vaginosis is present, the pH is greater than 4.5.
The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infection may be similar, but the main difference between the two is that yeast infection does not trigger abnormal vaginal discharge.
In bacterial vaginosis, the discharge is always smelly, with a fishy odor. This odor intensifies after intercourse or during menstruation. While itching or irritations (common in yeast infections) may or may not be present at all.
Bacterial Vaginosis and Pregnancy
Pregnant women who develop bacterial vaginosis need to be really careful since it can lead to pregnancy complications. The most common are miscarriages, premature (preterm) delivery, and developing a pelvic infection after giving birth. Uterine infection is a common cause of premature delivery and bacterial vaginosis can be the cause of this type of infection. It can also be a warning sign of another underlying problem. Experts continue to investigate whether bacterial vaginosis is caused directly or indirectly.

The presence of bacterial vaginosis can increase the risk of pelvic infections when undergoing intrusive pelvic procedures. We refer to C-sections, hysterectomies, clinic abortions, endometrial biopsies, etc. If someone suffers from bacterial vaginosis and they are exposed to a sexually transmitted disease (including HIV), this increases the risk of developing a new infection.
The Emotional Cause of Bacterial Vaginosis
Your womb is a temple, your vagina is the entry into the temple of the Mother goddess. Women, we are all goddesses, but we don’t treat ourselves as we deserve, all the time. When our sexual organs are out of balance, we lose our strength, our divine feminine power. It’s time to look inwards. What is that you put in, and what words do you use in the daily self-talks? Also, what do you literally put in your body regularly? Do you consider your vagina a divine temple or a saloon?

The feminine sexual organs are bearers of fruit, bearers of life.
Have fruit, lots of fresh fruits, orange and yellow in color. Fruits make us become fruitful. Dance and belly dance especially helps heal the wound. Move your womb and hips, practice meditation, and use crystals and herbs to balance your Sacral Chakra. Be the goddess that you are! In order to love others truthfully, we need to love ourselves first.
When we do, we act lovingly towards our most powerful organs. Enhance your feminine energy and step into your power shamelessly. Love yourself beautifully. Care for yourself with the kindest words and gentlest actions. We hope that the home remedy for bacterial vaginosis and this piece of advice will help you heal fully.
Read Also: 10 Best Home Remedies for Yeast Infection
The efficiency of the home remedy for bacterial vaginosis here is due to the amazing healing and disinfecting properties of these medicinal herbs put together. We hope this home remedy for bacterial vaginosis will work for you too. Stay healthy, naturally!