If you are looking for simple and effective home remedies for restless leg syndrome, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Restless Leg Syndrome or RLS is a very nagging condition that manifests as an accentuated leg discomfort, that usually intensifies in the evening time when the patient lays in the bed. Restless leg syndrome symptoms are mostly manifested around the calf area of the leg. However, they can be felt anywhere between the upper thing and lower calf. Before we get into the home remedies for restless leg syndrome, let’s see what triggers RLS.

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Symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
The symptoms of restless leg syndrome can range from a simple tingling sensation to straight-on pain in the legs. The immediate reaction of the patient is to move their legs, which is a monetary pain and discomfort relief, but as soon as the movement stops, the discomfort kicks back in. These symptoms are:
- Itching
- Pain
- Gnawing
- Burning
- Trembling
- Twitching
Most often, the only way to stop restless legs is to start moving, hence getting out of bed. This syndrome is more prevalent in the elderly population, pregnant women, diabetics, or people with lower back problems. Before we get into the home remedies for restless leg syndrome, let’s see what causes it.
Restless Leg Syndrome Causes
1. Dopamine Imbalance
The causes of restless leg syndrome are still unidentified for most patients. However, scientists suspect that they are triggered by an imbalance in dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter responsible for controlling muscle movements. Others believe that RLS relates to a mineral deficiency in the body, namely magnesium.
2. Viral Load
More recent findings relate restless leg syndrome with an undiagnosed viral or bacterial load in the body. Author Anthony Williams explains in his books that restless leg syndrome can be caused by the shingles virus, streptococcus in the intestines, liver inflammation due to viruses and body toxification, as well as heavy metals in the body.
3. Pre-existing Conditions
In most cases, RLS is not associated with an already existing severe illness. However, it often accompanies other conditions, such as peripheral neuropathy, iron deficiency, and kidney failure. This also explains the previous point that RLS is caused by viruses and bacteria that contribute to different chronic health issues.
4. Spine Issues
Other possible causes of restless leg syndrome are sciatica, frozen SI joint or other spinal issues, or an abundance of calcifications in the body.
5. Hormonal imbalances
Hormonal imbalances or modifications are oftentimes the cause of restless leg syndrome. This is why RLS is so prevalent in pregnant women.

What Triggers Restless Leg Syndrome?
Before we jump into the home remedies for restless leg syndrome, we need to understand what triggers these symptoms. The symptoms of restless leg syndrome can be heightened by diet habits, such as regular consumption of sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, as well as some prescription drugs. Studies have shown that RLS is more prevalent in smokers and can be accentuated by sinusitis and catarrh drugs, which can worsen the symptoms. It is important to consult with your doctor before trying any of the home remedies for restless leg syndrome, including supplements taking or homeopathic medicine presented here.
6 Natural Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome & Exercises
1. Powerful Herbal Remedy for Restless Leg Syndrome
In 1861, German neurologist Theodor Wittmaack was describing a very peculiar case. His patient felt an unstoppable urge to move their legs restlessly, especially before falling asleep. Almost a century later, in 1945, Swedish neurologist Axel Ekbom managed to distinguish two forms relating to the condition. The first was paraesthesia, in which the patient described an irritating tingling that forced him to move his legs, especially when lying down. The latter was the algetic form, in which pain was the predominant manifestation of the condition, impeding proper sleep.
Although they didn’t manage to find the exact cause of the latter called restless leg syndrome, they related it to stress, prolonged tension, and depression. There are no drugs that actually can cure RLS, but there are herbal home remedies for restless leg syndrome that has proven their efficiency.
How to Use the Remedy
The most effective natural medicine for restless leg syndrome uses a plant called Leonorus cardiac, or common motherwort. This herb is one of the best home remedies for restless leg syndrome out there.
- Prepare an infusion with 2 tsp of plant in 250 ml of boiling hot water.
- Drink this tea three times a day and the results will soon show.
Patients who have followed this simple remedy for RLS have said that the condition has soon stopped after a few days of drinking this wonderful tea, and it hasn’t returned ever since. This tea is one of the best home remedies for restless leg syndrome.

2. Calcium & Magnesium Supplements for RLS
Take 800 mg of calcium and 400 mg of magnesium daily and 800 mg of potassium. For starters, you can take a lower dosage of these 2 supplements but make sure to keep the same 2:1 ratio. 500 mg of calcium and 250 mg of magnesium is a great starting point. Lacking one of these minerals in the body can cause impatience and nervousness. You can also replace your drinking water with water that is high in magnesium. The optimum magnesium content in the water is around 100 mg/L. This is one of the best home remedies for restless leg syndrome out there.
3. Folic Acid Remedy for RLS
One of the most effective home remedies for restless leg syndrome is actually a vitamin. Increasing the intake of B9 Vitamin, also known as folic acid, helps the body renew the red blood cells, which leads to proper oxygenation of the entire body. This is important because restless leg syndrome has been associated with lower oxygen levels in the bloodstream. Amongst the best natural sources of folic acid, you have green veggies, legumes, whole cereals, and fresh orange juice. Most multivitamin supplements contain folic acid as well.
4. Iron Remedy for Restless Leg Syndrome
Have a diet rich in iron, because this mineral is a major component of myoglobin, a protein that helps stock oxygen in the muscles. In the case of iron deficiency, myoglobin cannot store enough oxygen in the muscles, which can lead to restless legs symptoms. The best animal sources of iron are liver, blood sausage, meat, and fish. But iron is also found in plants, such as dried legumes and fruits, dark leafy greens, and iron-rich fruits like berries, coconut, or apricots. Irons is one of the best home remedies for restless leg syndrome that you can take as a supplement or from your diet.

5. Quinine Remedy for Restless Leg Syndrome
For some patients, quinine-based drinks have had a positive effect on ameliorating the symptoms related to restless legs. Lemonades and bitter-tasting drinks and tonic waters are great sources of quinine. In addition, quinine is a pathogens destroyer, which explains why it is one of the best home remedies for restless leg syndrome.
Homeopathic Remedies for RLS
In addition to the home remedies for restless leg syndrome above, homeopathic medicine recommends Causticum 4CH or Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy) 4CH granules. You can take 3 granules of either one 3 times a day for a 15 days treatment. Another homeopathic remedy for RLS is Tarentula hispanica 4CH (spider venom) that you can take in the same dosage for calming the unrest and excitation of the nervous system. These are some of the best homeopathic home remedies for restless leg syndrome.

Massage and Stretching for RLS
In case you feel this urge to move, try to massage your legs or stretch them as much as you can. You can also try lifting your toes a few times. These voluntary movements send signals to the brain that can „short-circuit” the unpleasant leg tingling. However, stop the stretching exercises in case of leg cramps, which means the body is deficient in magnesium, in which case the exercises won’t help.
Sit at the side of the bed and vigorously massage the calves of your legs, so that the muscles are stimulated. If these procedures come short, get up and walk for a few moments. Take large steps and bend your keens so that the muscles are well stretched while you walk. This simple massage is one of the most effective home remedies for restless leg syndrome and is so easy to make.
Bedtime Tips for Restless Leg Syndrome
Take a long relaxing bath right before going to bed. Cooling off your feet could also help in case you’re suffering from RLS. For this, make cold compresses to wrap your feet around and go to bed. Alternate the 2 procedures, by keeping your feet in warm water for 2 minutes and then in cold compresses for 1 minute. Repeat several times before going to bed. In the evening time, it is also important to avoid alcohol or caffeinated drinks, because they are known to stimulate the muscles and the nerves in the legs. These simple tips will help you alongside the home remedies for restless leg syndrome above.
Relaxation Exercise for RLS
Lay down in the bed and perform the so-called progressive muscular relaxation. Start by taking deep breaths for a few minutes and then contract and relax the muscles in your feet. Hold the muscles contracted for a few seconds and then relax your feet again. Then continue upwards with the muscles in your calves, things, abdomen, neck, and facial muscles.
Read Also: 5 Natural Remedies for Shingles & A Holistic Approach
We hope the home remedies for restless leg syndrome and natural tips here will help you regain your health completely. Stay healthy, naturally!