Home Herbs Pine Resin Salve Recipe and Uses

Pine Resin Salve Recipe and Uses

by Andreea Laza

Discover the amazing pine resin salve recipe and how to use pine resin salve for various ailments at home.

This pine resin salve recipe is an old natural recipe from The Carpathian Mountains of Roumania, that healers prepared with natural ingredients they had at hand. Namely, beeswax and butter, which they had as their main occupations were beekeeping and herding sheep and goats. To prepare this natural salve, you need fresh pine salve and a couple of other natural ingredients. Without further ado, here is the original pine resin salve and its uses.

Pine Resin Salve Recipe- MyNaturalTreatment.com

Pine Resin Salve Recipe


  • 2-3 spoons of pure pine resin (not rosin)
  • 200 g of clarified butter (ghee)
  • a piece of beeswax, the size of a hazelnut

How to Make

Harvesting pine resin is similar to harvesting fir resin, and you can find out how to do this here. Melt the ghee butter, add the beeswax and mix well. When the mixture of clarified butter and wax is homogeneous, add the pine resin to melt in. After mixing the ingredients well, pour the pine resin salve into a glass jar to cool down. After cooling, close the lid and keep the salve in the fridge.

In Transylvania and Bukovina, Romanian healer women also added a little pure frankincense into the salve (about 2-3 grains), which gave the pine salve a special aroma and special healing properties.

Pine Resin Salve Uses

  1. Muscle Pain – the most important pine resin salve uses are for muscle or rheumatic pains. For this, apply it twice a day to the affected areas.
  2. Hemorrhoids – it is also effective in treating hemorrhoids. In this instance apply the salve topically, or prepare a more solid salve (add more wax) to make suppositories from it and use as normal suppositories.
  3. Asthenia, convalescence, muscle pain – after bathing in pine branches, lightly rub in the pine resin salve on the soles, the knees (in the hollow located two and a half fingers below the kneecap), on the shoulders. To prepare the bath, boil a cup of fresh pine branches with the needles in 5 liters of water for 5 minutes. Steep for a few minutes, then strain through a clean piece of cheesecloth and pour into the warm bathwater. Bathe for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rheumatic pain – after taking a hot bath with pine branches, anoint the affected areas with pine resin salve. When it is cold outside or when the weather is humid, apply the pine resin salve on the painful joints twice a day.
  5. Psoriasis – anoint the affected areas, alternatively, with pine resin salve and with pine bark paste. To prepare the paste, put a handful of finely chopped pine bark in a liter of water and boil on low heat for 3-4 hours adding water from time to time, until a uniform, slightly sticky paste remains on the bottom of the pot. Apply this paste to the affected areas. The pine bark paste is also good for skin parasites and scabies.

More Recipes with Pine

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Pine Needle Syrup

Pine Needle Salve
Pine Pollen
Pine Buds

If you’ve enjoyed learning how to make pine resin salve at home and what to use it for, please share this article so more people can use this information. Let us know in the comments below if you have ever used pine products and what for. Stay healthy, naturally!

Pine Resin Salve Recipe and How to Use - MyNaturalTreatment.com - MyNaturalTreatment.com


Kathy May 23, 2023 - 04:51

I’ve been looking for a recipe for Pine Resin Salve. Thank you. Is it possible to substitute coconut oil for the ghee?

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza May 23, 2023 - 19:21

Hello, glad to have you here! Yes, you can substitute coconut oil for ghee or pork lard even. Let us know if you have any other questions. Much health to you!


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