If you are looking for simple and effective natural treatments for rheumatic pain, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Rheumatic pain can come all of a sudden when you least expect it. The good news is that there’s always a medicinal plant in nature’s pharmacy that can help one fight against most medical problems. We have gathered here some of the best natural treatments for rheumatic pain from Central and Eastern Europe that have worked for so many people. Let’s get into the remedies.
In This Article You Will Find:
5 Natural Treatments for Rheumatic Pain
1. Garlic Treatment for Rheumatic Pain
In addition to being one of the most powerful natural antibiotics, garlic is also one of the most powerful and best natural treatments for rheumatic pain. Here is how you can use it in this instance.
- In a glass jar put 100 ml of extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil and one grated garlic clove.
- Seal and keep the glass in the pantry for the next 5 days.
- Strain the garlic-infused oil and pour it into an amber glass bottle.
Use the infused oil to rub the sore areas on, the back, the neck, or wherever you feel pain in your body. Insist on the spots where it hurts the most. Continue this natural treatment for rheumatic pains until the pains have reduced significantly or have stopped completely. Some have said their pains subsided within a week of following this topical treatment. Garlic oil is one of the best natural treatments for rheumatic pain.
2. Hot Pepper Tincture Remedy for Rheumatic Pain
Hot pepper tincture or extract is a simple yet effective home remedy that you can prepare at home following the directions below.
- Put 18 finely chopped red-hot peppers into a wide-mouth bottle and pour 100 ml of 40 degrees pure alcohol over them.
- Seal the bottle and leave it to macerate for 10 days near a source of heat (direct sunlight, or somewhere close to the stove).
- Strain the extract and pour it into small amber glass bottles.
Pour a bit of this tincture on a cotton pad and anoint the sore areas with it right before bedtime. If you experience skin irritation after using the hot pepper extract, anoint your skin with a calendula ointment before applying the red pepper tincture. This is one of the best natural treatments for rheumatic pain.
Read Also: 9 Natural Treatment for Rheumatism
3. Black Bryony, a Natural Treatment for Rheumatic Pains
The following is a traditional recipe for a natural salve made from black bryony root (Dioscorea communis) that is used in parts of Eastern Europe for rheumatic pain. This remedy has worked wonders for those who suffer from sciatica pain as well as rheumatic pain. Here is how to make it at home.
- Dig a few black bryony roots out of the ground and wash them thoroughly and then let them dry for a few moments.
- Chop the roots and pass them through the juicer so all the juices come out.
- Combine the juice with an equal amount of lanolin.
- Keep the salve in a glass cream container.
Use the natural salve several times a day by rubbing the painful joints with it. What it does is warm up the joints and increase their elasticity, but also stimulates the local blood flow to alleviate the joint pain. Usually, after two weeks of using this salve, you’ll feel the pain diminishing considerably. This topical remedy has no contraindications and is one of the most effective natural treatments for rheumatic pain.
4. Pine Cones Remedy for Rheumatic Pain
What you need to do is gather two large pine cones from an unpolluted area. This is really important! Then follow the recipe below to make one of the most powerful natural salves for rheumatic pain.
- Wash the pine cones thoroughly and leave them to dry naturally, then finely chop them.
- Melt 50 grams of pork fat into a pan and add the finely chopped cone pines into the pan.
- Simmer the pine cones in the hot pork fat for 1-2 hours on very low heat.
- Strain the salve, pour it into a jar, and let it cool down.
- Seal the jar and the ointment is ready to use.
Apply the salve to the painful areas and rub it in gently. Repeat the process daily, or whenever you feel pain. This is one of the best natural treatments for rheumatic pain.
5. Walnuts, the Home Remedy for Rheumatic Pain
Another great rheumatic painkiller that has proven its efficacy is walnut. The leaves and roots of the walnut tree make some of the best natural treatments for rheumatic pain. Here is how you can prepare these remedies and use them at home. Let’s start with the walnut leaves remedy first.
- Pick a few walnut leaves, tear them gently, and then sprinkle some natural fruits alcohol (35-40°) over them.
- Apply a thick layer of leaves over an approx 10*10 cm surface, where you feel the pain.
- Wrap a cling foil as tightly as possible, to keep the leaves in place.
- Secure the plastic wrap in place using an elastic bandage.
Do this procedure at night before bedtime and keep the poultice overnight. This poultice may stain your skin a bit, but it’s not permanent. After 3-4 applications you’ll feel the rheumatic pains have subsided.
Walnut Root Remedy for Rheumatic Pain
Here is the second topical remedy with walnut, this time with walnut root instead of leaves. Although this one needs more preparation, it is very effective for rheumatic pains. Here is how to make it at home.
- Dig a hole at the root of a walnut tree and cut a section from a smaller root ramification (5-10 mm in diameter is perfect).
- Wash off the dirt and put the root piece at the bottom of a 750 ml jar filled with either cold-pressed sunflower oil or olive oil.
- Seal the bottle with a cork and beeswax and bury the bottle underground, so that the sunlight can’t reach it.
Do this procedure in the autumn, before the falling leaves season. Get the bottle out of the ground somewhere in January, when the ground is still frozen. Use the miraculous infused oil to anoint the painful areas regularly and the results will soon show. In addition to the natural treatments for rheumatic pain above, here are other simple things that you can do to reduce rheumatic pain.
- exercise regularly
- eat more fresh fruit and veggies
- reduce stress
- have plenty of rest
Read Also: 5 Simple Natural Remedies for Rheumatic Fever You Should Try
The natural treatments for rheumatic pain here come from a large collection of remedies from Eastern Europe. What we do here is try to bring them to your attention and help you heal, as we believe that the best medicine used medicinal herbs. Hopefully, you have found here some amazing natural treatments for rheumatic pain that will work for you as well as they have worked for others before you. Stay healthy, naturally!