If you are looking for simple and effective natural treatments for rheumatism, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Rheumatism can be a very painful and annoying condition that usually affects the elderly, but not only. The reason is that rheumatism is the umbrella for all the symptoms caused by the aging of the joints. The role of the articular cartilage is to distribute the pressure inside the joint evenly so that the joint movement is smooth and painless. When these tissues become damaged, we can experience pain in the joints.
The cause of rheumatism is usually high body toxicity creating the perfect environment for pathogens to target and affect the joints and cartilages. This is why, it is usually associated with old age, as the older we get, the more toxic the body becomes if we eat poorly and do not detox the body.
No matter the severity of your condition we have here 9 natural treatments for rheumatism that can definitely help ameliorate your condition. Let’s get to them.

In This Article You Will Find:
9 Natural Treatments for Rheumatism
1. Meadowsweet, the Herb that Fights Rheumatism
Meadowsweet is one of the best natural treatments for rheumatism, and here’s why. It is a wonderful natural anti-inflammatory herb, making it a great substitute for synthesis pills and drugs such as aspirin. Meadowsweet has been used for centuries to treat rheumatism because it contains some substances called quercetin glycosides and phenolic glycosides that turn into salicylates in the body. These are exceptional anti-inflammatory substances that reduce the articulation inflammation caused by rheumatism.
Besides the anti-inflammatory substances, this medicinal plant also contains tannins, active substances that balance the gastric juices, and protect the stomach lining, and therefore can be used even in cases of gastritis or gastric ulcer. These tannins also reduce gastric acidity and thereby favor the anti-inflammatory properties of the salicylates. In order to benefit from most of the meadowsweet’s natural healing powers, follow this simple tea recipe below.
- Boil 1 liter of water and add 40 grams of dried meadowsweet flowers into the pot.
- Turn off the fire and cover the pot with a lid for about 10 minutes.
- Strain the infusion and drink 3 warm cups a day.
Continue drinking the tea until you notice an improvement in your joints and feel better overall. This is, indeed, one of the most effective natural treatments for rheumatism that you can try at home.

2. Weeping Willow Natural Treatments for Rheumatism
Did you know that willow bark is the “ancestor” of aspirin? Exactly. Aspirin was first made from weeping willow bark (Salix babylonica), which is why the following remedy is one of the best natural treatments for rheumatism. White willow (Salix alba) is also good to use.
Gather two handfuls of young willow branches. The next morning, put the willow branches into a plastic basin filled with 10 liters of water. In the evening, remove the branches and put them in another pot, and scald them in 10 l of hot water this time. Leave them to infuse for 5 minutes. Pour the cold maceration in which you’ve soaked the willow, into your bathtub. Pour the hot infusion into the bathtub as well. The water temperature needs to be warm. Get into the bathtub and make sure all your sore joints are covered in this miraculous water. When you get out of the bath, apply the scalded willow branches to the painful areas.

There is another way in which you can use willow as a natural remedy for rheumatism. Boil 6 young branches of weeping willow and then pour the hot water into your bathtub. Put another 6 small branches of willow (unboiled) into your bathtub and a small gauze pouch filled with wheat bran. Bathe for 35-40 minutes. Don’t use soap or other cosmetic products and when you’re done, get a bathrobe on your wet skin and get in bed. Cover yourself with a blanket and stay like this for 40 minutes.
If the rheumatic pains have not gone away after the first week of bathing daily, resume only the baths with the wheat bran sachet after 3-4 weeks from your first bath. In addition to these two natural treatments for rheumatism, we also recommend using a natural willow salve to anoint the hurting joints.
3. Thuja Tincture Remedy for Rheumatism
Thuja tincture has proven to be very beneficial against rheumatism, especially for those experiencing excruciating lower back pain. You can find thuja tincture online, but you can also make it at home. Here is how you can make your own thuja tincture.
- Grind a handful of dried thuja berries in a mortar.
- Put them in a dark glass jar to macerate in vodka, or 60° moonshine for the next three days.
- Seal the jar and keep it in a dark place.
- Strain and pour the thuja tincture into small amber glass bottles.
Use the tincture to pad (not friction) the painful areas and leave it to dry on its own. When you’ve finished the thuja tincture, make another one using the same used thuja berries, and repeat the recipe until the tincture will no longer have the black color anymore. That’s when you know the thuja berries can not be used again. If you make the tincture in wintertime, keep the bottle in a warm area, rather than in a cold place. This is one of the best natural treatments for rheumatism.
4. Birch Sap & Salve Natural Treatments for Rheumatism
Birch sap revives your powers and is one of the most amazing natural treatments for rheumatism. A long time ago, people in Eastern Europe used to drink the oak sap as well, but in smaller quantities, 1 tbsp a day at most. You can make a cure with birch sap in the early Spring season before the birch leaves open. This is how you can harvest your own birch sap from trees. To learn how to harvest and use birch sap for rheumatism, we recommend that you read this article. You can also use birch for another simple and effective remedy for rheumatism: birch salve. Here is how to make it at home.
Birch Salve Recipe
For this salve, you need 1 part birch buds to 2 parts fresh unsalted butter. Layer the birch buds and the butter alternatively on the bottom of a clay pot and then close the pot tight. Put the pot somewhere warm for the next 24 hours. Finely chop the entire content in the clay pot using a food processor. Add a little bit of camphor oil or powder to the cream combine. Pour the salve into a large cream container and keep it in the fridge.
In the evening, anoint the sore areas with this balm. You’ll sense relief over the following few days of use. These are some of the best natural treatments for rheumatism that you can try at home, with no side effects.

5. Peppermint Bath Remedy for Rheumatism
Peppermint oil and tea are natural pain relievers, which is why this here is one of the best natural treatments for rheumatism. Prepare a warm bath and separately make an infusion with three hands of dried mint leaves into 3 liters of boiling water. After 20 minutes of infusing, strain the tea and pour it into the bathwater. Enjoy a nice and relaxing bath for at least 15 minutes. After the bath, you will sense the pain in your joints, bones, and muscles has diminished. Usually, after about a week of bathing daily, you won’t feel rheumatic pains again. Definitely one of the best natural treatments for rheumatism.

6. Horseradish Home Remedy for Rheumatism
The horseradish poultice is one of the best analgesics for rheumatic pains. Combine one handful of grated horseradish with whole flour and a bit of water, until you get this thick paste. Put the paste in a gauze bag and apply it to the sore areas. Allow this horseradish poultice to action until you experience a warming sensation, then take it off. Repeat the process as many times as needed, until the pain goes away for good. As simple as it sounds, horseradish poultice is one of the best natural treatments for rheumatism.

7. Mustard Powder Poultice for Rheumatism
This natural treatment for rheumatism is great for knee osteoarthritis in particular, so if you suffer from this form of rheumatism we kindly recommend mustard flour poultice. Combine 200 g of mustard seeds powder with warm water until you obtain a paste. Fill up a gauze or cloth bag with the paste and place the bag over the sore area and then cover with a blanket. Keep the mustard powder poultice on until you feel this burning sensation and then you can remove it. Repeat the process 6 hours later or the next day.
Read Also: 5 Natural Treatments for Rheumatic Pain
8. Acacia Flowers Treatment for Rheumatism
Fill up completely a glass bottle with black locust flowers, also known as acacia flowers. Fill the remaining of the jar with petroleum (lamp oil). Seal the bottle and bury it in the ground for 1 month. After 1 month you can use this infused oil on the sore areas. This is one of the most powerful natural treatments for rheumatism from Eastern Europe, where it’s still used.
9. Simple Remedy for Rheumatism with Apples
If you suffer from more chronic rheumatism there is another natural treatment that can help you out: apple compote. Cut 3-4 unpeeled organic apples and simmer them in 300 ml of water for 10 minutes. Have this apple compote every day, until the rheumatic pains seize. This is one of the most amazing natural treatments for rheumatism. Apples are a highly alkaline and healing fruit that contain both malic and tartaric acids, which help remove gunk from the liver and gallbladder.
Read Also: 10 Natural Alternatives to Diclofenac and How to Use
We hope that you’ve found here some effective natural treatments for rheumatism, from the ancient world of the Danube civilization. Take really good care of yourself and trust the mighty power of nature. Stay healthy, naturally!