Home Conditions 10 Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids

10 Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for simple and effective natural treatments for hemorrhoids, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins around the anus and lower rectum become inflamed and swollen. Yes, hemorrhoids are similar to varicose veins in the legs, but they affect the rectal blood vessels. Hemorrhoids affect about 80% of the world’s population and are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. The good news is that there are natural treatments for hemorrhoids from plants and herbs from nature’s pharmacy. If you need to learn more, follow the steps of these amazing natural treatments for hemorrhoids, and enjoy a healthy life without the pain and suffering hemorrhoids cause.

Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids

10 Best Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids

1. Honey & Aloe Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids

One of the best natural treatments for hemorrhoids is this one here. For it, you need a piece of beeswax the size of a hazelnut, one tablespoon of raw honey, one tablespoon of natural sunflower oil, and one teaspoon of natural Aloe Vera leaf gel from an Aloe plant (the Aloe Vera plant must have a minimum of three years).

  • Combine the ingredients in a small stainless steel saucepan and bring them to a simmer. 
  • Continue simmering while mixing continuously with a wooden spoon so that it doesn’t stick to the pot.
  • When it has homogenized, pour the composition into a sterile small glass container.

Use the obtained salve to grease the affected area every night before bed. Before each use, thoroughly clean the area with a lot of care. Usually, the hemorrhoids heal after a few applications of this natural salve. This is one of the most powerful natural treatments for hemorrhoids we know of.

2. Cantaloupe Seeds Remedy for Hemorrhoids

Boil a teaspoon of dried cantaloupe seeds in 250 ml of freshwater on low heat for about 15 minutes. Let it cool down and stay covered for a few minutes. Drink two cups of this amazing decoction, one in the morning and the other one at night before bedtime. Alongside, use the natural honey and aloe salve above. Diet-wise, have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, beans, and legumes to support healing from the inside out.

3. Green Walnut Folk Treatment for Hemorrhoids

This is an old folk remedy from Eastern Europe, really simple and totally inexpensive. Pick a green walnut from the tree, section it in half, and remove the core from one half. Grate some horseradish and fill the green walnut husk with it. Apply the horseradish-filled walnut shell face down on your right arm, directly on the skin. Tie it around your hand with a dark-colored scarf and keep it overnight.

When you remove it, you’ll see a blister has formed on your hand. Leave the blister to break out on its own. It will leave a mark on your hand resembling a vaccine shot and you may experience some itching for the following year. When the blister is gone, the hemorrhoids will be gone also. This is one of the less-known natural treatments for hemorrhoids.

Natural Tonic Treatment for Stomach Conditions - Green Walnuts
Green walnuts with green husk

4. Horse Chestnut Salve for Hemorrhoids

The horse chestnut salve is one of the most powerful natural treatments for hemorrhoids. For this, you’ll need 4 dried horse chestnuts and 150 g of pork lard. Remove the peels from the horse chestnuts and mash them until you obtain a flour-like consistency. Combine this chestnut flour with the lard in an enameled pot over the fire. Simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes, until it gets this cream-brownish coloration. After it cools down, pour the salve into a cream container and store it in the fridge.

Gently wash your anal area with chamomile or yarrow teas, pad dry with cotton towels, and then apply the salve to the affected area. Get an old pair of panties on because of the salve stains. Repeat the process every night for 7 consecutive days and you will see significant improvements. Continue using this salve until complete healing.

10 Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids - Chestnuts
Horse chestnuts

5. Oak Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids & Goiter

The healing powers of the oak bark (Cortex quercus) need not pass unnoticed since they have been emphasized by so many naturopaths and still are used today. You can also read more about the healing properties of the oak tree here. One of the forefathers of naturopathy, Sebastian Kneipp throughout his research, found that oak bark is a great natural treatment for goiter and hemorrhoids, as well as for diarrhea and many other illnesses. Here is how to use oak bark as a treatment for hemorrhoids.

Thoroughly wash the anal area with an oak bark decoction, and even introduce some of the liquid in the anus, using a small douche. Oak bark tea alleviates the painful swellings, and is also a great remedy for weakened blood vessels, strengthening as a resin in the blood vessels. This is one of the most powerful natural treatments for hemorrhoids.

6. Eggplant Stems Remedy for Hemorrhoids

For this remedy, you can use either fresh or dried eggplant stems. Wash well 5-6 large eggplant stems and dry them in paper bags. Add the stems into a pot of water and pour 2 liters of water over them. Boil for 30 minutes on medium heat. Strain the decoction and pour it into a metal washing basin. Use it for 10-15 minutes sitz baths in the evening. Make sure the water is as hot as you can possibly bear, but don’t burn yourself.

Repeat the sitz baths every night but make a new decoction using another batch of eggplant stems. Usually, after 10 consecutive sitz baths, the results are visible. In some cases, the results are visible after the first 3-4 baths. This is one of the simplest yet most effective natural treatments for hemorrhoids.

10 Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids - Eggplants

7. Cabbage Leaves Remedy for Hemorrhoids

Slightly crush a cabbage leaf so that its juices come out. Then apply it to the affected areas. If you suffer from internal hemorrhoids, you can make cabbage leaves suppositories prepared as the compress. The leaves must be fresh and have no ribs (remove them with scissors). You can apply 2-3 leaves one on top of the other. At first, there may be a suppuration. Clean the blood and puss with boiled water and then apply the leaves once again. As simple as it sounds, this is one of the most powerful natural treatments for hemorrhoids.

8. Propolis Suppositories for Hemorrhoids

Procure some high-quality raw propolis and use it to make small anal suppositories. If the raw propolis is too sticky to be able to work with it, water it with some chamomile tea. Use the propolis suppositories in the evening after you’ve rigorously washed the affected areas with water and natural soap. After a week of use, some have said they have completely healed. You can also make a potato suppository instead. Cut a potato into small pieces like suppositories and introduce them into the anus. Keep them inside all day long. Raw propolis is one of the best natural treatments for hemorrhoids.

9. Banana Remedy for Hemorrhoids

Thoroughly wash and cut a green unpeeled banana into 2 cm slices. Place the banana pieces in a glass bowl or a sieve over a pot of boiling water. Continue cooking the banana slices on a double boiler until their peels soften and can be eaten. Eat all the banana pieces. Do this daily until the hemorrhoids are completely gone. This is one of the simplest natural treatments for hemorrhoids.

Read Also: 8 Best Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

home remedy for thrombosed internal hemorrhoids

10. Quince & Carrots Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids

Last but not least, quince seeds together with carrots make some of the best natural treatments for hemorrhoids. Here is how to use them. Grind some quince seeds, pour water over them, and leave to soak overnight. Stir every once in a while. Use a sterile cheesecloth or muslin to soak it in this water and apply it to the affected areas multiple times a day.

Eat raw grated carrots in large quantities with each meal. Raw carrots can heal even the most stubborn hemorrhoids. Alongside, drink a cup of patience dock (Rumex patientia) decoction (1 tbsp of dried plant boiled for 10-15 minutes in a cup of water) every day. This complete natural treatment for hemorrhoids is very powerful.

Read Also: A Home Remedy for Thrombosed Internal Hemorrhoids

We hope that these natural treatments for hemorrhoids here will help you as they’ve helped many others before you. Let us know how you’ve healed from hemorrhoids in the comments below. Share this article so more people can use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!

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Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids

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