Home Cures Natural Treatment for Clogged Nose

Natural Treatment for Clogged Nose

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for a simple and effective natural treatment for clogged nose, continue reading this article and find out how to follow this remedy at home. But first.

A clogged nose can be a bummer, especially if it prevents you from sleeping at night. The good news is that we have a good natural treatment for clogged nose that you can use, based on natural and simple ingredients. This natural remedy is highly recommended for those who suffer from sinusitis, cold, or allergy as well, so keep an open mind regarding it. A clogged nose is a very common cold or flu symptom, so you may want to check our article on natural remedies for cold and flu. Or see how you can get rid of cold fast with natural remedies. Now let’s get to the natural treatment for clogged nose.

Natural Treatment for Clogged Nose

Eucalyptus Oil Natural Treatment for Clogged Nose

This remedy for clogged nose here uses essential eucalyptus oil, which acts as a powerful natural disinfectant and decongestant. Eucalyptus oil also has emollient properties, meaning that it helps eliminate bacteria and viruses that caused the initial inflammation. Unlike the allopath nose drops you find in the drug stores, eucalyptus oil does not dry the nostrils or have any other side effects. Even more importantly, it doesn’t cause addiction. Here is how to use it.

  • Put ¼ of a teaspoon of coarse salt and 5 drops of essential eucalyptus oil in a small bottle with a cap.
  • Close the bottle and shake well to combine the ingredients, to activate their healing properties.
  • Open the bottle and inhale on one nostril first. Then inhale on the other one to unclog them one at a time.
Natural Treatment for Clogged Nose - Eucalyptus Oil

ImportantThis natural treatment is NOT recommended to pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Read Also: 4 Home Remedies for Nasal Congestion

We kindly recommend to you this natural treatment for clogged nose, but there are a few other simple things that you can do to help.

  • Smoking causes irritations to the nasal mucosa and to the sinuses. We do not recommend smoking (not even vape) when you have a clogged nose.
  • Use an electric humidifier to make sure the air in your room has enough moisture to prevent respiratory infections, including sinusitis. Dry air is especially troublesome during wintertime.

Follow this super simple natural treatment for clogged nose and let us know how it went for you. Remember, these simple natural things that we can do instead of using medical drugs can work faster and with no side effects. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it so more people can use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!

Natural Treatment for Clogged Nose

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