If you’ve just spotted a wart on your hand and wish to get rid of it for good, then you can try one of these natural remedies for warts on hands.
Warts are 100% unaesthetic and uncomfortable and come out of nowhere, this is why most people haste to remove them. However, allopathic treatments don’t always work, at least not as good as these natural remedies for warts on hands, that our grandmothers used successfully. Here they are.

In This Article You Will Find:
6 Natural Remedies for Warts on Hands
1. Celandine Tincture Remedy for Warts on Hands
Every evening, after a thorough wash, pad the warts on your hands with celandine tincture. Then apply overnight a cotton pad soaked in this tincture. In 3 weeks at most, you’ll see the warts on your hands are gone. Moreover, by applying celandine juice on the warts, they will disappear. Break the ends of a celandine stem and use the yellow-orange juice coming out to pad the warts with. After several days the warts are usually gone. Celandine is one of the best natural remedies for warts on hands.

2. Duck Gizzard Remedy for Warts on Hands
Believe it or not, duck gizzard is a wonderful remedy against warts. Here is how to use it. Clean the inside of a duck gizzard without washing it. Massage the warts with the inside part of the gizzard (after cleaning it). The warts will be gone in one day, with no exceptions. Follow this procedure only once because it doesn’t need repetition. This is an old folk remedy for warts.
3. Snail Slime Remedy for Warts on Hands
Another simple yet one of the best natural remedies for warts on hands, is the one that uses snail slime. Yes, you’ve got that right. Here is how you can use this old remedy at home. Wash your warts with natural soap and pad gently them dry, but don’t rub them dry. Find a garden snail and grab it by the shell, so that it doesn’t scare off and hide inside. Place the snail on your hands so that its slime touch the warts. Don’t wipe the slime off. Repeat the procedure at night and in the morning until the warts are gone.
Protect the snails and don’t abuse them in any ways. After you’ve placed them on your warts, put them back where they belong, or keep them in a carton box and feed them cabbage leaves and lettuce, then release them into the wild. Don’t throw them away or kill them, as they are amazing beings, your potential healers, and part of nature’s wonders. So please leave them be.

4. Remedy for Warts on Hands with Propolis
Anoint the hand warts with propolis tincture twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. In a few days, they will disappear. This is one of the simplest and most effective natural remedies for warts on hands.
Read Also: 7 Natural Remedies for Warts on Feet
5. Natural Remedy for Warts on Hands with Peach
Pick a well-ripe peach and peel it off. Apply the peach directly onto the warts on your hands. Keep it there for 24 h using a gauze bandage. Repeat the procedure 3 days in a row (avoid getting the warts wet during this procedure). After 3 days use a natural soap to wash the area thoroughly and rub the soft warts with a pumice. The hand warts will disappear and your hands will look amazing once again. As simple as it sounds, this is one of the most effective natural remedies for warts on hands.

6. Onion & Potato Remedies for Hand Warts
Did you know that onions and potatoes help heal warts on your hands? Yes, they make two simple natural remedies for warts on hands. Well, this is how to use them for warts. Peel off an onion and cut it into 4 pieces. Detach all its sheets and soak them in natural vinegar for 24 h. Take a slice of onion and put it over the wart and secure it with a bandage. Use the onion 8 h per day at most because it can burn healthy skin as well, and keep the poultice on overnight. Warts will melt away leaving the skin healthy and marks-free.

The second natural remedy for warts on hands makes use of another well-known vegetable: potato. Wash one potato and peel it. Rub the warts 3-4 times a day using the inside part of the potato peel. As simple as it sounds, this is an effective remedy for warts.
Read Also: 6 Best Home Remedies for HPV
These are the most effective natural remedies for warts on hands. Find one that is most simple to follow and accessible for you and get rid of warts naturally, without expensive products or procedures that don’t always work. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it so more people can use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!