Home Herbs How to Use Celandine for Warts – 5 Ways

How to Use Celandine for Warts – 5 Ways

by Andreea Laza

Want to know how to use celandine for warts? Continue reading this article and find out a couple of ways to use celandine for warts, from harvest to use.

Celandine (Chelidonium majus) is one of the beautiful yellow flowering plants of mid-Spring, with amazing healing virtues, especially for the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, and most importantly, for skin problems, especially warts, including skin cancer. It is, undoubtedly, one of the most powerful healing plants there is. Here we’re going to show you a number of ways to use celandine for what it knows best: warts. Now let’s see how to use celandine for warts.

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Celandine (Chelidonium majus)

How to Harvest Celandine for Warts

Carefully pick the aerial parts of the plant (the stem, the leaves, and the flowers) so as not to uproot the plant, which will further make new stems. Harvesting is done in nice, sunny weather, on days without rain (rain favors the browning of the plant, which leads to the degradation of the active principles), from mid-May to mid-July. Thoroughly wash the plant and spread it on a towel for drying for 1 hour. When fresh, celandine leave make an orange milk sap (latex), which contains the healing principles of the plant.

IMPORTANT! Celandine is harvested when it has buds or flowers, not seeds!

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The yellow 4-petals celandine flowers just started blooming – the perfect time for harvest

How to Use Celandine for Warts – 5 Ways

1. Fresh Celandine Milk Sap Applied on Warts

In the morning and evening, apply celandine milk sap (that comes out from the freshly picked stem) on warts, several times in succession, at half-minute intervals. Do not wash the skin after each application so that the celandine milk sap can act deeply into the skin. Usually, after 2-6 weeks of daily treatment, warts disappear. The remedy has also proven effective in genital warts. This is the simplest way to use celandine for warts, when the plant is in season, from early or mid-May to mid-July.

When applied to the skin, celandine milk sap can cause an allergic reaction, which is why, before starting the treatment, do a test on a small area of skin to check for sensitivity.

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The bright orange celandine milk sap oozing out of the freshly picked stems

2. Celandine Infusion for Warts

In addition to padding the warts with fresh celandine milk sap, you can also drink a herbal infusion to aid in the wart removal. To make the herbal blend mix the following dried herbs:

  • 2 tablespoons of celandine
  • 2 tablespoons of plantain leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of dandelion root
  • 3 tablespoons of nettle
  • 1 tablespoon of horsetail

Scald one tablespoon of herbs in 200 ml of hot water (1 cup) and steep for 2 hours. Drink 50-60 ml, 3 times a day, between meals. This is another way to use celandine for warts.

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Greater celandine infusion

3. Celandine Tincture for Warts

The best way to be able to use celandine when it’s not in season is to prepare a celandine tincture. To make the tincture, harvest the plant as mentioned above. After an hour, cut the plant (with rubber gloves) on a board and juice it. Mix the celandine juice with the same amount of vodka or homemade brandy, and pour it into an amber bottle. Seal, and leave for two weeks in a dark place. If after these two weeks, you see residue at the bottom, strain once again through a piece of gauze and pour it into another amber bottle with a dropper. The precipitate (residue) can be discarded or used in poultices for skin issues.

How to Use

  • 5 drops of tincture in 50 ml of water, three times a day, 20 minutes before a meal.

The treatment can last for one month, pause for 5 days, and resume only if needed. Do not exceed the dosage. This remedy is used to treat warts but is also good for corns, skin cancer, and non-cancerous tumors, as well as liver problems (attention to dosage).

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Celandine tincture

4. Fermented Celandine Juice for Warts

If you suffer from severe liver issues and want to avoid all alcohol (which is also our recommendation), there is another way to use celandine juice internally for warts. Follow the same steps as above, and prepare 2-3 l of fresh celandine juice. Pour the juice into a large jar and cover the mouth of the jar with a clean piece of gauze (do not seal with a lid). Leave in a dark, cool place. The fermentation and sedimentation process is done after 2 months when the juice becomes clear as water.

At this point, carefully moved the clear juice to another jar (without the precipitate remaining on the bottom) using a hose. Seal the jar and store it in the refrigerator. You can have a teaspoon of fermented celandine juice twice a day (morning and evening), 30 minutes before meals.

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Celandine with seed pods, too late to harvest the flowers and stems

5. Celandine Salve for Warts

You can also mix the celandine tincture with pork lard after Hildegard von Bingen’s recipe, and make a simple salve for warts and other skin issues. For this, you need 10 ml of tincture and 100 g rendered pork lard. Heat up the tincture with the lard – without keeping them on the fire for a long time – then mix them well together and the celandine salve is done. Massage the affected skin area with it, 1-3 times a day. This salve is also recommended for contact and atopic dermatitis, benign skin tumors, premalignant tissues, and allergic or bacterial eczema. Now you know how to use celandine for warts.

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The unmistakable celandine leaf

Celandine Safety and Precautions

It has been known since ancient times that celandine can be a toxic plant when used in too large a dose. Overdose can cause intoxication, accompanied by vomiting, nausea, muscle cramps, sudden decrease in blood pressure with bradycardia (rare pulse), and inhibition of the central nervous system. First aid consists of washing the stomach and abundant hydration. We recommend doing internal cures with celandine preparations only under the guidance of an experienced herbal doctor. Celandine preparations (internal) are contraindicated for people with epilepsy, asthma, some neuralgic syndromes, and angina pectoris.

Read Also: 6 Natural Remedies for Warts on Hands

Now you know how to use celandine for warts. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it so more people learn how to use celandine for warts and use this information. Stay healthy and safe, naturally!

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