If you are looking for simple and effective natural remedies for genital warts, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Genital warts are one of the most unpleasant and unwanted genital conditions. Also known as condylomas (benign tumors of the skin and mucous membranes), warts, and/or papillomas, genital warts are generated by one of the well-known strains of HPV or the human papillomavirus. For this, we recommend that you also read our article on home remedies for HPV and look into the Medical Medium, you will find a lot of answers there. Never lose your hope and faith because we have here a handful of natural remedies for genital warts that you can try yourself. Let’s get into the remedies!

In This Article You Will Find:
3 Natural Remedies for Genital Warts
1. Chamomile Remedy for Genital Warts
Perhaps one of the most efficient and fast-action natural remedies for genital warts, and warts in general is chamomile, especially chamomile sitz baths. Make a concentrated chamomile infusion and take 20-minute long chamomile sitz baths every evening. If the genital warts are severe, have a sitz bath each time after you go pee. In addition, drink St. John’s wort tea after each meal. And most importantly, do a full body detoxification by changing your diet for a cleaner and more natural one. This is one of the simplest and most effective natural remedies for genital warts.

2. Natural Remedies for Genital Warts with Herbs
Pad a natural European birthwort tincture (Aristolochia clematitis) on the warts 2-3 times per day after you’ve washed your intimate parts really, really well. You can easily apply the tincture after the chamomile sits bath. In addition, the following herbs are amazing for treating genital warts:
- ash leaves
- calendula
- hops
- sage
- chamomile
- St. John’s wort
- nettle
Make a blend of these herbs (if you don’t have all of them available, use those that you have). Prepare an infusion by steeping 2 tablespoons of the herbal blend into 0.5 l (2 cups) of boiling water. Cover and let the herbs infuse for 15-20 minutes. Strain the tea and do vaginal irrigations/douches twice a day with the lukewarm infusion.
3. Acacia Flowers Remedy for Genital Warts
Vaginal washes with acacia flowers (also known as black locust flowers) infusion are also amazing for warts. These flowers are also amazing natural remedies for vaginal discharge and yeast infection. Use this infusion for sitz baths similar to the chamomile remedy above. To make the remedy stronger, use natural organic acacia honey to introduce into the vagina. The best acacia honey is produced in the month of May when the acacia trees are in bloom. You can do this after each bath. Of course, consult a herbal doctor before you try this remedy.

Read Also: 6 Natural Remedies for Warts on Hands
These have been a few of the most powerful natural remedies for genital warts and believe me, there are many more others that can really help. Rely on the healing powers of chamomile, acacia flowers, and St. John’s wort to get you rid of this unpleasant condition, naturally. Stay healthy, naturally!