If you are looking for simple and effective natural remedies for warts on feet, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Warts are hard-surface, uncomfortable growths on the surface of the skin of the hands or feet, caused by the papillomavirus (HPV), that has contaminated the skin. Warts on the feet or palm warts are also called plantar warts and are formed only on the soles of the feet. If left untreated, they can become unpleasant to touch or even painful. In this article, you will learn how to get rid of warts that appear on your feet, on the soles, and in between the toes. These are the natural remedies for warts on feet most commonly used by people to heal from this unpleasant skin condition. Let’s get to the remedies.

In This Article You Will Find:
7 Natural Remedies for Warts on Feet
1. Green Walnut Remedy for Warts on Feet
One of the most effective natural remedies for warts that appear on the soles of the feet and in between the toes are green walnut shells. Indeed, the green outer thick peel from young walnuts. Rub the wart with green walnut shells a few times a day. Warts on feet will be gone in less than a month of daily application. If you don’t have green walnut shells around, then gather walnut leaves, make an infusion, and bathe your feet in this simple infusion for 30 minutes, twice a day. Walnut is one of the most amazing natural remedies for warts on feet, as it is a powerful natural source of iodine.

2. Apple Vinegar Remedy for Warts on Feet
For this remedy, all you have to do is to pad the wart/s with natural apple vinegar every night before sleep and early in the morning until they get really dried. After they have seared, rub them with warm castor oil. After a few weeks of following this natural treatment, warts begin to shrink and become smaller and smaller until they eventually disappear. This is a simple remedy for warts that has no side effects or contraindications. Apple vinegar and castor oil are effective natural remedies for warts on feet, which few people still know about.
However, before starting the procedure ask for a physician’s advice, since some of the growths that you believe to be warts may have malignant potential, so you need to make sure of this thing before starting the remedy. Hopefully, it’s not that serious and this natural remedy will come in very handy for you.

3. Castor Oil Remedy for Warts on Feet
Use castor oil to massage the warts in the morning and in the evening. In 3-4 weeks the warts are usually gone. Also, in combination with natural honey, castor oil becomes an even more efficient remedy. Massage the warts with castor oil one day and with honey the next. Alternate the two remedies. This remedy has helped an elderly person who had a huge wart on her eyelid that made her unable to see. The top of the wart begins to dry and then it fell off. Honey and castor oil are two amazing natural remedies for warts on feet.
Read Also: 6 Natural Remedies for Warts on Hands
4. Home Remedy for Warts on Feet with Iodine Tincture
This is a simple and highly effective treatment that is also very easy to follow. Wash the affected area with water and natural soap 3-4 times per day. Then pad locally with iodine tincture. Use bacitracin and neomycin-based ointment or powder to pad warts as well. Usually, in a month you’ll see plantar warts backing down and then be gone for good. This is one of the most effective natural remedies for warts on feet.

5. Lemon & Vinegar Remedy for Warts on Feet
Peel off two lemons and use the peel to make this simple maceration, as follows. Pour 500 ml of apple vinegar over the peels in a jar and leave to macerate for 8 full days. Pad the wart/s twice a day with this remedy. Repeat the procedure until the wart/s on your feet are gone. As simple as it sounds, this is one of the best natural remedies for warts on feet.
6. Denseflower Mullein Remedy for Warts on Feet
This is another one of the best natural remedies for feet warts and it goes like this. Take 2-3 dense-flowered mullein flowers and press and crush them on each wart until the area becomes moist and the warts get soaked in the liquid contained by these wonderful flowers. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times per day and in 2 weeks you’ll see the feet warts are gone. This is one of the most powerful natural remedies for warts on feet.

7. Moist Bread, a Folk Remedy for Warts on Feet
Although few people have heard about it, moist bread is such an amazing old folks remedy for warts on feet as well as moles. It goes like this.
- When you get out freshly baked bread from the oven, wrap it in a thick clean kitchen towel and put it on the table.
- The bottom of the bread will start to sweat.
- Use your finger to gather that moisture at the bottom of the bread, and apply it to the warts.
- After repeating the procedure 2-3 times, warts usually disappear.
Read Also: 6 Best Home Remedies for HPV
These have been the most effective natural remedies for warts on feet, that use simple, natural ingredients and very simple procedures. Please let us know in the comments below if these remedies have worked for you too. Stay healthy, naturally!