Home Conditions 4 Natural Remedies for Stomach Ulcer

4 Natural Remedies for Stomach Ulcer

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for simple and effective natural remedies for stomach ulcers, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.

A stomach ulcer is caused by acidic foods that we eat, affecting the good functioning of the liver. When the liver becomes overburdened with toxins and pathogens, it can no longer produce the concentrated digestive juices that we need to digest foods, and in time we end up developing gastric problems, including gastritis, acid reflux, and stomach ulcers. In addition to any of the natural remedies for stomach ulcers below, we recommend you reduce the acidic food you eat, namely meat, animal products, dairy, and processed foods, and go for more alkaline foods, such as fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water, enjoy fresh air, enjoy the sun, and take walks in nature.

We are here to show you some simple and natural remedies for stomach ulcers, based on some very common root vegetables and some amazingly delicious preparations. Let’s get straight to the remedies.

Stomach Ulcer Natural Remedies

4 Natural Remedies for Stomach Ulcer

1. Carrots & Parsnip Remedy for Stomach Ulcer

This is one of the most powerful natural remedies for stomach ulcers and here is how you can prepare it at home. Let’s start with the ingredients.


  • ¼ kg of carrots
  • ¼ kg of parsnips
  • ¼ kg of high-quality raw honey
  • ¼ kg cold-pressed organic olive oil


Thoroughly wash the vegetables using a brush and then grate them. Combine the grated root vegetables with the honey and olive oil and put them all in a jar and seal. Keep the jar in the refrigerator for 10 days and then you can start using this amazing natural remedy stomach for ulcers.

How to Use

Have one teaspoon of the preparation every morning on an empty stomach. For best results, continue this cure for at least a month. By this time, most stomach ulcers are usually gone, at least the pain and discomfort. Some people have even managed to heal from perforated stomach ulcers with this simple and natural remedy.

4 Natural Remedies for Stomach Ulcer - Honey Carrots

2. Honey Remedy for Stomach Ulcer

For this natural remedy for stomach ulcers you need the following ingredients:

Dissolve the alum powder in the boiled water and then add the thinly chopped unpeeled oranges into the water, along with the raw honey. Combine the ingredients well in a jar, seal, and keep the jar in a dark spot for one week. Have a tablespoon of this remedy before each main meal of the day, until you finish the entire quantity. Pause for two weeks and then resume the remedy if necessary. This is one of the most powerful natural remedies for stomach ulcers indeed.

Read Also: Natural Tonic for Stomach Conditions

3. Cabbage Remedy for Stomach Ulcer

For this remedy, use fresh organic cabbage. If you are lucky to grow your own vegetable garden, then it is time you grow cabbage too. Why? Cabbage juice is one of the best natural remedies for stomach ulcers there is. Drink 1 large glass of fresh cabbage juice, in between the main meals of the day (lunch and dinner). In a few months of treatment, most people have completely healed their stomach ulcers, without the use of synthetic medical drugs. No side effects, no complications. It’s that simple!

4 Natural Remedies for Stomach Ulcer - Cabbage juice

4. Garlic Home Remedy for Stomach Ulcer

For those who didn’t know yet, garlic is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics, that you can safely use when catching a cold or the flu, but also for stomach ulcers. Actually, most stomach ulcers don’t stand a chance before this simple garlic remedy. Here is how you can prepare and use this remedy for stomach ulcers at home.

Eat one full garlic head a day. If you don’t have organic garlic at hand, you can use powdered garlic or garlic oil capsules (but make sure they are 100% natural and contain no preservatives or other additives). No matter how severe the stomach ulcers, most people have healed in a matter of months after using this remedy. This is one of the very best natural remedies for stomach ulcers that we know of.

Read Also: 6 Natural Treatments for Stomach Pain 

Hopefully, these natural remedies for stomach ulcers will ease your condition and help you heal completely. Let us know in the comments below what has helped you heal your stomach ulcer. Stay strong and healthy, naturally!

4 Natural Remedies for Stomach Ulcer


Favour A. September 1, 2021 - 01:24

Good to have this article here. I have bought my cabbage to start drinking from tomorrow. Believing to have total cure.
Thanks for this great article.

Andreea Laza
Andreea Laza September 1, 2021 - 06:58

Hi! Believing is the first step in healing, please let us know how you feel after a few days of the cabbage juicing. Much health to you! 💚


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