Looking for a home remedy for spotting between periods? Continue reading this article and find out what a great remedy.
This simple home remedy for spotting between periods comes from the famous Bavarian naturalist Sebastian Kneipp‘s collection of natural remedies. It has been successfully used by many women in Central and Eastern Europe, thus we felt the urge to share it with the rest of the world. Bur first.
What Spotting Between Periods Is?
Spotting between periods, also known as intermenstrual bleeding or abnormal uterine bleeding, is abnormal bleeding from the uterus that can be triggered by hormonal contraceptives leading to hormonal imbalances, but in some cases, it can be the symptom of an underlying condition. This is why, when suffering from spotting between periods and you are not taking any hormonal pills or other synthetic drugs, it’s best that you consult a doctor right away. If you know the cause of your intermenstrual bleeding, here is Sebastian Kneipp’s home remedy for spotting between periods that you can use at home.
The Home Remedy for Spotting Between Periods
This century-old natural remedy uses one amazing herb: horsetail. Basically, all you need to do is to prepare a simple horsetail tea and have 4 tablespoons of it every 2 hours. It’s that simple. There is another way to use horsetail for spotting between periods, and that is as powder.
- Prepare the horsetail powder by grounding the dried horsetail plant in the coffee grinder.
- Have a big pinch of this powder with a little bit of water, three times per day.
Horsetail powder is highly mineralized, making it is a great aid in calcium absorbtion in the body. The duration of this remedy is at least 1 month. You can use both the horsetail tea and powder remedies at the same time, and you can resume it any time you need. The effect is almost immediate according to those who’ve used it. This remedy can also be used to prevent osteoporosis, a very widely spread condition, especially in elderly women.
Read Also: 4 Natural Remedies for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
We really hope that this home remedy for spotting between periods will work for you as well as it did for so many others who have suffered from intermenstrual bleeding. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it so more people can use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!