Home Cures 10 Easy Home Remedies for Springtime Lethargy & How to Use Them

10 Easy Home Remedies for Springtime Lethargy & How to Use Them

by Andreea Laza

Springtime lethargy or spring fatigue can be caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body or toxic load over the winter, weather changes, or seasonal emotional changes. No matter the case, there are natural ways to beat springtime lethargy. We have gathered here the most popular home remedies for springtime lethargy, commonly used in Central and Eastern Europe. Remember: there are several conditions that have the same symptoms as springtime lethargy. Therefore, if you don’t see improvements in 3-6 weeks with herbal remedies, consult a doctor.

Springtime Lethargy Causes

There are several reasons why this physical and mental fatigue manifests during the springtime, namely:

  • Winter diet – poor in raw foods, vegetables, legumes, and fruits and rich in saturated fats, and sugar, that tire and overburden our bodies;
  • Cold weather is more demanding on the body;
  • Viral infections – most common in winter (viruses, acute respiratory infections);
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
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How to Deal with Springtime Lethargy?

Spring fatigue symptoms gradually disappear as we adapt to the new season. But there are simple “tricks” that help us make the transition faster and “tame” the symptoms of springtime lethargy.

  • Get Enough Sleep. Are you sleeping or not getting enough sleep?
  • Set a Daily Routine. Set your meals at set times, take regular breaks, and organize your free time so that you can find time to rebalance your mood and uplift your spirit.
  • Spend Time Outdoors. Movement and exercise can help you relax, especially when they are performed outdoors.
  • Healthy Eating. A healthy diet helps you maintain your physical and mental health. Have fresh fruit in large quantities, seasonal leafy greens (nettle, spinach, wild garlic, asparagus, etc), whole grains, and green juices, such as green barley juice (10-15 ml/day).
  • Natural Supplements. Organic vitamins, minerals, and micro-elements are a must this season; brewer’s yeast and iron and magnesium supplements should be on your list. Herbal immune boosters include Ginseng, garlic, and wheat germs tablets, Ginkgo Biloba to prevent the poor irrigation with the blood of the brain, bee hive produces, and Aloe as general energizers, and St. John’s wort tea, an ideal springtime tea.
5 Best Natural Supplements for Stress & Anxiety - Ginseng
Ginseng root

10 Simple Home Remedies for Springtime Lethargy

1. Dandelion Stems & Leaves

Dandelions are perhaps the most powerful spring detox. Why is a body detox the first on our list of home remedies for springtime lethargy? A body loaded with toxins cannot properly assimilate the necessary vitamins and minerals, cannot self-regulate, and cannot find its balance until it gets rid of the “weight” accumulated during the winter. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) stems and leaves clear out the toxins from the liver and colon. They also regulate and stimulate digestion, thus helping massively to eliminate toxins from the body.

  • Have 5-10 unripe dandelion stems or a handful of green leaves added to your salad.
  • Enjoy the powerful detox daily, on an empty stomach, for at least 7 days.
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2. Rosemary Tincture

This natural tincture has a strong tonic effect on the heart and nervous system, making it one of the best home remedies for springtime lethargy, especially for hypotensive people, with a predisposition towards melancholy or depression. Rosemary tincture has a natural effect in stabilizing our emotions, being highly recommended for people with rapid mood swings.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of rosemary tincture diluted in half a glass of water, preferably before the main meals, 3 times a day.
  • For best results, follow this remedy for 3-4 weeks.

3. Oak Buds Remedy

Oak buds (Quercus robur) are an amazing natural treatment for springtime lethargy and fatigue. This home remedy combines the detoxifying action with tonic effects, both physical and mental. It is a remedy indicated especially to people with a weaker build, recovering from the disease, or who have very little vital energy. We find these buds ready and prepared in the form of glycerin extracts.

  • Take 30-50 drops of oak buds maceration (with glycerin, not alcohol) 3 times a day.
  • Follow the treatment for at least 3 weeks.

Read Also: 20 Health Benefits of The Oak Tree | Uses and Remedies

Foliar hazelnut buds (Corylus avelana) also count amongst the best home remedies for springtime lethargy. They can be used to make tea or a tincture.

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4. Swedish Bitter

Swedish Bitter is one of the most complex and effective herbal tonics there is. It acts both as a detoxifier, as well as a digestive, liver, and kidney stimulant and regulator. It also has a tonic and regulatory effect on the nervous system, which makes it an ideal home remedy for springtime lethargy or asthenia.

  • 1/2 tbsp diluted in tea (nettle, burdock, chamomile, mint, etc) 3 times a day before meals.
  • Follow the treatment lasts 2-4 weeks.
How to Make Swedish Bitter at Home - Swedish Bitter Recipe

5. Rose Hip Berries

These berries are one of the most potent sources of natural Vitamin C there is. They are a very valuable home remedy for Vitamin C deficiency, which has the following symptoms:

  • chronic fatigue
  • weakness
  • diffuse bone aches
  • inconsistent eating appetite
  • bleeding gums
  • low immunity

Have 1 teaspoon of powdered rosehip berries, 3-4 times a day, on an empty stomach. A complete cure lasts for a month. If you have dried rosehip berries at home, use an electric coffee grinder to make them into the powder. This is one of the best home remedies for springtime lethargy, no doubt.

6. Sea Buckthorn Oil

Sea buckthorn oil contains large amounts of vitamins A and E. Vitamin E in particular is very important that we don’t lack at the beginning of spring. This oil has a rejuvenating effect on the body, supports the activity of the nervous system, and promotes a state of physical and mental health. This is why sea buckthorn oil is one of the best home remedies for springtime lethargy. Here is how to use it:

  • Have 10-20 drops of sea buckthorn oil, 3 times daily, over a period of 10 days.
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7. Brewer’s Yeast

This simple natural remedy is a true collection of B vitamins, which are responsible for virtually all the vital processes happening in the body. At the beginning of springtime especially, when the body’s toxin load can cause metabolic problems, many people are experiencing Vitamin B complex deficiency.

Fresh brewer’s yeast is a great springtime asthenia remedy, but if you don’t have it available where you live, you can search for Vitamin B complex from yeast. Have 1 to 2 teaspoons of fresh yeast, with a little honey or plain. This is one of the most simple home remedies for springtime lethargy that will get back into a great physical and mental shape.

10 Easy Home Remedies for Springtime Lethargy - Fresh Yeast

8. Pollen Remedy

This food medicine is an amazing springtime lethargy remedy that can actually get us out of trouble. Honey, propolis, pollen, and royal jelly are some of the most potent products that act as home remedies for springtime lethargy. Have 2 tsp of bee pollen a day, after meals.

9. Angelica Macerate

Angelica (Angelica arhangelica) is another tonic plant, used for this purpose since ancient times. A Romanian ethnohistorical tradition says angelica was used by hajduks to strengthen their powers in battle. This small flowering herb is one of the most powerful home remedies for springtime lethargy. Take 3 teaspoons of angelica root maceration a day.

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10. Exercise & Fresh Air

There is no better immune system booster than physical exercise. Practicing it in a natural environment can double its efficiency. A century ago, when most people lived much closer to nature, the term springtime lethargy was unknown. Today, most of us live captive in large cities, where we can hardly perceive the signals from our environment, thus our body and mind have lost their ability to adapt to the seasons.

Springtime is about coming out and enjoying life, a new start, and the rebirth of nature. Try to get back in harmony with nature and yourself, through walks and hikes in the forest or in the park, gentle mountain climbs, light running, or playing outdoor sports. If you have the opportunity to work in the garden, don’t miss this excellent opportunity to recharge your batteries, with the life that emanates during this season. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous, but rather enjoyable.

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Springtime Brings Out Our Emotions

It has been noted that spring, more than any other time of the year, enhances our emotional states. Therefore, this season is rightly considered the season of love and romance, emotional effervescence, and creative momentum. But this intensification of emotions doesn’t uplift everyone’s feelings. Especially to people who, for one reason or another, have repressed their feelings and have “closed in”, avoiding looking into their own inner feelings and impulses.

Spring is the time when we need to let out and acknowledge what has been hidden inside throughout wintertime. Otherwise, we can experience what we all know as springtime lethargy.

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It is rather a challenge to solve the inner problems that we have postponed for such a long time. But in this situation, the fastest and most effective cure for springtime lethargy is to analyze ourselves, by taking an honest look within to see what creates this feeling of dissatisfaction. We should also analyze what we enjoy, and what part of our lives gives us energy and momentum. We can beat springtime lethargy or asthenia by giving voice, with courage and sincerity, to the true aspirations of the soul. While at it, simple home remedies can help lift our spirits and make this journey quite enjoyable.

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10 Home Remedies for Springtime Lethargy

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