Want to learn about the health benefits of daffodil, daffodil medicinal uses, and natural remedies with daffodil? Continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
White daffodil (Narcissus poeticus), also known as the poet’s daffodil, poet’s narcissus, nargis, or pheasant’s eye, is one of the oldest cultivated daffodil species. Daffodils hold a special place in the spring landscape, as they bloom starting in March and up until May. Their gorgeous white and yellow flowers spread an unmistakable, distinct, and very strong scent in the air. Before we move on to the health benefits of daffodil, let’s go through a few things first.

In This Article You Will Find:
Are Daffodils Medicinal?
The white daffodil (Narcissus poeticus) in particular has also been praised for its medicinal uses, since ancient times. The white daffodil petals are used to make tea or medicinal syrup, but the bulbs are very poisonous and even deadly in doses over 10 g. This is why, daffodil bulbs are only used externally, in compresses.
Are Daffodils Edible?
Yes, but only the petals, not the bulb, which is poisonous and even deadly. So beware!
What Daffodils Can Be Used For? Health Benefits of Daffodil
In traditional oriental medicine, the white daffodil/narcissus was a remedy for headaches, sciatica, joint pain, and hemorrhoids. These days, only white daffodil flower petals are used for their medicinal purpose. They have natural sedative, emollient, disinfectant, and lung antiseptic properties. The health benefits of daffodil bulb preparations are only recommended for external use, following the recommendations of a naturopath. The main health benefits of daffodil are:
- anxiety
- asthma
- rheumatic pains
- cardiac neurosis, tachycardia
- mastitis
- varicose veins
- agitation or nervousness
- dementia
- whooping cough
- headache
- cancer

What Medicine Is Made from Daffodils? Five Daffodil Uses
Here is how to make your own natural medicine from daffodils (Narcissus poeticus) for internal and external use. Please consult with a naturopath before using daffodil remedies internally!
1. Daffodil Combined Infusion Recipe
Harvest the daffodil petals (without the receptacle) and dry them in a thin layer, in a very dry place (they quickly lose their medicinal properties when wet). To make the daffodil petals infusion, you can use either dried petals or fresh ones. Here is how to prepare the tea.
- Add half a handful of fresh daffodil petals or two teaspoons of dried petals in water just to cover them for two to three hours. Strain and leave the cold macerate aside.
- Steep the same used petals in a cup of boiling water for 20 minutes, and strain.
- Mix together the hot infusion with the cold macerate and the daffodil infusion is done.
- The recommended dose is two or three cups a day.
Health uses of daffodil combined infusion: cough, asthma, anger, anxiety, nightmares, cardiac neurosis, tachycardia.
2. Daffodil Infusion Recipe
Infuse half a handful of fresh daffodil petals or 2 teaspoons of dried ones in 250 ml (1 cup) of boiling water. Cover for 10 minutes and the daffodil infusion is done. One can drink 2 cups a day. To boost the medicinal properties of this infusion, you can combine it with other medicinal herbs (equal parts), depending on the purpose.
Health benefits of daffodil infusion: tachycardia, asthma, stress, and anxiety.

3. Daffodil Syrup Recipe
Layer a mason jar with thin alternate layers of raw honey and fresh daffodil petals, until you fill almost the entire jar. Put fresh narcissus petals in a thin layer, then put a layer of honey to cover them completely, again a thin layer of flowers, and so on. When you’ve almost filled the entire jar, pour a two fingers thick layer of honey on top. Close the jar and store it in a cool place for two months. After this time, the daffodil petals syrup is ready to be consumed.
Health benefits of daffodil syrup: cough, nightmares.
4. Daffodil Tincture Recipe
Pour in a 1:10 parts vodka over finely chopped daffodil leaves and flowers (Narcissus poeticus) in an amber glass jar. Seal and leave to soak in a cool place for ten days, shaking from time to time. Strain and pour into an amber glass dropper bottle. The recommended dose is three to five drops, three times a day, half an hour after the main meals, for a maximum of ten days.
Health benefits of daffodil tincture: bronchitis, whooping cough, headache
5. Daffodil Salve Recipe
For the daffodil salve, you need the following ingredients:
- 100 g of grated daffodil bulbs (Narcissus poeticus)
- 100 g of rendered pork lard (unsalted)
- 100 ml of vegetable oil
- 100 g of mutton tallow (optional)
- 100 g of beeswax
- 10 g of frankincense
- 10 g of propolis tincture
- 10 g of pine rosin
Preparation: Pour all the animal fats, vegetable oil, and beeswax into an enameled pot over the fire on low heat. Stir constantly. When it starts to boil, pour in the rest of the ingredients and continue to simmer for another ten minutes, stirring constantly. Strain through a two-layer gauze and pour into a glass jar or container. Seal and store in the refrigerator. Use the daffodil salve to anoint the affected areas whenever needed. Don’t use it internally!
Health benefits of daffodil salve: skin burns, bruises.

5 Natural Remedies with White Daffodil – External
Here is how you can use white daffodil (Narcissus poeticus) for topical applications, such as skin problems or aches and pains.
1. Mastitis
One of the most important health benefits of daffodil is its use in mastitis, as a topical compress. There are two ways to make this remedy at home. The first one is more simple and it goes like this. Pour half a liter of boiling water over a medium-sized daffodil bulb, thoroughly cleaned, and washed. Cover and allow to infuse for two hours. Soak a clean gauze in this infusion and apply it to the affected breast area, leaving it on for an hour. The procedure is repeated twice a day for as long as necessary.
The variation of this remedy is as follows. Finely chop a daffodil bulb and mix with an equal amount of rice porridge or rye flour. To prepare the rice porridge boil half a cup of rice in a cup of water. When the rice grain has increased in size, pour a glass of milk over it and the chopped daffodil bulb. Simmer for about 15 minutes. Allow to cool, and apply the resulting paste to the chest. Apply a piece of gauze over the paste and leave it on for an hour, then rinse with lukewarm water. You can apply the cataplasm two or three times a day.

2. Rheumatic Pain & Hemorrhoids
Grate one daffodil bulb and mix it with vegetable oil in a 1:4 ratio. Pour into an amber jar and leave to soak in a cool place for seven days. Strain through a piece of gauze and store it in the refrigerator. You can use this solution topically, to rub the sore joints every night before bed. You can use this topical remedy for as long as you want, there are no restrictions. You can use this remedy for hemorrhoids as well. In this case, apply a piece of gauze soaked in the preparation to the inflamed areas. Leave on for two to three hours, then rinse with lukewarm water.
3. Varicose Veins Ulcers
Finely grate a daffodil bulb and mix it with honey at a 1: 3 ratio. Spread the paste on a compress and apply it to the affected areas. Fix it in place with a gauze bandage. Change it twice a day and follow the remedy for ten days.
4. Fungal Skin Infections
Another one of the main health benefits of daffodil is in treating skin fungus. Finely grate three daffodil bulbs, put them in a mason jar, and pour half a liter of vodka over them. Leave to soak in a cool, dark place for seven days, then strain. Apply to the affected areas two to three times a day. This simple remedy can also be used for rheumatic pains.
5. Freckles
Mix one finely grated daffodil bulb with 200 ml of apple cider vinegar in an amber jar and soak in a cool place for 10 days. Use this natural lotion to dab the freckles areas once a day. Rinse with water and then apply a natural skin moisturizer. Avoid the sensitive area around the eyes!

5 Natural Remedies with White Daffodil – Internal
Here is how you can use white daffodil (Narcissus poeticus) internally, for lung and heart problems, as well as stress and anxiety.
1. Cough
One of the most popular health benefits of daffodil is in relieving cough. For irritating cough, you can have 2-3 teaspoons a day of daffodil petals syrup. In the case of whooping cough, you can also have hot daffodil petals tea, with birch leaves (in equal parts).
2. Asthma
Make a herbal blend with equal amounts of dried daffodil petals, thyme, and peppermint leaves. Prepare the infusion as the daffodil infusion recipe above. Sweeten with honey to taste and drink while hot. To alleviate asthma, ideally, this herbal tea cure should be followed for at least three months out of a year.

3. Tachycardia
Daffodil petals infusion is also an amazing natural cure for tachycardia and cardiac neurosis. To make the most of the health benefits of daffodil, mix equal parts of dried daffodil petals with hawthorn flowers and make the infusion described in the recipe above. To see results, this herbal cure should be followed for at least a couple of months.
4. Stress and Anxiety
For stress, anger and anxiety, drink 3 cups of daffodil petal infusion a day, for at least two weeks. I also recommend that you also look into the best natural supplements for stress.
5. Nightmares
Prepare a daffodil petals infusion in which you add a teaspoon of common motherwort herb powder and drink it an hour before bedtime. Children can have 2-3 teaspoons of daffodil syrup instead. This is one of the less known but effective health benefits of daffodil.
Internal treatments with daffodil extracts or preparations should be followed under the supervision of a naturopath.
What White Daffodil Symbolizes

The delicate narcissus, with its monastic beauty and fragrance, does us so much good only by looking at its purity and inhaling its scent. In addition to being one of the most scented and delicate spring flowers, the delicate daffodil is a natural medicine with great healing powers. Its bulbs were once used by old women to “unlock” the womb and eliminate “evil from the stomach” through vomiting. Healers are used to prepare miraculous potions from daffodil flowers to relieve men’s sexual desire, but also to cure infertility and increase women’s chances of pregnancy. The health benefits of daffodil are numerous and unexpected.
Read About The Health Uses of Other Spring Flowers:
Lily of the Valley
Sweet Violet
Now that you know what are the health benefits of daffodil, how to use it at home for its medicinal purposes, and the most popular natural remedies with daffodil, please share this article so more people can learn about the health benefits of daffodil and use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!
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