Want to learn more about the amazing lily of the valley uses? Continue reading this article and discover the health benefits of lily of the valley and how to use it in home remedies.
The lily of the valley flower (Convallaria majalis) has a heavenly tenderness and fragrance but is also one of the most valuable medicinal spring flowers, known for its healing properties for heart problems and insomnia. Did you know that In Russia, lily of the valley tincture has been used as a medical treatment for cardiovascular diseases since the 1850s? Indeed. This spring flower is miraculous. Before we get to the lily of the valley uses, here is how to harvest this medicinal plant.

In This Article You Will Find:
How to Harvest Lily of the Valley Flowers
If you want to use the lily of the valley for its medicinal purposes, harvest the plant during the flowering period, before the flowers turn yellow and fade. Do not uproot the flowers with the bulb, but cut it three centimeters below the flower. Place the flower together with the stem to dry in cool, well-ventilated rooms. You can preserve the dried lily of the valley flowers and stems (without leaves) as they are, in paper bags or in glass jars, or you can turn them into a fine powder if you want to use it as a natural diuretic (find the remedy below).
Beware! The lily of the valley leaves are toxic!
Lily of the Valley Uses for Health
Due to their rich content of glycosides with cardiotonic action, saponins, organic acids, and essential oils, the flowers and stems of the lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) are a good remedy against heart problems and nervous system disorders. The main health uses of lily of the valley flowers are:
- heart dysfunction
- nervous system disorders
- anticancer properties
- water retention
- eyes problems
How to Make Lily of the Valley Tincture at Home
Lily of the valley tincture is one of the most effective natural medicines you can make at home using the lily of the valley flowers. This natural extract can be used for heart failure, fever, as well as conjunctivitis (externally). We’ll show you how in a second. Here is how to make lily of the valley tincture at home.
Fill up 2/3 of a glass jar with fresh or dried lily of the valley flowers, and fill the rest of the jar with 70-degree alcohol or vodka. Seal the jar and leave it in a dark place for the following two weeks. Strain the lily of the valley tincture and pour it into small amber bottles with a dropper. Store the tincture in the refrigerator. Your lily of the valley tincture is ready to use.
5 Natural Remedies with Lily of the Valley Flowers
1. Heart Failure & Myocarditis
One of the main lily of the valley uses is for heart problems. You can use either the lily of the valley tincture or flowers to alleviate heart disorders. The regular adult dose is 10 drops of tincture dissolved in a glass of water, twice a day, after the main meals. The treatment can be followed for a maximum of 21 days. This simple remedy is especially effective for heart failure, but also for fever (followed for 2 or 3 days).
For myocarditis, make a blend of the following herbs:
- lily of the valley flowers – 10 grams
- fennel fruits/seeds – 10 gram
- peppermint leaves – 20 grams
- valerian root – 30 grams
Pour a cup of boiling water over 10 grams of this herbal blend into a small saucepan. Put the saucepan on a double boiler for 15-20 minutes. Cover the decoction and allow to infuse for one hour, then strain. Drink a quarter of a cup, three times a day, after main meals. This treatment lasts two weeks.

2. Insomnia
Another important lily of the valley uses is in nervous system disorders, especially in insomnia. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a tablespoon of finely chopped lily of the valley stems. Infuse in a thermos for 10 to 12 hours. Strain and have two tablespoons three times a day before main meals. The duration of treatment is three to five days.
3. Natural Water Pill
Pour a cup of boiling water over a tablespoon of dried and powdered lily of the valley flowers. Cover and let infuse for half an hour. Strain and have one or two tablespoons, three times a day, before main meals. The duration of treatment is three days. Lily of the valley flowers have a strong diuretic action, which is why this is one of the most amazing natural water pills, which is one of the most popular lily of the valley uses.
4. Glaucoma
One of the topical lily of the valley uses is for glaucoma. To make this remedy at home, finely chop a teaspoon of fresh lily of the valley flowers and half a cup of fresh nettles. Pour 30 ml (1 oz) of boiling water over the two herbs, cover, and infuse. After ten hours, add another ten milliliters of boiling water over the two herbs. Now the infusion is ready to use. Soak a piece of gauze in the infusion and apply it to the affected eye, leaving it to act for at least half an hour.

5. Conjunctivitis
One of the simplest natural remedies with lily of the valley tincture for conjunctivitis is the following. Dilute 1 tablespoon of tincture in half a glass of distilled water. To distill the water, boil it for a few minutes and leave it to cool off, then use. Soak a piece of clean gauze in the solution and dab the affected areas of the eyes.
How to Use Lily of the Valley for Iodine Deficiency
One of the least known lily of the valley uses for health is that this simple flower is an amazing natural source of iodine. And also a cheap one. To boost your iodine naturally, prepare a simple lily of the valley flowers tea as follows. Boil 15 g of lily of the valley flowers in 250 ml (1 cup) of water for 2-3 minutes. Remove from the heat and strain the tea. The dose is 2 teaspoons, 3 times a day. Do not increase this dose as you may experience side effects!
Beware! Lily of the valley is toxic when ingested, and we do not recommend ingesting any parts of this plant! Before using remedies with lily of the valley, it is necessary to seek the advice of a herbal doctor or pharmacist.
Read About The Health Uses of Other Spring Flowers:
Sweet Violet
Now that you know the most important lily of the valley uses for health, how to harvest lily of the valley, how to make lily of the valley tincture, and how to use the delicate lily of the valley flowers in natural remedies, please share this article so more people can learn of the health benefits of lily of the valley. Stay healthy, naturally!
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