Want to know what are the health benefits of chrysanthemums? Continue reading this article and find out what they are. Bur first.
Chrysanthemums are by excellence autumn flowers, highly praised for their medicinal properties since the times of Ancient China. The first mentions regarding the health benefits of chrysanthemums date around 3000 years ago and come from China. These autumn flowers have been used as medicine since antiquity in both China and Japan, where they were called “the elixir of eternal life“. Today, chrysanthemums are used in the cosmetic industry, in cooking, and especially in traditional medicine. Mums are not just beautiful flowers but are considered flowers with magical virtues in some Asian cultures. But first, I want to share with you the health benefits of chrysanthemums and how to use them as medicine in natural remedies.
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Health Benefits of Chrysanthemums
Starting in September, when the days become shorter than the nights, the chrysanthemums start to bloom. Also known as the “queen of autumn”, the chrysanthemum is the only flower that blooms for a very long time, right up to the first frost. Its multicolored petals are not only incomparably beautiful but also very useful in treating various ailments.
- Chrysanthemum petals – Have a rich content of minerals, namely potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and calcium, necessary for the normal functioning of the body, especially of the central nervous system. They also contain essential oils, and a high content of natural vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and inhibits neurodegenerative processes, such as the evolution of Parkinson’s disease. The dried flowers can increase appetite.
- Chrysanthemum leaves – In traditional Chinese medicine, the leaves are used to combat migraines.
- Chrysanthemums tea – Regular consumption of chrysanthemum tea helps maintain normal levels of calcium in the body, regulates heart functions, and reduces blood cholesterol levels.
Chrysanthemums are used today in treating various disorders of the nervous system (Parkinson’s disease), of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as for metabolism imbalances. They are also used to strengthen natural immunity. These are the most notable health benefits of chrysanthemums. Now let’s get to the most popular chrysanthemum uses in Chinese medicine.
Are Chrysanthemums Edible?
Yes. Finely chopped, chrysanthemum petals of different colors can be added to soups, salads, lemonades, and stews. Raw chrysanthemum petals can be effective in alleviating symptoms of bone tuberculosis, kidney problems (chronic kidney failure), avitaminosis, anemia, physical and mental exhaustion, and low immunity. Now that you know what are the health benefits of chrysanthemums, let’s get to the most popular natural remedies with chrysanthemums.
11 Natural Remedies with Chrysanthemums
1. Boost Natural Immunity
One of the top health benefits of chrysanthemums is in boosting the immune system. Add a teaspoon of fresh chopped chrysanthemum petals to a cup of boiling water. Simmer for 8-10 minutes, at a temperature of 95°C, and turn off the heat. Cover with a saucer and leave to infuse for half an hour. Optionally, also add a few crushed grape seeds to the tea when it has cooled, to boost the antioxidant properties of the tea. Sweeten with raw honey. Drink half a cup of chrysanthemum tea twice a day. Regular drinking helps boost natural immunity, but this tea also has diuretic properties, being beneficial in kidney diseases.
Additionally, prepare a salad with apples, pears, and oranges cut into small cubes, and fresh chrysanthemums and rose petals sprinkled with lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients well, add raw honey or natural strawberry jam and enjoy this sweet and healing salad daily. This salad helps replenish the body with vitamins, fights anemia, supports the body’s recovery after physical and mental overwork, and boosts natural immunity.
2. Body Detox
Amongst the most important health benefits of chrysanthemums, we have to mention body and particularly kidney detox. Steep half a teaspoon of fresh and chopped chrysanthemum petals and half a teaspoon of dried linden flowers in two cups of boiling water for 20 minutes. Strain the tea and drink half a cup, twice a day. This tea has diuretic and sudorific effects and supports the body’s detox and especially flushing toxins out of the liver.
To further support detox, wipe the body with chrysanthemum tea, as follows. Steep 10-14 chopped chrysanthemum flowers in hot water for 35 minutes. Soak a towel in the warm infusion and wrap it around the chest area, or the affected area. This helps to eliminate toxins from the body and improves the condition of patients with lung and kidney diseases.
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3. Nervous System Tonic
Pour half a liter of boiling water over a handful of fresh chrysanthemum petals. Covered and infuse for 30 minutes. Strain and sweeten with honey, to taste. Drinking this tea in the evening, before going to bed, for two to three weeks, tones the nervous system overall, clears headaches and ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and even improves vision.
Alongside, take general chrysanthemum baths. To prepare the bathwater, combine half a cup of chrysanthemum petals with the grated peel from one lemon. Add this to your bath water and bathe for 10 minutes, every evening, before going to bed. This simple and comforting bath is very soothing for nervous system disorders. Needless to say, this is one of the most important health benefits of chrysanthemums.
4. Parkinson’s
Speaking of the health benefits of chrysanthemums as a nervous system tonic, this medicine flower is also used for Parkinson’s. Rub some chrysanthemum leaves between the palms of your hands and inhale the fragrance deeply. Do this simple remedy every day. Alongside, drink chrysanthemum tea regularly. Here is how to prepare this tea. Steep the petals from one chrysanthemum flower in 2 cups of boiling water for 30 minutes.
Drink sweetened with raw honey, or plain. Usually, in two to three weeks of drinking this tea daily, you will feel calmer. After a month and a half, the shaking of the hands and head usually stop and the ringing in the ears will disappear. But you also need to consider changing your diet, by swapping toxic food with supporting healing natural foods.
5. Anti-Aging Tonic
One of the key health benefits of chrysanthemums is their ability to tone down the signs of aging. This medicinal chrysanthemum wine is a powerful anti-aging tonic, and here is how you can make it at home.
- 60 g of yellow or white chrysanthemum flowers
- 600 ml (20 oz) of natural white wine
- 90 g of refined sugar
Preparation & Use
After picking the flowers separate the petals from the stem and put them in a jar. Pour the other ingredients on top and mix. Seal the jar and store it in a cool place, away from sunlight, for 12 months. Strain the medicinal wine, and pour it into an amber glass bottle. Seal and keep cold, in the pantry. This wine has a 12 months shelf life. Have no more than 90 ml a day. Continue for 3 months, pause for a month and resume if needed. Careful! This medicinal wine is not recommended if you suffer from high blood pressure, heart failure, or digestive problems, during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
6. Tuberculosis, Chronic Bronchitis & Whooping Cough
The health benefits of chrysanthemums for the respiratory tract are tremendous. These medicinal flowers are used to alleviate pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, and catarrh, as well as whooping cough, fever, chills, and other symptoms of cold and flu. Here are a few chrysanthemums remedies for various respiratory tract problems.
Bring one liter of water to a boil, add two to three whole chrysanthemum flowers, simmer for a couple of minutes and remove from the heat. Steep the decoction overnight. Next evening, soak a towel in this decoction, squeeze and apply it to the chest. Get into your pajamas and off to bed. Usually, after a week of daily application, you start to see results.
Alongside, mix a handful of chrysanthemum petals with two tablespoons of honey. Add this to your warm bathwater and bathe for 10-15 minutes. Go directly to bed. Have two or three aromatic baths a week. Continue for at least two weeks. Place a bowl of hot water in which you put a few fresh chrysanthemums on your bedside table while sleeping.
Wash and mix chopped chrysanthemum petals with honey in a 1:5 ratio. Macerate for 3-4 days. Add a teaspoon of the maceration to 300 ml of raspberry, eucalyptus, St. John’s wort, or lavender tea. This remedy is also good for whooping cough and the symptoms of a cold. Needless to say, some of the most notable health benefits of chrysanthemums are for the overall health of the respiratory tract.
7. Cold & Flu
One of the most important health benefits of chrysanthemums is their medicinal properties in lowering fever, chills, and other symptoms of cold and flu. Here is how you can use these medicinal flowers at home. Simmer one tbsp of licorice root in 2 cups of boiling water for 10 minutes. Turn the heat off, add 3 tbsp of peppermint and 3 tbsp of chrysanthemum flowers, and steep for another 10 minutes. Strain and sweeten with raw honey. Pour in a thermos and drink warm. This tea reduces fever in case of sudden flu, accompanied by cough, fever, sore throat, or hoarseness.
One of the less-known chrysanthemums remedies is in alleviating catarrh. Combine a spoonful of finely chopped chrysanthemum petals with a spoonful of cold-pressed olive oil. Apply the obtained paste at the base of your nose and under the nostrils and covered it with a bandage. Leave overnight. Next morning rinse well with warm water, in which you have soaked the chrysanthemum flower. Continue until the symptoms are gone. This remedy is particularly good for catarrh and anosmia (partial or full loss of smell).
8. Joint Pain
Amongst the health uses of chrysanthemums, one of the most notable is its potential therapeutic role in bone-related disorders. Combine a handful of crushed fresh chrysanthemum petals with two spoons of honey. Cover and leave overnight. Before going to bed, anoint the affected areas and then bandage them with a piece of gauze. Repeat the process daily until improvement. This remedy is especially good for sore knees and lack of mobility. You can replace the honey with one tsp of sunflower oil and use it the same way. This helps with polyarthritis, arthrosis, and rheumatism.
9. High Blood Pressure
One of the most known health benefits of chrysanthemums is in lowering high blood pressure. Combine two whole and finely chopped chrysanthemums (flowers, leaves, and stems) with five tablespoons of honey. Leave in a cool place for three to four days to sit. Apply the mixture on the hand wrists, wrap it with waxed paper, and fixed with a gauze bandage. Leave overnight. If hypertension is accompanied by headaches, massage the temples with chrysanthemum oil.
10. Herpes
Pour a cup of boiling water over a spoonful of crushed chrysanthemum flowers. Steep for 40 minutes and drink a quarter of a cup, three to four times a day, until complete healing.
11. Periodontitis Prevention
Pour 2 cups of boiling water over a spoonful of chopped chrysanthemum leaves. Cover and steep overnight. Strain and drink in the morning to prevent periodontitis. This is one of the most fantastic chrysanthemum medicinal uses.
Chrysanthemums Bath Soak Recipe
Prepare an infusion by steeping 7-10 chrysanthemum flowers of different colors in two cups of boiling water for 25 minutes. Pour the infusion (with flowers) into the bathtub and soak for 15 minutes. If you have cold and flu symptoms, you can soak 6-7 times a day for two weeks. Chrysanthemum flower soaks are especially recommended for the elderly and people suffering from anemia, asthenia, or people who have suffered a long-term illness and tire quickly, or suffocate while walking fast. Before going to bed, place a bowl with hot water in which you put a few fresh mums next to your bed.
The soaks are also used to cure inflammatory skin conditions – neurodermatitis, and eczema, but also for joint pain. Warm arm soaks in chrysanthemum infusion are recommended for people with senile tremors. This herbal soak is also good for headaches and insomnia, as well as cold and flu.
Chrysanthemums Beauty Uses
Steep covered six dried chrysanthemum flowers in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain and drink the tea slightly sweetened with honey. In China, the flowers are left in the tea cup and eaten at the end. The tea is golden and fragrant and is a simple and delicious remedy for dry and thin hair, and dandruff. In Chinese medicine, sticky and greasy dandruff is most often a sign of “poisoned” blood, and this tea helps cleanse the body from the inside out.
Magical Properties of Chrysanthemums
Since ancient times, in the Far East lands, the chrysanthemum has been revered, being considered a solar symbol, a flower with magical powers. This flower symbolizes splendor, strength, longevity, health, and profound feelings. In Japan, the sacred image of the chrysanthemum was strictly attributed to the emperors. Chrysanthemums decorate the coat of arms of the Imperial House of Japan. In fact, these magical flowers could only be represented on the garments of the imperial family. Ordinary mortals were forbidden such a privilege, and those who dared to adorn their clothes with this flower were sentenced to death.
To this day, a magical, multi-millenary custom has been preserved in Japan. In the evening, the chrysanthemums in the garden are covered with a fine piece of fabric. During the night, the fabric is soaked in the morning dew springs from the mums. Japanese women wipe their faces in the morning with this delicate fabric, as they still believe the chrysanthemum dew has miraculous anti-aging properties and promotes long life.
When a Japanese person gets sick, family members bring them a bouquet of chrysanthemums. The reason is that in Japan, the chrysanthemum is considered a natural panacea, which can cure any disease.
The Legend of The Chrysanthemum
Thousands of years ago, a ruthless emperor ruled over the lands of China. He was afraid of nothing in the world, except old age, and only one thought tormented his mind: how to live forever and stay forever young. Thus, one fine day, he calls the most capable healer at the court and orders him to prepare a medicine that will prevent him from aging, a potion that will give him immortality. After searching all the writings and after consulting with the great sages of the Imperial Court, the medicine man appeared before the emperor and said:
“Most powerful ruler, I could prepare an elixir of eternal youth, but to obtain it, I need a rare ingredient: a very beautiful flower, which grows only at sunrise, in the land of distant islands“.
“I will immediately order this flower to be brought to you!” cried the happy emperor. “Oh, if only it were that simple,” sighed the healer. “The secret is that the flower must be picked only by a man with a pure heart, without sins. Only in this way will the flower can offer its miraculous power to cure old age.” For days on end, the emperor sat and pondered, which of his subjects is the most righteous for the task. He knew that neither he nor his courtiers were capable enough to carry out such a mission. Then, he decided to send three hundred young men and three hundred virgins to that distant island.
“Surely, among them, there is at least one with a pure heart”, thought the emperor.
That’s what he did. They loaded several ships with the necessary things, embarked the six hundred young men and women on board, and sent them to the distant island, where Japan is today. They crossed all the small islands, searched the forests, and the mountains and when everything seemed lost, they finally found what they were looking for. On a not-very-high plateau, they discovered a meadow where thousands of flowers with golden petals shone in the sunlight. The flowers were so beautiful that the young men could not stop admiring them.
“I do not know whether this is the flower required for the elixir, but it surely cheers the heart and rejuvenates the soul!” said the healer to himself. And after he sat and reflected, knowing too well the fierce and deceitful nature of the emperor, he said to himself: “Of course, the emperor will think that my traveling companions and I were the first to test the elixir, and after he receives the potion, he will kill us all!” And then, together they decided not to ever return to their country.
They stayed to live on the islands and founded a new state, the Land of the Rising Sun, that we know today as Japan. It is not known whether the healer succeeded in preparing the miraculous potion, but the chrysanthemum became their favorite flower, the symbol of Japan. Today, the chrysanthemum is represented on stamps and coins, the Grand Order of the Chrysanthemum being the name of the highest distinction in the state. All this is due to the fact that the history of the founding of the Japanese state is linked to the legend of the chrysanthemum.
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If you’ve enjoyed learning about the health benefits of chrysanthemums and the many chrysanthemums uses and how to make natural remedies with these gorgeous autumn flowers, please share this article. Let us know in the comments below if you’ve used chrysanthemums for their medicinal properties and what is your experience with chrysanthemums remedies. Stay healthy, naturally!
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