Are you looking for effective home remedies for cellulite? Continue reading this article and discover the best remedies for cellulite and how to use them for the best results. But first.
Cellulite is a medical condition of the skin that is due to the inflammation of the subcutaneous connective tissue. Although it is not a life-threatening disease, cellulite is aesthetically unpleasant more than anything else. Pregnancy, sedentarism, bodyweight fluctuations, stress, lack of proper hydration, or even genetics may be root causes of cellulite. But there are even more factors that cause cellulite. Before we get to the home remedies for cellulite, let’s see what causes it.

In This Article You Will Find:
The 6 Most Common Cellulite Causes
Cellulite is a consequence of the subcutaneous fat cells overload with fats, glycogen, salt, and water. The growth of these fat cells can be caused by several factors, namely:
1. Poor Diet
A diet rich in trans fats and sugars is the sure road to developing cellulite. The best diet for cellulite is one that is rich in fresh veggies and fruit juices as well as raw fruits and veggies. In addition, adding a few diuretic teas to your diet can be of tremendous help. Elder tree bark tea is amazing against cellulite. Boil 2 tsp of this bark in 250 ml water for 15 minutes and drink 2-3 cups of this tea per day.

2. Hormonal Imbalance
If you add a glandular insufficiency or a PDS to the math, you will see why cellulite is more prevalent in women than men. Excess female hormones due to contraceptive pills treatment can most likely be the cause of cellulite. It’s best to not overuse the same contraceptive treatment for extended periods of time. But in this situation, it’s best to consult with your physician. A home remedy for cellulite caused by hormonal imbalance is licorice root and dill seed tinctures. Mix the two and have 1 tsp in 100 ml of water, 3 times per day. Sage tea is also amazing, as well as non-GMO soy products, soy milk especially.
3. Overburdened Liver
Cellulite can also be triggered by chronic constipation or liver failure. In case of constipation, add wheat bran to your diet to cleanse the bowels. As for liver failure, drink a combination of artichoke and milk thistle teas. Have 2 cups daily.

4. Nervous System Deficiencies
It is a known fact that some mental imbalances can play a major role in the formation of cellulite and obesity, although the patient follows a healthy diet.
In this situation, drink a tea made from a mix of 2-3 plants from the following list:
- motherwort
- hop cones
- hawthorn
- lemon balm
- cowslip
- rosemary
- St. John’s wort
- valerian
You can also take a tincture made from one or several plants mentioned above. You can take 10 drops to 1 tsp. of the tincture, 3 times a day, before the main meals.
5. Poor Blood Circulation
Cellulite can also be triggered by poor blood flow, especially in the limbs. This is the reason why cellulite is oftentimes accompanied by spider veins or varicose veins. To activate the blood flow you can include onion, blackberries, dog-rose berries, and garlic into your diet and drink yellow sweet clover and green teas. Chestnut tincture and Ginkgo Biloba supplements are also helpful in this situation.
6. Cellulite Can Be Caused by a Viral Load
Cellulite is the underlying effect of various conditions so it’s best to target it after investigating the causes in your particular case. Either way, a holistic, natural approach is the sure treatment for cellulite.
10 Best Home Remedies for Cellulite
1. Hazel Leaf Remedy for Cellulite
Add 2 tbsp of minced common hazel leaves (Corylus avellana) to 1 l of boiling water. Continue boiling for 5 minutes, then cover the pot for 15 minutes. Use this tea for local compress on the cellulite affected areas. You can also use this tea internally by drinking 1-2 cups per day. This is one of the most effective home remedies for cellulite.
2. European Horse-Chestnut Cure
Make a tincture by adding 4 tsp of finely chopped horse-chestnut bark (Aesculus hippocastanum) from the young branches in 250 ml of 70° alcohol. Let the chestnut bark macerate for 15 days, then strain it. Have 5 drops of the horse-chestnut tincture, 3 times per day with 100 ml of water. This is one of the best home remedies for cellulite.

3. Effective Onion Remedy for Cellulite
Peel 1 kg of onion (Allium cepa) and then juice it. Add 200 gr of honey over the onion juice, pour the mix into a jar, and keep it in a cool place. Mix well before taking the remedy. Have 40 ml of this sweet onion juice 3 times a day, before each meal. Follow this sweet onion treatment for 3-4 months. The pause and resume. This is a great home remedy for cellulite as well as edema.

4. Natural Olive Salve Cream for Cellulite
This homemade salve is one of the best home remedies for cellulite. Mix in a bowl:
- 50 ml of olive oil
- 30 ml natural Aloe Vera gel
- 4 caps of liquid Vitamin E
- 2 caps of liquid Vitamin A
Pour the content into a small cream container and store it in the fridge. Apply this balm on the cellulite after taking a shower so it is better absorbed.
5. Herbal Poultices for Cellulite
Boil 200 g of common ivy (Hedera helix) (young branches and leaves) in 2-3 l of water for 2 hours. Use this concoction for warm compresses or pour it into your bathtub and bathe for 30 minutes. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) also works great as a remedy for cellulite if you use it as a poultice. For this, add 2 tbsp of rosemary to a cup of boiling water. Add a tsp of salt to this tea as well. Use this remedy for local compresses. These herbs are some of the best home remedies for cellulite.

6. Essential Oils for Cellulite
Mix together 3 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of Mediterranean cypress oil (Cupressus sempervirens L.), and 12 drops of sweet almonds oil. Massage the cellulite areas with these oils after a warm shower for 10 minutes. It is important to rub the oils in with upwards movements. Then rinse the oils off with cold water. One of the most amazing home remedies for cellulite.
7. Salt Bath for Cellulite
It’s very important to avoid hot baths. The bath water shouldn’t exceed the body’s temperature when you want to heal cellulite. To make baths efficient for cellulite, add salt or paraffin to your bathwater for maximum benefits.

8. Oils & Herbal Bath for Cellulite
In addition to the local massages, warm baths (not hot because they can dilate the capillaries) are also great in the fight against cellulite. After this bath, use essential oils to massage the skin gently. Here is how to prepare the herbal bath:
- Ivy-infused baths are the best for cellulite because ivy has the property to restore the connective tissue.
- Add 1 handful of ivy leaves and branches to 5 liters of water and boil for 30 minutes.
- Slip the decoction and pour it into the bathtub.
- Bathe for 30 minutes in this water, while massaging the cellulite areas.
Alternate the herbal bath with an essential oils bath to enjoy one of the best and most relaxing home remedies for cellulite. Add 20 drops of oregano or horse-shoe pelargonium essential oils in an oil bath with a detox effect. Add the mix to the warm bathwater. It’s important that the bathwater temperature doesn’t exceed the body’s temperature. Bathe for 10 minutes. Repeat this bath 2-3 times a week. These herbal baths are amongst the best home remedies for cellulite.
9. Juicing for Cellulite Flush
Celery is loaded with potassium, a mineral that has powerful diuretic properties. It also fortifies the capillary veins and stimulates metabolism. Together with beetroot and lettuce, this makes one of the best home remedies for cellulite. For the effective fresh juice that fights off cellulite you need the following veggies:
- 2 parts celery (stem or root)
- 1 part beetroot
- 1 tbsp lettuce juice
Drink this tea throughout the day and alternate it with sparkling water, only for 2 days consecutively.

10. Lemon & Olive Oil Remedy for Cellulite
This is one of the most fantastic home remedies for cellulite. Peel a few lemons and put the peels in a small jar. Fill the rest of the jar with olive oil. Close the jar and keep it in a dark and cool place for a week. Make sure that the jar you use has been pre-sterilized so that olive oil does not get contaminated with other substances.
Read Also: Natural Treatment for Cellulite
Remove the lemon peels from the jar and fill the jar up with olive oil. Lemons are very acidic due to their astringent properties, so be sure to dilute the lemon peel in oil before use. Apply the oil to the cellulite and let it take action for a few minutes. Repeat the treatment at least once every week. This is one of the most effective home remedies for cellulite.

10 Best Herbal Teas for Cellulite with Recipes
Herbal teas are perhaps the best home remedies for cellulite and below you have the very best herbal teas for cellulite.
1. Burdock
(Arctium lappa)
Boil 3 tbsp of minced burdock root in 1 l of water for 15 minutes. Drink this tea throughout the day. Burdock tea is highly effective in excreting excess water from the body. For best results, drink this tea in a 20 days cure, then pause for 10 days, and resume. Such an amazing lover detox and one of the top home remedies for cellulite.

2. Cherry Stems
(Cerasus vulgaris)
Add 2 tsp of chopped cherry stems to 250 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. Drink 3 cups of this tea daily for 20 days, then pause for 10 days and resume for the following 3 months. Cherry stems tea is a natural excess water and toxins flush. Thus, the body will not be allowed to store toxins in the skin cells that cause cellulite.
3. Nettle
(Urtica urens)
Add 2 tsp of chopped nettle leaves to a cup of hot water. Cover the cup for 15 minutes and then strain it. Have 3 cups every day for at least a month. Nettle regulates digestion, helps flush water and toxins from the fat cells, and prevents fat storage. Nettle tea is one of the best home remedies for cellulite.

4. Blackcurrant
(Ribes nigrum)
Add 2 tsp of crushed blackcurrants to a cup of hot water. Let the fruits soak for 30 minutes, then slip and drink it. Or if you prefer, you can enjoy the berries too. Have 3 cups per day.
5. Horsetail
(Equisetum arvense)
Add 4 tbsp of the chopped plant to 1 l of water, boil for 10 minutes, and strain. Drink this tea instead of water to eliminate excess water. Follow a 20 days cure, then pause for 10 days and resume. One of the most amazing home remedies for cellulite.

6. Lovage
(Levisticum officinalis)
Add 2 tbsp of chopped lovage leaves to 1 l of water, boil for 5 minutes, and strain. You can have 3 cups per day. You can also use lovage root to make a powerful tea for cellulite. To make this tea, add 1 tbsp of chopped root to 250 ml of water and boil it for 5 minutes, strain and drink. You can have 2-3 cups of this tea daily.
7. Rose hip
(Rosa canina)
Add 2 tsp of crushed rosehip berries to 1 cup of hot water. Let them soak for 30 minutes, strain and the tea is ready to drink. Have 3 cups per day. Immune booster and one of the best home remedies for cellulite at the same time.

8. Sage
(Salvia officinalis)
Add 2 tbsp of the plant to 1 cup of hot water. Cover for 15 minutes, strain, and drink 2-3 cups every day. You can also use sage tea in a local compress on the cellulite-affected areas.
9. Sweet Clover
(Melilotus officinalis)
Add 2 tsp of the plant to a cup of hot water. Cover the cup for 15 minutes, strain, and drink 2 cups per day. Sweet clover is one of the top herbs for skin detox and one of the best home remedies for cellulite.
A Powerful Herbal Tea for Cellulite
These herbs together make one of the most powerful home remedies for cellulite. Mix together:
- 50g birch leaves
- 50g stinging nettle
- 50g dandelion leaves
- 50g blackberry leaves
Add 1 tbsp of this herbal mix to 1 l of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain and drink this tea throughout the day. If you have no contraindications, sweeten the tea with natural honey. These 4 herbs have a very powerful effect on cellulite because they drain the swollen tissue. Common nettle firms the skin while birch and blackberry calm down painful cellulite. These herbs are amongst the best home remedies for cellulite.

The Holistic Treatment for Cellulite
The treatment for cellulite needs to be personalized for each individual because each one of us has a certain type of cellulite or a particular combination of 2-3 types. Plenty of rest, relaxation, fresh air, and daily showers can be very beneficial when treating cellulite. Dropping a few pounds and relieving constipation will also help. In addition to these recommendations, there are some amazing home remedies for cellulite you should look at. In acute and sub-acute cellulite you can have great results with propolis and anti-inflammatory warm teas, for instance. However, a holistic approach to cellulite is the best way to go in the long run.
Best Diet for Cellulite
In addition to the home remedies for cellulite, clean eating is very important. No matter the type of cellulite you’re having and the underlying cause, a few diet changes are mandatory. The main foods that will constitute your diet must be fresh fruits and vegetables, grilled fish, and seafood. Meat (organic or free-range if possible) and dairy products should be reduced. Load your diet with fiber by replacing white bread with whole wheat or rye bread. Drink plenty of liquids. Canned foods, deli, soda, bakery, sweets and pastry, animal fats, and smoked products should be taken out of the diet.
Sugar is the #1 enemy for cellulite!
The 2nd worst enemy is foods loaded with preservatives and chemicals that build up as toxins in the skin cells. The diet for cellulite must be established by your physician to meet your needs because there is no one-size-fits-all diet for cellulite. In any case, it’s important to cut out sweets, wheat, bread, and bakery, because carbs favor fats absorption in the cells.
The Best Massage for Cellulite
Alongside the home remedies for cellulite and a healthy diet, massage can help greatly. Massage helps activate the blood flow, especially in the legs and the back of the neck. A simple homemade hot peppers massage tincture can work wonders for cellulite.
- For this, you need 20 gr of finely chopped hot peppers and 100 ml of rubbing alcohol.
- Keep the rub at room temperature for 5-7 days, then strain it and it’s ready for use.
- Pad the cellulite areas several times per day with this hot pepper rub depending on your tolerance to the spiciness.
Aloe Vera gel massage is also great against cellulite.
- Cut the Aloe Vera leaf and apply the gel to the skin.
- Rub it in for 20 minutes and then wash it off with some warm water.
- Repeat every 2-3 days, until you start noticing an improvement in the texture of your skin.

The Best Exercise for Cellulite
Working out 3 times per week is great for cellulite. Sports like swimming, cycling, jump rope, running, or brisk walking are the best workouts for cellulite. A 20 minutes daily workout should also do. Candle exercise is the best and simplest exercise that you can do for cellulite because. Stand with your feet up on rest on the wall every morning for 30 seconds. However, there are some exercises that can aggravate the condition, so it’s best to consult with a specialist before taking up a sport.
Other Simple Tips & Home Remedies for Cellulite
In addition to the recommendations above and the home remedies for cellulite, here are other simple things you can do.
- Take magnesium and Vitamin E supplements;
- Drink 1 cup of hot water before the main meals;
- Daily walks in the fresh air;
- Enjoy a restful 7-8 hours of sleep every night;
- Dry brushing the skin every morning for 5 minutes dissolves cellulite faster;
- Alternate hot/cold showers are amazing for cellulite;
- Rub ice cubes on the cellulite in the morning (ice accelerates the blood flow in the area).
Read Also: The Best Herbal Teas for Detox and Weight Loss
Over the centuries, plants have proven to have miraculous effects on our overall health. This is why we believe that the answer to healthy cellulite-free skin is found in nature. So, we hope you’ll enjoy the benefits of these home remedies for cellulite we have shared with you! Together with a clean diet, regular exercise, a balanced lifestyle a positive mindset you too can get rid of cellulite the natural way. Let us know what home remedies for cellulite worked for you in the comments below. Stay healthy, naturally!