Have you ever tried fresh herbal teas for detox and weight loss? If not, it’s high time you give them a try because the best time for an herbal detox is springtime!
Spring is almost here and along with it comes the rebirth of nature, making it a great period for renewal and rejoicing. This is also the perfect time to pay greater attention to our bodies and perform a complete and efficient spring detox with some simple herbal teas. Depurative and diuretic teas eliminate the excess water and toxins from the body, helping cleanse the blood. Let’s get to them.

In This Article You Will Find:
The Complete Spring Detox with Herbs
Body detox implies eliminating the toxin build-up from the blood, liver, and kidneys in an accelerated manner. Of course, the body detoxifies itself naturally, but if you help it out with some powerful herbal tea, you will speed up the detox process. A full detox should be performed periodically, that is amazing especially when we enter a new season.
A complete spring detox means two things: a predominantly raw diet based on all the spring green leafy goodies like spinach, dandelion, wild garlic, nettle, mountain spinach, lesser celandine, and stevia, etc.
Why is spring the best time for a complete detox? Because spring is herbs’ and greens’ time, amazing medicine foods that help your body detox, improve tonus but also boost your metabolism and immune system altogether. Here are some amazing herbal teas for detox and weight loss!
The 5 Best Herbal Teas for Detox and Weight Loss
The most recommended herbal teas for spring detox and weight loss are nettle, dandelion, Senna, chamomile, and thyme. Yes, thyme. Let’s look closer at the spring greens and how you can use them for full-body detoxification.

1. Nettle Tea for Detox & Weight Loss
Nettles are nature’s “detergents” for your body’s “spring cleaning” we may add. These mighty herbs have a powerful diuretic and depurative effect on the body, helping you detoxify. Besides, nettles are loaded with Vitamins C, A, E, and K, folic acid, minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium, amino acids, and chlorophyll that together help boost your overall tonus. You can use nettles for a detox as nettle salads, and purees, but you can also use them in soups for fresh green juicing and also in simple teas. Yum, and healthy!

2. Dandelion Herbal Tea for Detox
You may use dandelion for your spring detox in many different forms. You can simply add dandelion stems of young leaves to your salad, make a delicious green juice with them, or a simple tea. Dandelion has a strong diuretic effect on the body, but it is also known to lower cholesterol levels and for being a great liver and bile drainer. One of the best herbal teas for detox and weight loss.

3. Asian Herbal Teas for Detox
Asian teas are known for their hydration effect on the body, but they are also great detox teas, that help cleanse the kidneys, the liver, the bile, and the entire digestive tract. Some natural laxative teas that help with detox but also regulate digestion and help eliminate intestine bloating and gas are:
Senna, chamomile, anise, fennel, green tea, thyme, basil, marshmallow, and field bindweed.
Green, black and white teas are also amazing for detox, but also with weight loss because they help regulate the intestine transit. They also help normalize cholesterol and blood sugar levels and target excess fat deposits, especially belly fat. Even more, these teas have vitalizing and mineralizing effects, improving the overall body tonus. These are some of the best herbal teas for detox and weight loss.

4. Weight Loss Herbal Blend
With or without added sweeteners, herbal or fruit teas can drastically reduce your appetite, making a great 0 calorie “snack” in between your meals. For a thorough detox mix together:
- 1 part of red clover
- 4 parts mint
- 1 part green tea
- 1 part dandelion
Make an infusion and drink it throughout the day. These are the best herbal teas for detox and weight loss.

5. Elderflower Tea is a Great Detox Tea
Elderflower tea has amazing depurative and sudorific effects on the body, helping eliminate the excess water from the body and along with it, clogged toxins. Elderflower tea is great for cellulite reduction, but it also helps regulate the digestive tract. In the long term, this detox tea inhibits appetite and helps you lose weight.

How to Detox and Lose Weight with Herbal Teas
Let’s not forget about detox teas that have a powerful effect on the hepatic system, by stimulating bile secretion and excretion, thus helping the weight loss process. These best herbal teas for detox and weight loss are dandelion, chicory, artichoke, St. John’s wort, rosemary, and milk thistle. In order to detox the body and lose weight at the same time we should consider the following teas:
1. Herbal Teas that Burn Fat
- Senna, green tea, lovage, coriander, anise, ginger
2. Herbal Teas that Cut Cravings
- Saffron, orange peel, lemon peel, cinnamon, mint
3. Herbal Teas that Calm Anxiety and Soothe Emotions
- Lavender, St. John’s wort, green tea, lemon balm
4. Other Great Herbal Teas for Detox
- cranberry, field horsetail, birch leaves tea, juniper leaves, cowslip, burdock, cherry stems tea
Before you start the spring detox or any detox or weight loss process, you should consult a specialist. It is recommended that you use the right dosages for a given period of time for maximum and long-term effects of the detox, and no side effects. If you want to lose weight while detoxing, you can include 10-12 therapeutic and lymphatic drain massages. Or you may consider reflexology and aromatherapy for weight loss.
Read Also: 5 Remedies for Weight Loss from the Orient
Detoxifying your body with herbal teas will help you maintain your overall health, and your energy, as well as the physical and mental tonus but it also helps with weight loss, melting the fat deposits that you’ve inevitably accumulated over the winter. These have been the best herbal teas for detox and weight loss that we recommend to you with an open heart. Use them with gratitude and the results will soon show up. Stay healthy, naturally!