If you are looking for simple and effective natural remedies for scalp mycosis, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.
Scalp mycosis is a type of fungal infection that affects the scalp. It appears as red and swollen spots on the scalp, accompanied by stinging and itching, which are clear signs of scalp mycosis. Scalp mycosis weakens the hair and can even completely stop hair growth. It can be contagious, which is why you should avoid contact or the use of personal hygiene products of individuals affected by this fungus. Avoid using other people’s personal items, such as combs, tweezers, hats, pillows, towels, etc., and keep your hair care items clean. Ideally, wash them in very hot water at least once a month.
Below are three natural remedies for scalp mycosis that will help you kill the fungal infection, without using synthetic drugs. Let’s get to some of the most effective natural remedies for scalp mycosis.

In This Article You Will Find:
3 Natural Remedies for Scalp Mycosis
1. Salt & Wormwood Natural Remedies for Scalp Mycosis
Perhaps the simplest yet most effective natural remedy for scalp mycosis is this one using salt and wormwood tea. Here is how you can prepare and use it at home.
- Gently rub fine natural salt all over the scalp of your head until you count to 30.
- One hour later, wash your hair with a bar of homemade natural soap and then rinse once using a concentrated wormwood tea.
- For the second rinse use apple vinegar (one tablespoon of vinegar in 1 liter of water).
In addition, don’t dye your hair or use any hair products (including conventional shampoo and conditioner) while you follow this remedy. Still, if you wish to fix your hair you can use beer or lemon instead of your usual hair spray because they work the same as conventional hair sprays (hairspray recipe here). In addition, make your own 100% natural herbal shampoo. This is one of the best natural remedies for scalp mycosis.

2. Betadine & Castor Oil Remedies for Scalp Mycosis
The second remedy we want to share with you is as simple as the previous one and definitely as effective. Pad the scalp of your head daily with Betadine, and then leave it in as a conditioner for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water. When the scalp has dries, massage it with castor oil, and allow the oil in the hair as much as possible. Castor oil has both antifungal as well as regenerative properties for the hair. Do the Betadine remedy every day, until you see results.
After two weeks of daily use of this remedy for scalp mycosis, whisk a whole egg with one teaspoon of castor oil, and massage the scalp with this mixture. Then cover your head with a plastic bag and wrap a towel over it. Stay like this for one hour, then rinse the mask off using and wash your hair with a natural shampoo (recipe here). As simple as it may sound, Betadine and castor oil make some of the most effective natural remedies for scalp mycosis.

3. Old Remedy for Scalp Mycosis
This forgotten remedy has proven to be quite effective, that is why it has been passed on for centuries up to this day by word of mouth. Hence, we recommend it to you as well. Here is how to prepare and use it at home. Finely chop one onion and sautee it in a pan over medium to low heat with 50 ml of sunflower oil, a few bits of beeswax, and a few bits of frankincense. Allow the ingredients to combine and homogenize until the onion softens and dissolves almost completely.
Strain the obtained composition using a clean piece of gauze and pour it into a salve container. Use the fine homogenous salve to anoint the affected skin areas on your scalp. This remedy will help the scalp dry completely and kill the fungal infection.

Read Also: 5 Natural Remedies for Feet Mycosis
We hope that these natural remedies for scalp mycosis will truly help you out, as they have helped many others before you. Let us know your experience with scalp mycosis and how you have healed from it in the comment section below. Stay healthy, naturally!