Want to learn what are Bach Flower Remedies and how to use Bach Flower Remedies? Continue reading and find out all about Bach Flower Remedies.
Bach Flower Remedies are a form of alternative medicine that uses the essences extracted from flowers to balance emotional blockages of the individual that can lead to physical symptoms of dis-ease. This is a short explanation of what Bach Flower Remedies are, but if you are looking for a more in-depth understanding, continue to read this article, and find out how to use Bach Flower Remedies at home.

In This Article You Will Find:
What Are Bach Flower Remedies?
Bach Flower Remedies is an alternative therapy developed more than 60 years ago by Edward Bach, a well-known doctor and an eminent British researcher, who worked as a surgeon, an emergency physician, as well as a bacteriologist. Despite his success in the field of allopathic medicine, he was not satisfied with the way doctors treated disease, totally ignoring the suffering of people. Being convinced that disease is an effect of the imbalance between body and soul, he turned to alternative therapies.
In 1930, he left London and settled in rural South Wales, to be closer to nature. Here he started an intense period of inner spiritual search after he was diagnosed with colon cancer. At the same time, Bach made the connection between different types of people and different species of plants that can help them in their moments of emotional imbalance, in his solitary walks in nature. Here is where he discovered his first floral essence, Impatiens.

What Are Bach Flower Remedies Used For?
Bach flower remedies address the individual, not the condition or the symptoms. The flower essences are intended to balance emotional disturbances and blockages that occur at a given moment in the mental plane. Dr. Bach states:
“Each flower increases positive vibrations and opens your energy channels. Man has, besides the physical body, a body of life energy, a body of sensitivity and emotions, and a spiritual body. Flower essences are energetic imprints of the living force in plants, which interact with the subtle human bodies and thus can help those with physical illnesses, addressing the emotional response to their illness.”
From a psychological point of view, Bach Flower Remedies frees man from emotional “harnesses“, so that he can live up to his personal truth. Flower essences do not annihilate negative emotions but help to develop positive ones. As Edward Bach himself suggestively explained: “They do not act by attacking the disease, but send those wonderful vibrations from nature to the body, in the presence of which disease melts like snow in the sun”.

How Are Bach Flower Remedies Made?
Bach Flower Remedies are prepared from the inflorescences of plants and wild trees, by the sun method. The flowers are picked in the morning, on the dew, then they are left in pots of spring water, in the sun, until they wither, and the boiling method, both invented by Dr. Bach.
Their action is not chemical or pharmacological, as flower essences act on a mental level through the vibrations they send to the body.
The floral active substance and its action cannot be scientifically proven, that’s why many skeptics say that Bach Flower Remedies are, in fact, based only on the placebo effect, but it is not so. Children, animals, and even plants can be treated equally well with these flower essences, and the beneficial effects are visible in all cases. All Bach flower essences are manufactured only in England, on the fields of Mont Vermont, where Bach spent his last years of life.
Bach Flower Remedies Diagnosis
Bach Therapy always begins with discussions between the therapist and the patient, as this therapy focuses on human emotions. In the diagnostic process, the role of the therapist is very important as he/she must bring to the surface the patient’s thoughts and emotions, which sometimes can be tricky. Therefore, the therapist must be a good listener and a keen observer of the patient’s reactions. This psychological analysis is vital in choosing the flower essences that the patient needs.
How Are Bach Flower Remedies Organized
Bach has divided the 38 flower remedies into 7 groups, which represent the fundamental conflicts within ourselves, namely:
- Fear (Face Your Fear)
- Self-doubt (Know Your Own Mind)
- Not living in the present (Live The Day)
- Loneliness (Reach Out to Others)
- Hypersensitivity to outside ideas and influences (Stand Your Ground)
- Exaggerated concern for the well-being of others (Live and Let Live)
- Unhappiness (Find Joy and Hope)
Now let’s get to the Bach Flower Remedies list and their specific uses.

The 38 Bach Flower Remedies List & Uses
- Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) is used in cases of supersensitivity to influences and ideas, when trying to suppress feelings, and disturbing thoughts, hiding them under a false mask of empathy, happiness, and cheerfulness.
- Aspen (Populus tremula) is useful when having a fear of unknown origin, vague and inexplicable anxieties, premonitions, hidden fears of a threatening disaster, and feeling scared as a result of feeling that something bad will happen.
- Beech (Fagus sylvatica) is good for exaggerated critical thinking targeting those around. As a rule, it is used when being intolerant and completely ignoring the needs and weaknesses of those around you.
- Centaury (Centaurium umbellatum) is used when there is an exaggerated sensitivity to influences and ideas and a lack of self-affirmation. Ideal for people who cannot say “no”, with a weak personal will, an exaggerated reaction to other people’s wishes, and those who avoid confrontations, which can often invite abuses.
- Cerato (Ceratostigma willmottianum) is used mainly for lack of self-confidence in making your own decisions, constantly seeking advice from others, and often being misguided.
- Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera) is used when you fear your own emotional reactions, for example, the fear of going crazy, or when having difficulty ignoring or distancing yourself from certain things, or have an uncontrollable temper and are afraid of losing control or losing your mind.
- Chestnut Bud (Aesculus hippocastanum) helps if you keep making the same mistakes without learning from them, and for gaining knowledge and wisdom from past experiences.
- Chicory (Cichorium intybus) is used in cases of selfishness when you have a controlling, demanding attitude, which you use consciously or unconsciously to direct those around you, and is emotionally manipulative.
- Clematis (Clematis vitalba) has the role of bringing you back with your feet on the ground when your interest in the present moment is low, or you are usually absent, show very little attention to your surroundings, and daydream constantly.
- Crab Apple (Malus pumila) is useful for severe self-criticism, for when feeling dissatisfied with yourself, have the impression that you are ugly, unattractive, or feeling dirty physically and mentally.
- Elm (Ulmus procera) is useful for feelings of hopelessness caused by stress, feeling overworked, and having the impression that you can no longer cope with daily tasks and responsibilities.
- Gentian (Gentiana amarella) acts on dissatisfaction, when having a pessimistic attitude, seeing only the negative side of things, giving up easily after failures, reacting with skepticism, and having feelings of discouragement.
- Gorse (Ulex europaeus) is useful for feeling hopeless, and for boosting confidence and faith that things are unfolding for your highest good.
- Heather (Calluna vulgaris) can be very helpful if you always feel that you have to vent out to others as the only means to soothe your emotions and states of being and dislike being alone.
- Holly (Ilex aquifolium) is useful against feelings of malice, jealousy, mistrust, hatred, and envy, when having an exaggerated sensitivity to the influences and ideas of others, or when reacting aggressively and vengefully.
- Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) awakens your interest in the present moment and helps you escape overthinking about the past, especially when constantly missing your childhood, and the home you grew up in.
- Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) is used to embrace the now moment and can be very useful don’t have enough strength, mentally or physically, to carry the burden of life, and feel like procrastinating a lot.
- Impatiens (Impatiens glandulifera) is useful for exactly what its name says, which is to teach you to have more patience and is ideal if you are too vulcanic, aggressive, fidgety, and hasty in your approach.
- Larch (Larix decidua) is used to overcome feelings of self-doubt and fear of failure, for when feeling inferior to others and always expecting to fail in what you do.
- Mimulus (Mimulus guttatus) is useful for facing hidden fears regarding things that may never happen: illness, poverty, accidents, misfortune, etc.
- Mustard (Sinapis arvensis) is useful in overcoming feelings of sadness, sudden anxiety, depression, and periods of melancholy that come and go without an apparent reason.
- Oak (Quercus robur) helps you to become aware of your physical limits, especially if you are struggling, and feeling tired, but still don’t want to give up.
- Olive (Olea europaea) is very useful when feeling depleted of energy, will, or strength, as a way to revitalize and replenish your powers after a long strain or suffering.
- Pine (Pinus sylvestris) is used to boost self-respect after blaming yourself too much, even for things that you shouldn’t, and to fully enjoy success and appreciate what you have achieved this far.
- Red Chestnut (Aesculus carnea) is for peace of mind, and for reducing anxiety and worry regarding others or yourself.
- Rock Rose (Helianthemum nummularium) is used successfully against feelings of panic, terror, and paralyzing fear.
- Rock Water (Aqua petra) is used to increase flexibility and drop unnecessary standards that can only limit your success rather than help you and is also for extra courage in taking risks and allowing what is.
- Scleranthus (Scleranthus annuus) is useful if you oftentimes feel indecisive and hesitant in making decisions while holding all the thought processes locked in.
- Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum) is used to release grief in times of great stress such as traumatic news, or emotional shocks; it is the great comforter.
- Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) is useful for boosting optimism and positive vibes when facing anguish and feeling at your wits’ ends.
- Vervain (Verbena officinalis) is used in case of exaggerated enthusiasm, or fanaticism towards an idea or a dogma. As a rule, out of an exaggerated desire to serve a good cause, you can waste your energy, and react like a missionary or a fanatic.
- Vine (Vitis vinifera) is used when you want to lessen your need for control or dominance over how others should lead their lives yet keep them motivated to go on.
- Walnut (Juglans regia) is used to accept and embrace changes as a normal part of life, but at the same time don’t get sidetracked from your path by the judgment of others.
- Water Violet (Hottonia palustris) is useful if you feel disconnected from others and don’t know how to build meaningful and authentic relationships while maintaining your integrity.
- White Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is used to bring more tranquility into your mind when feeling cluttered by repetitive and oftentimes negative thoughts.
- Wild Oat (Bromus ramosus) is used to bring more awareness and clarity regarding the path that you are on and the way you want to go, especially when facing a crossroads in life.
- Wild Rose (Rosa canina) is used to reignite passion, enthusiasm, and excitement in your life, especially when the going gets tough, and you feel hopeless and apathetic.
- Willow (Salix alba) is useful if you want to forgive those who’ve mistreated you and move on from the feelings of resentment, hurt, and bitterness caused by people or perceived negative events.
In addition to the 38 Bach flower remedies above, there is also a complex formula: Rescue Remedy, which is a combination of five Bach flower essences (Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum, Clematis, and Impatiens), which helps overcome stress and tension in extreme situations (strong emotional shocks, accidents, terrible news, etc).
How to Use Bach Flower Remedies
Once flower remedy or combination of remedies is established, put 2 drops of the flower essence in a cup of flat or spring water and take a sip, from time to time until you finish the entire cup. Or combine 2 drops of each remedy (but not more than six different flower essences) in a 30 ml amber bottle, fill the rest of the bottle with flat, spring, or filtered water and a little alcohol (optional). The dosage is 4 drops four times a day in a little bit of water.
Bach Flower Remedies can be used as often as necessary. In a crisis, a single dose may be needed, but for a more serious emotional problem, the doses may be taken over an indefinite period. As a rule, the treatment lasts for 3-4 weeks, followed by a check-up. If necessary, one can continue using the flower remedies, or change them, depending on the needs. The beneficial effects of Bach Flower Remedies are usually visible when taking small amounts of flower essences regularly. Once the problem is solved, the therapy can be stopped.
In case of emergency (strong emotional shocks, accidents, terrible news, etc), the best way to have instant results is to apply the undiluted Rescue Remedy directly on your tongue or by rubbing it on your temples, the area behind your ears, or your wrists.

Bach Flower Remedies Safety & Interferences
Bach Therapy is a very simple alternative medicine, safe and natural, that has no side effects and does not interfere with any other form of treatment, including nutritional, herbal, or allopathic. It actually works very well in combination with homeopathic remedies and therapy. There are no known side effects, overdose, or allergic reactions to Bach Flower Remedies.
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Bach Therapy works on a subtle level, and it helps release old energies blocked in the body, mind, and spirit with the help of flower frequencies and vibrations. Many of us go through difficulties and challenges, and Bach Flower Remedies can be a valuable aid in restoring inner balance and preventing physical symptoms of dis-ease. If you’ve enjoyed learning what are Bach Flower Remedies and how to use these flower essences to aid and assist your inner struggles, please give this article a share. Stay healthy, naturally!
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