Home Cures 5 Medieval Transylvanian Saxon Remedies for Pain

5 Medieval Transylvanian Saxon Remedies for Pain

by Andreea Laza

Looking for medieval remedies from Transylvania for pain? Discover hundreds of years old Transylvanian Saxon remedies.

Passed on from generation to generation, these Saxon remedies from Transylvania are an invaluable yet, almost forgotten treasure. Kept for hundreds of years in clothing chests painted with flowers along sprigs of lavender, these remedies belonging to Saxon healers from Rotbav, Jibert, Ungra, Vurpar, or Biertan, Transylvania have been rediscovered and published in magazines and books. Today these Saxon remedies enjoy a special interest in Germany and Europe. Here we want to share with you Saxon remedies for pain and depression.

Medieval Transylvanian Saxon Remedies for Pain and Headache - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Bazna fortified church, a Saxon landmark of Transylvania, Romania

5 Transylvanian Saxon Remedies Remedies for Pain

1. Headache

The active substance most frequently used against headaches is acetylsalicylic acid, which is found, for example, in aspirin. But did you know that white willow bark contains salicin, a natural precursor of acetylsalicylic acid? Put 1 teaspoon of white willow bark (Salix alba) in a cup of cold water, bring to a boil, and when it almost starts to boil turn the heat off and steep for 5 minutes. Strain and drink the tea whenever you have a headache.

Transylvanian Saxons also used peppermint oil to gently massage the temples and back of the neck, or prepared an infusion with hops, peppermint, and rosemary (1 teaspoon of herbal mixture to a cup of water). Another Saxon remedy was a small pillow filled with lavender, St. John’s wort, and lemon balm to sleep next to. Peppermint dilates the blood vessels, while St. John’s wort stimulates the production of calming substances, and is also effective for stress, anxiety, and depression.

Willow Bark -Best Natural Alternatives to Blood Thinners - MyNaturalTreatment.com

2. Sciatica (Lower Back Pain)

Over the years, the discs between the vertebrae lose their elasticity, as a result, they move and can pinch and inflame the sciatic nerve. An old Transylvanian Saxon remedy was rolling a warm and wet towel (soak it in hot water and squeeze) and applying it immediately on the painful area. Keep the towel on until it starts to cool down. The hot towel decontracts, relaxes, and reduces the inflammation that causes pain.

3. Lumbago

The lower back muscles contract during trauma, to protect the spine from injuries, but this affects, at the same time, the blood supply, thus causing severe pain. One of the best Saxon remedies in this case is taking a hot hay flower bath. Macerate 500 g of hay flowers for 30 minutes in cold water, strain and pour into the warm bath water. The warm bath is good for the narrowed blood vessels in the muscles and stimulates the blood supply to the muscles. Learn more about hay flower baths here.

4. Earache

Earaches are often a symptom of cold or flu, and if there is no serious inflammation of the middle ear (otitis), the pains can be relieved with simple remedies. Onion is an ancient Transylvanian Saxon remedy with guaranteed effects for earache. Wrap 1-2 finely cut onions in a napkin, heat them a little over steam, and put them over the affected ear/s. Wrap a scarf around to secure the onion poultice in place. Remove after about an hour, and repeat the process 2-3 times a day. Onion soothes pain and stops infections.

6 Natural Treatments for Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ear) - Onion Juice in The Ear

5. Depression

Since the 16th century, Paracelsus recommended St. John’s wort for “fear and bad dreams”. Today, scientists confirm the effectiveness of this plant proven to block the receptors in the brain responsible for depressive states and to prevent the breakdown of serotonin, the happiness hormone. In Medieval Transylvania, sadness was chased away with “pojarniță“, one of the very popular Saxon remedies. Drink 2-3 cups of St. John’s wort tea a day, the last one right before bed.

The selection of Transylvanian Saxon remedies and the medical explanations in this article belong to Dr. Bernard Uehleke, a German specialist in complementary medicine, at the University of Wurzburg, Germany.

More Saxon Remedies:
Cold and Flu Symptoms
Digestive Problems
Heart & Blood Problems
Skin Problems
Eye Problems

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7 Medieval Transylvanian Saxon Remedies for Pain - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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