Home Conditions 4 Natural Treatments for Bronchiectasis

4 Natural Treatments for Bronchiectasis

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for simple and effective natural treatments for bronchiectasis, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.

Bronchiectasis is a pulmonary condition that appears when there is the permanent enlargement of parts of the airways of the lung. The most common symptoms are suppurative infections and severe cough. Here are four complete natural treatments for bronchiectasis that have healed so many people.

Natural Treatments for Bronchiectasis

4 Natural Treatments for Bronchiectasis

1. Yarrow Flower Powder Remedy

This natural powder has amazing antiseptic and disinfectant properties for the oral cavity and respiratory system. Take 1 tsp of yarrow flower powder 3 times per day. Keep it in your mouth and then chew on it as if you were chewing gum. It doesn’t have an unpleasant taste, don’t worry, it’s just a bit bitter. Don’t use this powder to make tea instead because it loses its antiseptic properties. This is one of the best natural treatments for bronchiectasis.

4 Natural Remedies for Vaginal Prolapse - Yarrow

2. Honey & Horseradish Cure for Bronchiectasis

In addition, make this wonderful natural treatment with honey. Mix 100 g of finely grated horseradish to 1 kg of raw honey. Combine well and leave to macerate for the next 7-8 days. Have 1 tbsp of this remedy, 3 times per day, a half-hour before the meals.

10 Best Natural Remedies for Cough - Horseradish

3. Natural Treatments for Bronchiectasis with Royal Jelly & Pollen

For strengthening the immune system, use royal jelly or pollen. Take 1 tsp of royal jelly or pollen every morning before breakfast. It’s very important that you use a plastic or wooden spoon, not a metallic one.

Royal Jelly - Natural Alternatives to Prozac - MyNaturalTreatment.com

4. Horseradish Syrup Remedy for Bronchiectasis

Grate 1 horseradish root and add 2 tbsp. of honey to it. Leave to soak for an hour. Slip it by pressing the mix through a clean gauze. Boil the rests with a bit of water, just to cover them up. After the horseradish softens, slip the water and leave to cool down. Then mix the water with the raw syrup and there you have the medicine.

Read Also: 24 Natural Treatments for Bronchitis

We really hope that the natural treatments for bronchiectasis here will help you out. Let us know what worked for you in the comments below. Stay healthy, naturally!

4 Natural Treatments for Bronchiectasis

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