Home Beauty 9 Natural Treatments for Alopecia

9 Natural Treatments for Alopecia

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for simple and effective natural treatments for alopecia, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.

If you suffer from alopecia which means that your hair has just started falling down and don’t know how to stop it? Don’t go for any miraculous treatments and drugs, because nature has an even better solution for your problem. We will show you how to prepare and use some natural treatments for alopecia and all you need to do is read carefully and get to the action.

Natural Treatments for Alopecia

9 Natural Treatments for Alopecia – Hair Loss

1. Natural Treatments for Alopecia with Garlic

Garlic is powerful medicine, and here are two ways in which you can use garlic as one of the best natural treatments for alopecia. For the first one, you need the following simple ingredients to prepare a natural hair mask: garlic, castor oil, rum, and a dark glass bottle. Here is the recipe:

  • Peel and crush a head of garlic and mix it with 100 ml of castor oil, and 100 ml of high-quality rum (preferably Cuban or Albanian).
  • Put all the ingredients in a dark-colored glass bottle.
  • Leave the garlic remedy to soak for 2 or 3 days before use.

Now, this is how you use this natural mask for hair loss. Thoroughly but softly massage the scalp of your head with this garlic remedy, every time when washing your hair. Leave the mask in and cover your head with a shower cap or a plastic bag. Wrap a warm towel around your head to fix everything in place. When the towel has turned cold, replace it with another heated towel. After two hours, wash off the garlic hair mask. Repeat the process every day for a week, until new hair starts growing.

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Garlic Rub Treatment for Alopecia

The second way to use garlic as a natural treatment for alopecia is this. Rub the scalp and hair lengthwise with garlic cloves cut in halves, especially where your hair is missing. Massage the garlic juice at the same time. Do this procedure every morning and evening. Immediately after you’ve finished rubbing garlic on the scalp, continue rubbing the same areas with black olives cut in halves. Tie a bandana or a scarf around your head after the 2 massages and keep it for the next 2-3 hours. Wash your hair with warm water, and don’t blow it dry.

Alongside this garlic massage treatment for alopecia, follow this simple remedy every 3-4 days. Whisk 2-3 organic egg yolks with 5 drops of rum and another 10-15 drops of apple cider vinegar. Wash your hair thoroughly with this natural solution (don’t use any shampoo or soap). After 6-7 months, you’ll see a white puff starting to grow on your head that will turn into normal hair. With this remedy, you need to have a lot of patience and faith as natural remedies work but take time. These are some of the best natural treatments for alopecia.

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2. Lugol Remedy for Alopecia

Make a simple solution with 2 tsp of honey, 2 tsp of apple cider, 100 ml of water, and a drop of Lugol iodine. These quantities are calculated for someone weighing 75 kg/165 lbs maximum. If you are above this weight, add 2 drops of Lugol to the mix. Have 3 tsp of this solution 3 days out of the week, and for the rest four take only 3 tsp of honey and vinegar. This is a 6 months treatment. Additionally, replace your conventional shampoo with egg yolks. Comb your hair daily and don’t cover your head unless it’s very cold outside. Lugol is one of the most potent natural treatments for alopecia.

3. Watercress, Natural Treatment for Alopecia

Make a simple tincture with 100 g of nasturtium seeds and leaves (Tropaeolum majus), and 100 g of nettle leaves in 250 ml of 45° alcohol. Leave the tincture to macerate for 2 weeks in an amber glass bottle and shake daily. Use this tincture to rub the bald areas on your scalp every night before bedtime. Or you can combine nasturtium tincture with nettle tincture and use it the same way. There is another way to use nasturtium with efficacy. Juice some fresh nasturtium leaves and flowers and use the juice to friction your scalp every evening. These are some of the best natural treatments for alopecia.

Nasturtium Tincture Recipe - Health Uses of Nasturtium & How To Cook Nasturtium - MyNaturalTreatment.com
Nasturtium tincture

4. Iodine Tincture Remedy for Alopecia

On the first day of treatment pad iodine tincture on the roots of your hair. For this, soak an ear swab in iodine tincture and slightly touch the roots of your hair. Use just a little bit of iodine tincture, otherwise, you may feel a burning sensation. For the following two days wash your hair with chamomile tea. On the fourth day of treatment use iodine tincture again. Repeat this 4-day remedy for 3 weeks and, usually by this time hair will start to grow back. This is one of the most effective natural treatments for alopecia.

5. Walnut Juice Treatment for Alopecia

The best time to do this cure is at the beginning of summer when walnut leaves are small and super-green. Gather as many fresh walnut leaves as you can and juice them. Use a cotton pad to apply the iodine-rich walnut juice to your scalp. Resume daily until you see results. Beware! Walnut juice is a natural brown hair dye.

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6. Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy

Simmer 100 g of nettle in 2 cups of water and 2 tbsp of apple cider for 30 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool down. Use the nettle decoction to massage your scalp daily, over the course of a week.

7. Honey & Cinnamon Remedy for Alopecia

Combine 1 tbsp of honey with 1 tsp of cinnamon, 2 tbsp of extra-virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp of brandy, and 1 egg yolk. Use this natural mask to massage the scalp, then leave it in for 15-30 minutes. Wash it off and then wash your hair using a natural shampoo. Apply the hair mask at least twice a week. This is a 3-4 month treatment, and one of the most powerful natural treatments for alopecia.

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8. Castor Oil Treatment for Alopecia

Combine equal parts of liquid gas (lamp oil), castor oil, and 80-90° alcohol in a bottle and shake until you obtain a milky emulsion. Wash your hair with a natural shampoo/soap. Do not blow your hair with a hairdryer. Pad this lotion on the roots of your hair and on the scalp using cotton pads. Slightly soak the pads in the solution, otherwise, at the end of the process your hair will feel too greasy and the roots will be clogged. Pad the solution in well and then wash your hair again with a natural shampoo and repeat the procedure once again. Castor oil and lamp oil are some of the best natural treatments for alopecia.

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9. Corn Oil Remedy for Alopecia

Warm up some corn oil and use it to massage the scalp. Then wrap a towel soaked in hot water around your head. Wash your hair with egg yolks and rinse with birch infusion. This is one of the best natural treatments for alopecia.

Other Natural Treatments for Alopecia

  • Onion Juice for Alopecia. Grate one onion and squeeze the juice out using a piece of clean gauze. Use it the same way as the walnut leaves juice (see above).
  • Fresh Yeast Remedy. Have 1 tsp of yeast every time you eat as it is or diluted in some fresh veggie juice.
  • Horse-Heal Hair Wash. Simmer 8 tbsp of elecampane root in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Leave to cool down and strain. Wash your hair with this decoction once a week.
  • Royal Jelly Remedy. Combine together royal jelly and pollen powder and pad the scalp 2-3 times a week with it.

Read Also: 5 Natural Treatments for Alopecia Areata

These are some really effective natural treatments for alopecia gathered from parts of Central and Eastern Europe. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it on social media so more people can use this information. Let us know in the comments below what remedies for alopecia have worked for you. Enjoy beautiful strong hair, naturally!

Natural Treatments for Alopecia

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