Home Conditions Powerful Natural Remedy for Sun Allergy

Powerful Natural Remedy for Sun Allergy

by Andreea Laza

Looking for a powerful natural remedy for sun allergy that actually works? See what this sun allergy remedy is and how to use it at home.

The natural remedy for sun allergy we want to present to you today is a very old recipe from the Balkans that uses a combination of foods and herbs to make a fermented drink with cake yeast. This fermented drink is rich in Vitamin B as well as other minerals and vitamins that help the body cleanse toxins and thus reduce and even cure sun allergy. Here is how you can prepare this powerful natural remedy for sun allergy at home and use it with great results.

Powerful Natural Remedy for Sun Allergy - Sun Allergy Remedy - MyNaturalTreatment.com

Natural Remedy for Sun Allergy from The Balkans

For this sun allergy remedy, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of cornmeal (non-GMO)
  • 1 cup of wheat bran
  • a walnut-size piece of cake yeast (fresh yeast)
  • juice from one lemon
  • one large beetroot, grated
  • 9 cloves of garlic, crushed
  • 1 cup of dried calendula flowers
  • one bunch of fresh lovage
  • one bunch of fresh parsley
  • one bunch of fresh dill
  • one bunch of fresh peppermint

Put all the ingredients in a large 5 l (169 oz) jar and pour fresh water over them, until you have only 5-7 cm/ 2-3 inches left from reaching the mouth of the jar. Seal the jar and allow the composition to ferment for the following 10 days away from sunlight. Strain and pour into glass jars that you keep in the refrigerator. This sun allergy remedy is simple. Have two cups of a day of this fermented drink after a main meal.

You can reuse the same ingredients once more to make another batch of the fermented drink (just add another piece of cake yeast). However, this makes a less concentrated drink, so you need to up the dose to 4 cups/day.

Sun Allergy Skin Care – 100% Natural

Apply the following protective skin mask to your face as often as possible. Combine 50 g of fresh yeast with a cup of natural yogurt, one tablespoon of pollen, and two tablespoons of honey. Spread the mask on your face and leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash it off and then apply a propolis-based natural face cream. Avoid any conventional cosmetic products when you go out in the sun, as they are highly toxic and can react in contact with sunlight. Instead of using toxic conventional sunscreens, make your own sunscreen following this recipe.

15+ Quick Home Remedies for Sunburn - Sour Cream

Herbal Teas for Sun Allergy

There are two herbal teas that we especially recommend for sun allergy: walnut leaves tea and chamomile tea. To make the walnut leaf tea, you can use freshly picked leaves that you chop finely, or use dried ones. Steep two spoonfuls of leaves in two cups of boiling water for two minutes, strain and the tea is ready. For best results, drink the entire quantity of warm tea in the morning, on an empty stomach, for three weeks. In addition, a cup of chamomile tea daily and a good vitamin E supplement can also be useful against sun allergy.

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Health Embassy Common Walnut Leaf | Juglans regia L | 100% Natural Herbal Tea (50g)
Chamomile Tea 1LB (16Oz) 100% CERTIFIED Organic (USDA seal) Chamomile Flowers Herbal Tea (Matricaria...
DEVA Vegan Vitamins Natural Vitamin E 400IU with Mixed Tocopherols, Supports Immune System & Skin...
Health Embassy Common Walnut Leaf | Juglans regia L | 100% Natural Herbal Tea (50g)
Health Embassy Common Walnut Leaf | Juglans regia L | 100% Natural Herbal Tea (50g)
Chamomile Tea 1LB (16Oz) 100% CERTIFIED Organic (USDA seal) Chamomile Flowers Herbal Tea (Matricaria...
Chamomile Tea 1LB (16Oz) 100% CERTIFIED Organic (USDA seal) Chamomile Flowers Herbal Tea (Matricaria...
DEVA Vegan Vitamins Natural Vitamin E 400IU with Mixed Tocopherols, Supports Immune System & Skin...
DEVA Vegan Vitamins Natural Vitamin E 400IU with Mixed Tocopherols, Supports Immune System & Skin...

Diet for Sun Allergy

Certain foods trigger headaches for those who have an allergic reaction to the sun. At the top of the list are chocolate and mustard, but there are other foods that can trigger migraines in case you are allergic to the sun. These foods are herrings, dairy products, gluten, pork, poultry liver, alcohol, and caffeine. Do not drink alcohol before going out in the sun. Reduce or cut out meat and give up sugary sweets (replace them with raw honey, maple syrup, or dates).

On the other hand, if you consume as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, switch coffee for herbal teas (non-caffeinated), and drink plenty of water, your body and skin will start to detox the sun allergy will automatically fade and disappear with time.

Read Also: 15+ Quick Home Remedies for Sunburn

If you’ve enjoyed discovering this powerful natural remedy for sun allergy from the Balkans, please share this article so more people can use this information. Let us know in the comments below what is your favorite natural remedy for sun allergy that you’ve used successfully. Enjoy the sun, naturally!

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Powerful Natural Remedy for Sun Allergy - Sun Allergy Remedy - Sun Allergy Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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