Home Herbs 10 Popular Natural Remedies from Ancient Rome

10 Popular Natural Remedies from Ancient Rome

by Andreea Laza

Want to discover the most popular natural remedies from ancient Rome? Continue reading and find out what they are.

In ancient Rome, people used a wide range of herbal remedies and other natural remedies, many inspired by ancient Greek remedies. Roman houses often had a garden in the back, with rich vegetation, including many medicinal plants, that Romans often used in making healing potions. Here we want to share with you some of the most popular natural remedies from ancient Roma that have survived to this day. Herbs, vegetables, and seeds with amazing healing virtues when used the right way. Let’s get straight to the remedies.

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10 Most Popular Natural Remedies from Ancient Rome

  1. Cabbage – to prevent hangovers, Romans ate pickled cabbage before a night of heavy partying. They also used fresh cabbage and cabbage juice as a natural remedy for ulcers, gastritis, and joint pain.
  2. Peppermint– Romans chewed on peppermint leaves after a feast, to ease digestion, or drank mint tea after a meal, to prevent indigestion. They also used mint to cure coughs and colds. Peppermint was also used to flavor wine and sauces.
  3. Oregano – a well-known herb throughout the Roman world, oregano was praised in ancient Rome for its aroma and strong antiseptic properties. It was used as tea or powder, to treat digestive and respiratory infections.
  4. Aloe Vera – ancient Romans used to drink the juice from the Aloe vera leaves as a medicine for stomach pains, gut conditions, constipation, and other digestive disorders. Externally, they used Aloe vera gel against hair loss (alopecia), sunburn, or skin diseases – ulcers, burns, and eczema.
  5. Fennel seeds – ancient Romans used fennel seeds as a natural expectorant, to ease the discomfort caused by coughing. They also used fennel seeds to treat disorders of the mind, as Roman doctors considered that this plant calms the nerves. Fennel seed tea was used to treat abdominal cramps and joint pain.
  6. Licorice – is one of the most popular natural remedies from ancient Rome – an extremely powerful medicinal plant. They used the decoction or maceration of licorice root to treat coughs, bronchitis, asthma, stomach problems, as well as liver, kidney, and bladder disorders.
  7. Sage – was considered a sacred plant, particularly used in religious rituals. They considered sage a medicine good for all diseases, hence the Latin proverb “Why should a man die if sage grows in the garden?”.
  8. Rhubarb – the Romans believed that rhubarb stem decoction cures bloating, constipation, asthma, rickets, liver, stomach, and spleen diseases. This was one of the most popular natural remedies from ancient Rome.
  9. Hyssop – in ancient Rome, hyssop was known for its powerful cleansing action and was used as a remedy against leprosy.
  10. Flax seeds – this was one of the most popular natural remedies from ancient Rome, Romans used them to aid digestion and prevent heart disease. Ancient Romans consumed flax seeds whole or in powder form (flax meal).
Oregano Tea - Natural Remedies for Staphylococcus Infection - MyNaturalTreatment.com


The Romans paid special attention to the prevention of diseases, and the preservation of health and hygiene, and this can also be seen by their numerous public baths, with a complex structures, which included pools with water of different temperatures, gymnasiums, and massage rooms. The ancient Rome localities were supplied with fresh water with the help of ingeniously constructed aqueducts, and a well-developed sewage system. They placed great emphasis on a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Read Also: 7 Popular Natural Remedies from Ancient Greece

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