Home Conditions 8 Natural Remedies for Osteoarthritis of The Hip with Vegetables

8 Natural Remedies for Osteoarthritis of The Hip with Vegetables

by Andreea Laza

Looking for natural remedies for osteoarthritis of the hip with vegetables and legumes? Continue reading and discover the best veggies for coxarthrosis.

Coxarthrosis (osteoarthrosis of the hip) is manifested by pain around the hip joint, which goes down along the thigh or at the internal part of the knee. People suffering from osteoarthritis of the hip can also have difficulties when walking, or climbing stairs, and can even experience hip joint stiffness, especially in the morning. But here are the best natural remedies for osteoarthritis of the hip with vegetables and legumes, passed from generation to generation in the Balkans.

Vegetables - Natural Remedies for Osteoarthritis of The Hip (Coxarthrosis) - MyNaturalTreatment.com

8 Natural Remedies for Osteoarthritis of The Hip with Vegetables

1. Horseradish

(Armoracia rusticana)

Horseradish is one of the best natural remedies for osteoarthritis so much so, that there is not just one, but at least four ways to use it for coxarthrosis. Depending on your skin sensitivity in contact with horseradish, anoint the area with calendula salve, before or after applying these horseradish remedies.

  • Prepare horseradish tincture by putting 100 g of grated root in a bottle and cover with 250 ml of rubbing alcohol. Seal and allow to macerate for 2-3 months. Do not strain (the longer the horseradish stays in the alcohol, the more effective it is) and apply compresses with this tincture for 10 minutes.
  • Mix grated horseradish with rubbing alcohol and apply as a poultice several times a day, to the painful area.
  • Or simply apply only grated horseradish (100 g of finely grated root), place it on a clean cheesecloth, and apply to the painful area for 10 minutes. After 15 minutes you can apply it once more, but with care not to cause local burns.
  • In spring and summer, you can also apply chopped horseradish leaves in a cheesecloth for 10 minutes.
10 Best Natural Remedies for Cough - Horseradish

2. Hot Pepper Tincture

(Capsicum annuum)

Hot pepper tincture helps relieve pain by activating local blood circulation. Cut the hot pepper into thin slices and fill a quart of a bottle with it. Pour rubbing alcohol on top, until you fill the rest of the bottle. If you don’t have rubbing alcohol, use vodka or rakija (do not use isopropyl alcohol). Seal and allow to macerate for 10-15 days, at room temperature, shaking daily. Strain the tincture and transfer it to another smaller bottle. To use, soak a cotton pad in this tincture and apply it to the painful area.

3. Onion Decoction

(Allium cepa)

This onion broth is another one of the best natural remedies for osteoarthritis of the hip from the Balkans. Here is how to make it and use it. Simmer 200 g of onions (with peels) cut into small pieces in one liter (4 cups) of water for 15 minutes. Strain and leave the decoction aside to cool. Drink one cup of this onion tea in the morning and another one in the evening, at bedtime. This remedy is also amazing for digestive problems (constipation, for instance).

Natural Remedies for Osteoarthritis of The Hip (Coxarthrosis) - MyNaturalTreatment.com

4. Steamed Common Bean

(Phaseolus vulgaris)

Boil the green common beans until soft, allow them to steep in the water, and consume both the boiled pods and the water as tea. It is also recommended to eat common green bean soup as often as possible (without sour cream or eggs – vegan), as green common beans help eliminate toxins from the body, and reduce inflammation.

5. Tomato Stems Bath

(Lycopersicon esculentus)

Eating fresh tomatoes is amazing, due to the high lycopene content, which is a powerful natural antioxidant, but did you know that tomato stem baths are one of the most effective natural remedies for osteoarthritis of the hip? Indeed. So next time the tomato season comes to an end, don’t throw away the dry tomato stems, instead collect them, chop and dry them for later use. Boil one handful of chopped dried tomato stems in 5 liters of water for 15 minutes. Strain and pour the decoction into your bathtub, over your bathwater (at body temperature). Bathe for 20-30 minutes.

6. Celery Root Decoction

(Apium graveolens)

Celery stems are already made famous for their healing properties by the Medical Medium, but did you know that the celery root, also known as celeriac is a miracle food and remedy? Here is how to use it for coxarthrosis. Boil one celery root in 250 ml (one cup) of water until it softens. Strain the liquid and drink it during the day. It is very effective, especially in long-term cures. This is one of the most powerful natural remedies for osteoarthritis of the hip.

Celery Root - Natural Remedies for Osteoarthritis of The Hip (Coxarthrosis) - MyNaturalTreatment.com

7. Garlic

(Allium sativum)

Consume as much garlic as you can in any form possible, the larger the quantity the better, as garlic is one of the top natural antibiotics and antiinflammatory foods there is. You can also use garlic topically as follows. Boil a peeled garlic bulb (50 g) in 250 ml of water for 5 minutes. Strain and apply a warm compress soaked in the garlic decoction on the sore area to reduce pain.

8. Cabbage Poultice

(Brassica oleracea)

Cabbage leaf application is a known remedy for many problems, including rheumatic pain and arthritis. Here is how to use it as a remedy for osteoarthritis of the hip. Crush some fresh cabbage leaves on a flat surface, using a rolling pin, then apply them locally to relieve pain. If they are well tolerated, you can leave them on for up to 12 hours, then change them with fresh ones. You can also try the cabbage salve instead (recipe here).

Read Also: 10 Herbal Remedies for Osteoarthritis of The Hip (Coxarthrosis)

These vegetables and legumes for coxarthrosis are simply amazing, but you have to be consistent and dedicated to your healing. Because the body heals naturally, it only needs a bit of support and caring on our part. If you’ve enjoyed discovering these natural remedies for osteoarthritis of the hip (coxarthrosis), please share this article so more people can use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!

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Natural Remedies for Osteoarthritis of The Hip (Coxarthrosis) with Vegetables - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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