Home Conditions 7 Powerful Natural Remedies for Hernia with Herbs

7 Powerful Natural Remedies for Hernia with Herbs

by Andreea Laza

Looking for effective natural remedies for hernia with herbs? Continue reading this article and find out what they are.

A hernia is the abnormal bulging out of tissue or an organ, such as the bowel, outside the cavity in which it normally resides. Hernias can be of many types depending on their location, but some of the most common are inguinal hernia (groin), femoral hernia, hiatal hernia, belly button hernia, diaphragmatic hernia, and post-surgery hernias. The natural remedies for hernia here use herbs and herbal products and have been passed on from generation to generation in parts of Eastern Europe. They may work in the early stages of a hernia, but not only. We hope they can offer some kind of relief. Let’s get to them.

Powerful Natural Remedies for Hernia with Herbs - MyNaturalTreatment.com

7 Natural Remedies for Hernia with Herbs

1. Lady’s Mantle & Shepherd’s Purse Remedy for Hernia

( Alchemilla vulgaris & Capsella bursa-pastoris)

Lady’s mantle helps harmonize the genital organs and maintains the normal functionality of the abdominal muscles by toning them. Topically, the shepherd’s purse has a hemostatic effect and helps to reduce bleeding in the case of superficial skin wounds. Together, they make one of the most powerful natural remedies for hernia. Here is how to use them for a hernia.

Drink 4 cups of lady’s mantle tea a day for at least two weeks. Alongside, massage the herniated area three times a day with shepherd’s purse tincture, for at least three minutes. Continue massaging daily for at least 1-2 months until you start seeing the herniated area reduce in size. You can make shepherd’s tincture at home (recipe here). This is a very powerful natural remedy for groin hernias in particular.

2. Silverweed Root Tea for Hernia

(Potentilla anserina)

Silverweed is mainly used for its astringent properties provided by its high tannin content. The root extract is richer in tannins than the leaves, so is used more often. Silverweed remedies are used to clean and heal superficial cuts faster, which is why it is also one of the most effective natural remedies for hernia, especially groin hernia. Prepare the silverweed root infusion by steeping 1 tsp of dried roots in a cup of hot water for 2 hours. Split into three portions, and drink each before the three main meals of the day.

Silverweed - Natural Remedies for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding - MyNaturalTreatment.com

3. Powerful Herbal Blend for Hernia

This is a long-term cure with a powerful blend of medicinal herbs, alongside a healing, supporting diet. Here is what you can do. Combine equal parts of the following herbs:

  • carline thistle (Carlina acaulis)
  • common liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha)
  • sage (Salvia officinalis)
  • garden angelica (Angelica archangelica)

Grind the herbs in a coffee grinding machine and take a spoonful of this herbal powder before each meal. Follow a vegetarian diet for at least three months, during which you cut out synthetic food additives, sugar, margarine, alcohol, fast food, and fried foods. In the case of a groin hernia, contract the pelvic floor muscles (between the anus and the genital organ) 100 times a day. These herbs, together with diet and exercise help strengthen the tissues, to a progressive reduction of the hernia, until complete recovery.

4. Motherwort Cataplasms for Hernia

(Leonorus cardiaca)

Motherwort is a powerful remedy used by nursing mothers, to reduce breast irritation, but also by people suffering from prolapse or as it helps tone the tissues, when used topically. To prepare the motherwort cataplasm, grind the dry stalks of the plant using a coffee grinder. Mix 5 spoons of the motherwort powder with warm water well, until you make a paste. Apply to the affected area and cover with a thin gauze, then wrap cling foil to prevent the cataplasm from drying out. Remove after at least 2 hours.

Motherwort - Natural Remedy for Myocarditis - MyNaturalTreatment.com

5. Herbal Root Remedies for Hernia

Comfrey root and parsley root are two fantastic natural remedies for hernia. First, finely chop or grate a clean comfrey root, and boil it in milk until it softens. Strain it and place it over the herniated area as a cataplasm. Alongside, have one shot of comfrey root tincture three times a day. Comfrey root preparations should not be used for more than 4-6 weeks. This remedy is also good for stomach and spleen pain.

Parsley root is another healing root that you can use topically in case of a hernia. Boil one hundred grams of parsley roots for 15 minutes in half a liter of borș (recipe here), or water. Take out the roots, mash them, and put them in a cheesecloth. Apply the poultice to the affected area. The juice resulting from boiling the parsley in borș is drunk throughout the day.

6. Oak Bark Cataplasm

In the early stage of hernia, rinse the affected area daily with cold water mixed with apple vinegar. Then apply a compress made of oak bark boiled in natural red wine (homemade). To prepare the oak decoction, boil a finely chopped oak bark in 400 ml of red wine for 20 minutes. Leave to cool down, and then soak a piece of gauze in the decoction. Squeeze a little bit and apply the compress to the area. This topical remedy for hernia may have results when used in the early stages of groin hernia or other types of hernias.

7. Clay Cataplasm

Apply a cold clay cataplasm, about 1 cm thick, to the affected area, if you can bear the cold. Otherwise, use a warm clay cataplasm. Fix the bandage well in place, to support the hernia. The hernia can be improved at most following this remedy, usually only very incipient ones can be cured with the clay cataplasms. In addition to the cataplasms, massage the area twice a day lightly with clay mixed with water. Avoid strain and heavy lifting, and continue applying the poultices until you see a reduction in the hernia.

Read Also: 4 Natural Remedies for Vaginal Prolapse

In addition to the natural remedies for hernia above, other herbs that you can include in your day-to-day diet or supplements are St. John’s wort tea, patience dock leaves salad, and elecampane rhizome. Old herbal remedies books on herbs singly praise elecampane root for its properties of toning the connective tissue in case of inguinal hernia. If you’ve enjoyed learning about these natural remedies for hernia, please share the article so more people can use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!

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7 Powerful Natural Remedies for Hernia with Herbs - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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