Home Conditions 10 Best Natural Remedies for Gallstones

10 Best Natural Remedies for Gallstones

by Andreea Laza

If you are looking for simple and effective natural remedies for gallstones, continue reading this article and find out what they are. But first.

Gallstones are small “stones” that form in the gallbladder as a result of a high fat/high protein diet and environmental toxins that weaken the liver. Gallstones are a mix of toxic sludge from the liver, bilirubin, and cholesterol that together make these solid stones, that can be very unpleasant especially when they start hurting. So the first thing to consider is to lower the fats in your diet, so the liver can start to break down the toxic slush and take the burden off the gallbladder. Below are a handful of herbal remedies and plant-based treatments that you can try to help you eliminate gallstones naturally. Let’s get to the best natural remedies for gallstones below.

Best Natural Remedies for Gallstones - 100% Natural - MyNaturalTreatment.com

We do not recommend Andrew Morritz’s liver and gallbladder flush, as this it is actually very aggressive on the liver and gallbladder, and what you eliminate are not actually gallstones, but solidified bile!!!

10 Best Natural Remedies for Gallstones

1. The Best Natural Remedies for Gallstones Are Apples

Apples are one of the most fantastic natural remedies for gallstones, especially fresh apple juice, or fermented, as you will see in this remedy. Here is how you can make this remedy at home.

  • Thoroughly wash 15 kg of organic red apples, peel them, and grind them on the machine.
  • Put the resulting apple paste into a jar and add 10% sugar on top (1:10 ratio).
  • Seal the jar with a piece of clean gauze and bind tightly.
  • Place the jar in a warm place for the following 4 days.

After the 4 days have passed and the apple juice has separated, strain the apple juice and pour it into a clean demijohn/carboy. Add sugar (1 kg of sugar or honey per 10 liters of apple juice) and let the apple juice ferment for 3 more weeks. After three weeks, extract the apple juice using a small hose. Leave out the sediments on the bottom of the jar. Pour the apple juice into clean glass bottles, seal them, and store them in a cool place. Drink at least one cup a day of the fermented apple juice, and this will help gallstones become soft and easy to eliminate.

3 Natural Remedies for Pityriasis Versicolor - Apple Cider Vinegar

2. Beets Remedy for Gallstones

If you frequently experience a bitter taste in your mouth and pain right below your rib cage, then you can try the beets remedy for gallstones. This is one of the most effective natural remedies for gallstones and it goes like this. Thoroughly wash and juice one beetroot and one large radish, then split the juice into two equal parts, and have one portion before lunch and the other one before dinner. 

In addition, eat natural plain foods such as fruits (especially pineapple which helps dissolve gallstones) and vegetables, which don’t aggravate the condition, and have a lot of herbal teas daily, such as common agrimony and artichoke. Follow this simple remedy for at least a month and you’ll notice the gallstones shrink and even start to come out. You will feel way better overall. Beets are some of the most powerful natural remedies for gallstones.

Natural Treatment for Leukemia - Beet Juice Beetroot

3. Horseradish Remedies for Gallstones

Pour 400 ml of hot water over 1 tablespoon of grated horseradish root and steep for an hour. Strain the infusion and drink 100 ml, 4 times per day, right before the main meals of the day. Continue having the horseradish infusion for at least 1 month until the gallstones are completely gone for good. Topically, prepare a simple dough with flour and oil, and shape it into a round pie. Covered with freshly grated horseradish and apply to the affected area. You will experience a burning sensation but try to endure until the area warms up well.

10 Best Natural Remedies for Cough - Horseradish

4. Rosehip & Lady’s Mantle Remedies for Gallstones

Prepare an infusion by steeping 2 tablespoons of rose hips into half a liter of boiling water for 15 minutes. Drink the entire infusion in one day. As for gallstone prevention, you can also prepare a simple lady’s mantle tea. Steep one tablespoon of the dried plant into 200 ml of boiling water, and after it has cooled down drink the tea throughout the day. Drink as much of these herbal teas as you can, since they have no side effects and can tremendously help you eliminate gallstones faster. These are some of the best natural remedies for gallstones.

3 Natural Treatments for Nephrocalcinosis - Lady's Mantle

5. Natural Remedy for Gallstones with Hazelnuts

Have you ever heard about the hazelnut decoction? Well, we have to say that it does a really great job for gallbladder-related conditions, mainly gallstones. To prepare this remedy, follow the steps below.

  1. Wash, dry them, and remove the shells from 1 cup of hazelnuts.
  2. Crush the hazelnuts until you get a really fine powder.
  3. Simmer the entire hazelnut powder in 1 liter of water on medium heat, until the water reduces to a quarter (250 ml).
  4. Split the decoction into 4 equal parts and have one portion 30 minutes before breakfast (use the rest three portions for the following three days, again 30 minutes before breakfast)
  5. Immediately after drinking it, lay down in bed on your right side.

When you see a greenish, textured stool in the toilet bowl, you know that you are eliminating the gallstones and all the other toxic gunk buildup in the gallbladder and liver. Repeat this procedure three times (12 days consecutively in total), then pause for one week and resume if needed. Hazelnuts are some of the less-known yet most effective natural remedies for gallstones.

Best Natural Remedies for Gallstones - 100% Natural - MyNaturalTreatment.com

6. Remove Gallstones with Sea Buckthorn Juice

This is one of the best natural remedies for gallstones and is also good for other gallbladder-related problems, as well as liver conditions. Juice 1 kg of fresh sea buckthorn berries and combine the juice with 200 g of raw acacia honey. Shake well so that the honey dissolves into the juice, and drink the entire quantity throughout the day. This simple cure can be continued for a longer period of time because it doesnt have any known contraindications

100% Organic Dried Sea Buckthorn Berries 3.5 oz - Rich in Omega-7, Beta-carotene and Vitamins C and...
Breitsamer, Acacia Raw Honey, 17.6 oz
100% Organic Dried Sea Buckthorn Berries 3.5 oz - Rich in Omega-7, Beta-carotene and Vitamins C and...
Breitsamer, Acacia Raw Honey, 17.6 oz
100% Organic Dried Sea Buckthorn Berries 3.5 oz - Rich in Omega-7, Beta-carotene and Vitamins C and...
100% Organic Dried Sea Buckthorn Berries 3.5 oz - Rich in Omega-7, Beta-carotene and Vitamins C and...
Breitsamer, Acacia Raw Honey, 17.6 oz
Breitsamer, Acacia Raw Honey, 17.6 oz

7. Burdock and Agrimony Remedies for Gallstones

Prepare the burdock decoction by boiling 2 tablespoons of chopped burdock root in 2 cups of boiling water for 2 minutes. Turn the heat off and allow to steep until it cools down a bit. Separately, prepare the agrimony tea by steeping 1 tablespoon of the plant in 2 cups of boiling water for 15 minutes. After the two teas have cooled a bit, strain them and mix them. Drink the entire amount of tea portioned in one day.

Continue for two more days, then on the fourth day perform an abdominal ultrasound to see if the stones are still there or have gone. While doing this remedy do not eat foods that contain calcium (milk, cheese, curd, beans). In general, to prevent the formation of gallstones or kidney stones, it is good to add a little fresh lemon juice to your drinking water.

Cut & Sifted Organic Burdock Root Tea Caffeine Free 5 Ounces - Herbal Ingredient Dried Arctium lappa...
Health Embassy Agrimony Herb | Agrimonia Eupatoria L 100% Natural (50g)
Cut & Sifted Organic Burdock Root Tea Caffeine Free 5 Ounces - Herbal Ingredient Dried Arctium lappa...
Health Embassy Agrimony Herb | Agrimonia Eupatoria L 100% Natural (50g)
Cut & Sifted Organic Burdock Root Tea Caffeine Free 5 Ounces - Herbal Ingredient Dried Arctium lappa...
Cut & Sifted Organic Burdock Root Tea Caffeine Free 5 Ounces - Herbal Ingredient Dried Arctium lappa...
Health Embassy Agrimony Herb | Agrimonia Eupatoria L 100% Natural (50g)
Health Embassy Agrimony Herb | Agrimonia Eupatoria L 100% Natural (50g)

8. Natural Remedies for Gallstones with Onion

This onion remedy has also helped people get rid of gallstones naturally. Slice a large onion and leave it to soak in 4 tablespoons of natural sunflower oil for 10 days. Have 2-3 teaspoons a day of this onion-infused oil before the three meals of the day. Repeat a few days in a row for the best results. Onion oil is a natural antibacterial and cleanser, making this one of the best natural remedies for gallstones.

13 Natural Remedies for Cold and Flu - Onion Syrup

9. Home Remedies for Gallstones with Dill  

Dill seeds tea is a wonderful remedy for those who suffer from gallstones or have other gallbladder-related problems, such as a lazy gallbladder. Here is how you can use them. Pour 600 ml of hot water over 100 g of dill seeds and steep covered for 15 minutes, until the tea cools down. Strain the tea and have a cup before the main meals of the day, three cups in total a day.

Or, grind 6 large spoons of dill seeds using a coffee grinder and then mix the powder in one kilogram of raw honey and allow to macerate for 10 days. Have 2 teaspoons of this wonderful remedy one hour before the main meals. Dill seeds are amongst the most powerful natural remedies for gallstones. Beware! Dill has natural estrogen-like compounds, so use it with care.

2 Natural Remedies for Poor Ovulation with Dill - Dill Seeds Tincture

10. Grapes Remedy for Gallstones

In addition to the natural remedies above, grapes make one of the best food medicines that help eliminate gallstones naturally. Thus, we recommend to you that you also follow a grapes cure. Go for the black grapes with seeds, since this variety contains way more antioxidants than the white ones, as well as Vitamin B complex, helping in the iron absorption in the body. We do not recommend seedless grapes, as they are GMOs.

Read Also: 2 Natural Treatments for Gallbladder Polyps

Follow at least one of these natural remedies for gallstones and gallbladder problems above and remove gallstones naturally, without synthetic drugs or surgery. If you’ve enjoyed this article, share it so more people can reach us and use this information. Stay healthy, naturally!

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10 Best Natural Remedies for Gallstones

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