Home Conditions 15 Best Natural Remedies for Frigidity that Work

15 Best Natural Remedies for Frigidity that Work

by Andreea Laza

Looking for the best natural remedies for frigidity that actually work? Learn how to fight frigidity with herbs, essential oils, music, and more.

Many women suffering from frigidity have clear physiological conditions that led to the onset of frigidity. But even when frigidity is a consequence of emotional problems or sexual incompatibility, there are natural remedies for frigidity that can solve the situation. But before we show you the most powerful natural remedies for frigidity that we know, let’s take a closer look at the psychological causes of frigidity.

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The Psychological Causes of Frigidity

The psychological causes of frigidity are almost as diverse as a woman’s complex emotional life. Most often, the causes of frigidity are hidden in the woman’s subconscious mind. Consciously, most women want to enjoy sex, to be able to give and receive pleasure while making love, but something stops them in their tracks, thus the pronounced absence of erotic desire. Here are a few of the most common psychological causes of frigidity.

  • For some women, frigidity is the result of strong mental blockages to varying degrees, caused by limiting beliefs such as that experiencing pleasure is something immoral or a sin, that sex is a simple duty or that it is disgusting, etc.
  • Fear is another deeply rooted cause of frigidity for other women. Fear of being hurt, of becoming dependent on the man who gives them pleasure, of not disappointing, or, simply, the fear of getting pregnant, are just some of the countless emotional blockages that lead to frigidity.
  • In “worn out” couples, frigidity is often the result of boredom, habit, and sometimes even accumulated resentment towards the partner.
  • There are also many women who, without realizing it, refuse their feminine condition and, as such, find it very difficult to be relaxed during intercourse, which again leads to not wanting to have intercourse.
  • Another psychological cause of frigidity is sexual incompatibility, when the partner is either too shy or too brutal and hasty, and ignores the fundamental importance of the prelude, which in most cases, is the key to pleasuring a woman.
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How to Heal Frigidity?

First of all, talk honestly and openly with your partner and get him to participate consciously and concretely, to help you overcome this problem. Another extremely useful step is to ask for the advice of a psychologist, who will help you to become aware of the deeply rooted causes of your frigidity. Last but not least, we have a few powerful natural remedies for frigidity listed below, dietary tips, and lifestyle changes that can help you overcome the emotional issues that have led to frigidity. Let’s get to them.

15 Natural Remedies for Frigidity that Work

1. Medicinal Herbs for Frigidity

1. Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) – hogweed strongly stimulates the activity of the ovaries, increases blood flow in the genital area, and has an exciting and slightly euphoric effect. Hogweed extract can be administered in the form of capsules, 2-3 per day, in 14-day courses, followed by another 14-day break. The treatment starts on the last day of menstruation, as a general rule, to synchronize with the woman’s rhythms. Taking 2 capsules of hogweed extract with half a cup of water, 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse is recommended, as it induces a slight euphoric state.

2. Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) – Dong Quai extract is considered miraculous in regulating the endocrine activity of women who face frigidity due to estrogen deficiency, menopause, and menstrual disorders (dysmenorrhea). The dosage is 200-400 mg of Dong Quai extract in 60-day courses, followed by a 15-day break, after which administration can be resumed.

3. Griffonia (Griffonia simplicifolia) – Griffonia (or 5-HTP) is especially recommended for women who suffer from frigidity due to insomnia, stress, excessive fatigue, anxiety, panic attacks, or post-traumatic emotional disorders. Griffonia seed extract has a strong relaxing effect, reduces anxiety triggered by the possibility of intimate contact, and induces a state of calm, contentment, and ease in embracing new experiences. Unlike the other two natural remedies for frigidity above, this herb does not have aphrodisiac effects, it is rather a very effective mental relaxant.

4. Calamus Root (Acorus calamus) and Black Pepper – Grind and boil 20 grams of calamus root and 10 grams of black pepper in a cup of water for 15 minutes. Strain and have 4-5 spoons before sexual intercourse. This frigidity remedy makes your body heat up and puts you in the mood.

Pure Mountain Botanicals Dong Quai Capsules - 90 Kosher Vegan Caps with 500mg Dong Quai Root
Vimergy 5-HTP Capsules, 60 Servings – Healthy Mood & Stress Support Supplement – Promotes...
Health Embassy Calamus Rhizome (Acorus Calamus) 100% Natural (50g)
Pure Mountain Botanicals Dong Quai Capsules - 90 Kosher Vegan Caps with 500mg Dong Quai Root
Vimergy 5-HTP Capsules, 60 Servings – Healthy Mood & Stress Support Supplement – Promotes...
Health Embassy Calamus Rhizome (Acorus Calamus) 100% Natural (50g)
Pure Mountain Botanicals Dong Quai Capsules - 90 Kosher Vegan Caps with 500mg Dong Quai Root
Pure Mountain Botanicals Dong Quai Capsules - 90 Kosher Vegan Caps with 500mg Dong Quai Root
Vimergy 5-HTP Capsules, 60 Servings – Healthy Mood & Stress Support Supplement – Promotes...
Vimergy 5-HTP Capsules, 60 Servings – Healthy Mood & Stress Support Supplement – Promotes...
Health Embassy Calamus Rhizome (Acorus Calamus) 100% Natural (50g)
Health Embassy Calamus Rhizome (Acorus Calamus) 100% Natural (50g)

2. Aphrodisiac Foods for Frigidity

5. Hot spices are excellent aphrodisiacs, and very effective in overcoming emotional frigidity. The most powerful aphrodisiac spices are ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, pepper, cardamom, and rosemary. Add a pinch of each of these spices to a cup of mulled wine to which you also add 2 teaspoons of raw honey.

6. Walnuts, olives, cashews, and peanuts contain estrogens, favor female eroticism, and have beneficial effects, such as normalizing vaginal lubrication, relaxing the uterine muscles, and developing secondary female sexual characteristics (breast growth, skin softening). Dill seeds, celery leaves, stalks and roots, and parsley seeds have the same beneficial effects.

7. Celery juice is an excellent hormonal regulator and a powerful detox for the entire body. Drink one cup of fresh celery juice (stalks and root) every morning on an empty stomach. Or supplement with

8. Royal jelly and pollen are very useful natural remedies for frigidity caused by ovarian deficiencies, including those that occur with aging. Supplement with raw pollen and royal jelly for at least a month to enjoy their therapeutic benefits.

9. Buckwheat, wheat, rice, and walnuts – for a good ten days, eat daily a mix of buckwheat seeds combined in equal parts with wheat, rice, and walnut kernels – all boiled up and given a light sprinkle of salt. After giving yourself a nice three-day break, dive back in for another round of ten days. Partner this dietary cure with two cups of cranesbill herb tea (Geranium robertianum) a day in between your meals if the results are not visible after 10 days.

10. Spirulina has the ability to stimulate female sexual organs and can do wonders during ovulation. At the same time, it can fight issues like impotence and frigidity by regulating the action of the sexual organs.

11. Chocolate and cocoa – it’s not just a myth, these foods are actually a fantastic aphrodisiac for women due to an alkaloid found in cocoa, namely theobromine, which has scientifically proven effects in stimulating erotic desires. However, cacao contains caffeine which can tire your adrenal glands, so beware of not overindulging.

Stakich Fresh Royal Jelly - Pure, All Natural - No Additives or Preservatives Added - 16 Ounce (1...
Sunfood Superfoods Bee Pollen Granules - Raw, Wild-Crafted - High Intensity Superfood Rich in...
Vimergy Spirulina Powder – Concentrated Plant Protein Supports Immune Health & Cardiovascular...
Cacao Powder Organic - 1 Pound - Unsweetened Premium Grade Superfood (Raw) - USDA & Vegan Certified...
Theo Cherry Almond Organic Dark Chocolate Bar, 70% Cacao, 1 Bar | Vegan, Fair Trade
Stakich Fresh Royal Jelly - Pure, All Natural - No Additives or Preservatives Added - 16 Ounce (1...
Sunfood Superfoods Bee Pollen Granules - Raw, Wild-Crafted - High Intensity Superfood Rich in...
Vimergy Spirulina Powder – Concentrated Plant Protein Supports Immune Health & Cardiovascular...
Cacao Powder Organic - 1 Pound - Unsweetened Premium Grade Superfood (Raw) - USDA & Vegan Certified...
Theo Cherry Almond Organic Dark Chocolate Bar, 70% Cacao, 1 Bar | Vegan, Fair Trade
Stakich Fresh Royal Jelly - Pure, All Natural - No Additives or Preservatives Added - 16 Ounce (1...
Stakich Fresh Royal Jelly - Pure, All Natural - No Additives or Preservatives Added - 16 Ounce (1...
Sunfood Superfoods Bee Pollen Granules - Raw, Wild-Crafted - High Intensity Superfood Rich in...
Sunfood Superfoods Bee Pollen Granules - Raw, Wild-Crafted - High Intensity Superfood Rich in...
Vimergy Spirulina Powder – Concentrated Plant Protein Supports Immune Health & Cardiovascular...
Vimergy Spirulina Powder – Concentrated Plant Protein Supports Immune Health & Cardiovascular...
Cacao Powder Organic - 1 Pound - Unsweetened Premium Grade Superfood (Raw) - USDA & Vegan Certified...
Cacao Powder Organic - 1 Pound - Unsweetened Premium Grade Superfood (Raw) - USDA & Vegan Certified...
Theo Cherry Almond Organic Dark Chocolate Bar, 70% Cacao, 1 Bar | Vegan, Fair Trade
Theo Cherry Almond Organic Dark Chocolate Bar, 70% Cacao, 1 Bar | Vegan, Fair Trade

3. Essential Oils for Frigidity

Many essential oils are produced by plants to attract pollinators and once they reach the brain of the insect, the brain sends signals that attract them like magnets This explains, among other things, why aromatherapy has such a wide range of applications in addressing sexual disorders. Here are perhaps the best essential oils for frigidity that you can use in aromatherapy:

12. Lavender (Lavandula officinalis, L. lapati­pholia) has a soothing and relaxing effect and is recommended in cases where in order to boost sexual appetite, you need to calm down fears, anxiety, and shyness.

13. Bergamot (Citrus amara/ bergamia) awakens femininity and gentleness and is perfect for women who are more on the dominant, strong, or competitive side, where erotic desire might need a little extra nudge due to their overwhelming strength.

14. Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) and Lemon (Ci­trus limonium) – both have spicy and highly pleasing aromas. They suit women who have a tendency towards apathy, with a fair dose of inertia, with a predisposition towards asthenia and mild depression.

15. Spearmint (Mentha viridis) carries a blend of both gentle and striking aromas, making it a perfect soother for feelings of disgust, repulsion, and anger. Diffusing this essential oil into the room is particularly recommended to combat frigidity rooted in previous unpleasant or traumatic experiences.

Viva Doria 100% Pure Lavender French Essential Oil, Undiluted, Food Grade, 15 mL (0.5 Fluid Ounce)
Viva Doria Bergamot Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural, Italian Bergamot Essential Oil, Undiluted,...
Viva Doria Orange Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural, Sweet Orange Essential Oil, Undiluted, for...
Viva Doria Lemon Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural Lemon Essential Oil, Undiluted, for Aromatherapy...
Viva Doria Spearmint Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural Spearmint Essential Oil, Undiluted, for...
Viva Doria 100% Pure Lavender French Essential Oil, Undiluted, Food Grade, 15 mL (0.5 Fluid Ounce)
Viva Doria Bergamot Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural, Italian Bergamot Essential Oil, Undiluted,...
Viva Doria Orange Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural, Sweet Orange Essential Oil, Undiluted, for...
Viva Doria Lemon Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural Lemon Essential Oil, Undiluted, for Aromatherapy...
Viva Doria Spearmint Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural Spearmint Essential Oil, Undiluted, for...
Viva Doria 100% Pure Lavender French Essential Oil, Undiluted, Food Grade, 15 mL (0.5 Fluid Ounce)
Viva Doria 100% Pure Lavender French Essential Oil, Undiluted, Food Grade, 15 mL (0.5 Fluid Ounce)
Viva Doria Bergamot Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural, Italian Bergamot Essential Oil, Undiluted,...
Viva Doria Bergamot Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural, Italian Bergamot Essential Oil, Undiluted,...
Viva Doria Orange Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural, Sweet Orange Essential Oil, Undiluted, for...
Viva Doria Orange Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural, Sweet Orange Essential Oil, Undiluted, for...
Viva Doria Lemon Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural Lemon Essential Oil, Undiluted, for Aromatherapy...
Viva Doria Lemon Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural Lemon Essential Oil, Undiluted, for Aromatherapy...
Viva Doria Spearmint Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural Spearmint Essential Oil, Undiluted, for...
Viva Doria Spearmint Essential Oil, 100% Pure, Natural Spearmint Essential Oil, Undiluted, for...

Other Simple Ways to Fight Frigidity

Body Massage

Massage works wonders when it comes to frigidity rooted in psychological blockages. If you struggle to unwind, harbor genuine fears of lovemaking, or are too stressed to embrace your erotic side, would do well to have an open discussion with your partner about the real emotional therapy that massage and touch bring. A straightforward relaxation massage is recommended, where the palms delicately touch the body, stroking upwards, starting from the soles and gradually working upward towards the shoulders, neck, and head. Such a massage should last for 15 minutes, and the relaxation will be even more profound if it initially steers clear of any erotic connotations.

Erogenous areas should ideally be touched towards the end of the massage, gradually and gently, to avoid an opposite reaction than expected. For guaranteed success, try to tactfully discuss how and where you would like to be touched, allowing you to open up emotionally first and then physically. For this to work, goodwill and communication between partners play a vital role.

9 Powerful Home Remedies for Frostbite & Natural Prevention - Feet Massage


Lighting is crucial for achieving a state of relaxation. For some women, especially those who are very reserved, or have real or imaginary physical insecurities, complete darkness gives them a sense of psychological comfort where they can freely explore their erotic side. On the other hand, other women prefer bright lights as this makes them feel more secure and visually stimulated. Experts believe that the majority of women prefer soft light in a warm hue: orange, golden yellow, or pale red to help them wind up and relax. In addition to light, relaxing music played during foreplay creates an intimate and emotionally comforting atmosphere that enhances feminine sensuality.


Over 90% of women who experience frigidity don’t know or do not dare to discuss with their partners how they could overcome this issue together. And those who do often use a tone of reproach or command, which further aggravates the situation. In matters of love, “the tone sets the tune“, hence dialogue should be conducted with honesty and gentleness, never lament or blame. Unfortunately, most women remain silent, leaving their partners to guess how they would like to be approached before and during sexual activity, without actively contributing to creating an environment conducive to a shared and beneficial disposition.

That’s why perhaps the best therapy for frigidity is to open your heart and talk about it. And as I mentioned, not just any talk, but one filled with the utmost tenderness, encouragement, and loving guidance. Steer clear of resentment and criticism. Instead, practice praise and gratitude. As long as there is love that binds you, physical affection can be experienced from a state of love and appreciation by both partners.

Read Also: 7 Home Remedies for Low Libido in Women & Men

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15 Best Natural Remedies for Frigidity that Work - Frigidity Remedies - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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