Are you looking for natural remedies for bitter taste in mouth? Continue reading and see what you can do to cure this.
Bitter taste in the mouth is most likely the underlying symptom of another condition. If it lingers for quite some time, it’s best to consult a doctor. Experiencing a bitter taste in the mouth over a long period of time can point to slow bile. It can also relate to GERD, dry mouth syndrome, gum problems, or even dehydration. Menopause and hormonal changes can also cause a bitter taste in the mouth. Viral conditions like mono and hepatitis can make the mouth taste bitter. Here are a few natural remedies for bitter taste in mouth that may help you out, and ditch the bitter taste.

In This Article You Will Find:
4 Natural Remedies for Bitter Taste in Mouth
1. Juniper Berries Remedy
One of the best home remedies for bitter taste in mouth is juniper. For this remedy, you need juniper berries.
- On the first day, take 4 berries, then add one berry a day until the 12th day, you take 15 berries.
- Then decrease the number of berries by one berry a day until you come back to 4 a day.
- Chew the berries well until they turn into a paste, then swallow them.
This is a 23-day long treatment for which you need 220 juniper berries.

2. Chicory, a Natural Remedy for Bitter Taste
Chicory root, leaves, and flower decoction are also one of the most popular home remedies for bitter taste in mouth that is persistent.
- Boil 1 spoonful of chicory root in 1 cup of water for 5 minutes;
- Drink the decoction while is warm, for 3-4 days;
- Pause for 3-4 days and resume if the bitter taste reappears.
There is another treatment with chicory for the bitter taste in the mouth. Take 1 teaspoon of chicory root powder daily. Divide it into 3 portions (before the main meals). Follow this remedy for 15 days.
3. Black Radishes Treat Bitter Taste in the Mouth
This is one of the most effective natural remedies for bitter taste in mouth caused by sluggish bile. You need 10 large black radishes for the 10 days of treatment. If you find organic ones, that’s even better. Every morning, peel one radish and grate it. Use a cheesecloth to squeeze the juice out of the grated radish. You will get a bitter-tasting juice. Drink this juice every morning on an empty stomach. Immediately afterward, lay on the bed, on the right side for 5 to 10 minutes.

4. Olive Oil Home Remedy
This is perhaps one of the simplest natural remedies for bitter taste in mouth. Have a tbsp of high-quality olive oil, first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Then lay down on the bed, on your right side for 30 minutes. Then you can have breakfast. Continue this treatment until the bitter taste has faded away. Usually, it takes up to 2-3 weeks to see any results.

Bitter Taste in The Mouth Diet Tips
In addition to the natural remedies for bitter taste in mouth, diet is key. High-fat foods, which include junk and fried foods are your worst enemies. In order to digest fats, the bile secretes a liquid that helps dissolve these fats. If you’re on a heavy fatty diet, the bile cannot cope and it gets clogged. This slows the digestion process and you get a lot of unpleasant symptoms. One of which is that persistent bitter taste in the mouth. Other symptoms are nausea, vomiting, and pain under the right side ribs. If the bitter taste in your mouth is caused by slow bile production, then you should look at your diet first. This is very important!
Foods to Avoid
- Animal fats
- Sauces
- Stews
- Deli meats
- Dairy
- Eggs
- Smoking
- Coffee
- Soda drinks
- Alcohol
- Refined sugars
- Food preservatives and additives
- Fried foods
- Junk foods

Foods to Eat
- Fresh fruit
- Fresh veggies
- Legumes
- Raw salads
- Legume soups
- Boiled or steamed potatoes
- Rice
- Steamed fish
- Toast bread
The Spiritual Cause for The Bitter Taste
When we’re going through things that we don’t prefer, they oftentimes leave a bitter taste in our mouths. It could be relations or situations and not necessarily pleasant. Sometimes we don’t even realize that we label them negatively. Then we eat our emotions, trying to cope with them. When our emotions come out, they can feel bitter.
Let your emotions out and see what they have to say.
What is it that you’ve hidden in yourself and don’t want to see? The bitter taste in the mouth is actually your body’s detox method to get rid of these negative emotions it can no longer hide. See this experience in a positive light and soak in the precious lessons it has to teach you. When we heal emotionally, our physical bodies will reflect that. Keep an open mind and see what lesson the bitter taste has for you.
Read Also: 12 Home Remedies for Bad Breath
We hope that the natural remedies for bitter taste in mouth here will really help you out. Tell us what worked for you in the comments below. Stay healthy, naturally!

have bad taste in mouth
Hello Sharon! Bad taste in the mouth can have several causes, such as a dental problem (a cavity), certain medication, acid reflux or other stomach issues, intestinal problems, including parasites. Look into the root cause of your problem. I can recommend you this article on home remedies for bad breath, which I hope will help you Much health to you! 💚