Home Herbs How to Make Johannes Künzle’s Spring Cleanse Tea

How to Make Johannes Künzle’s Spring Cleanse Tea

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn how to make Johannes Künzle’s spring cleanse tea? Continue reading this article and make your own healing tea.

Johannes Künzle was a Swiss Catholic priest and journalist. Along with Sebastian Kneipp, he is probably the best-known herbalist and a supporter of alternative medicine and herbal medicine. Johannes Künzle’s spring cleanse tea uses buds and young shoots of plants that come out in the first warm days of spring and has mild detox properties for the liver, gall bladder, bowels, lungs, skin, cardiovascular system, nervous system, and blood and lymph, namely the immune system. It is also very effective in cleansing the body after a long use of synthetic medical drugs.

How to Make Johannes Künzle's Spring Cleanse Tea - Cleanse Tea Benefits - MyNaturalTreatment.com

Johannes Künzle’s Spring Cleanse Tea

The buds and young shoots must be harvested outside the cities, from unpolluted areas preferably in the company of someone who knows how to identify them. For Johannes Künzle’s spring cleanse tea you need the following plants:

  • buds and young shoots of rose hip, mulberry, blackberry, raspberry;
  • buds and young shoots of fir, beech, hazel tree, oak, cherry, larch, ash, poplar;
  • young shoots of black currant;
  • buds of fruit trees of your choice.

How to Prepare the Tea

Wash the buds and young shoots two or three times, strain using a sieve to remove all the water, and chop them finely. Place the chopped plants onto a clear tablecloth in a cool and well-ventilated room to prevent molding before using them over the course of the following two weeks. Simmer a handful of plants in two liters of boiling water for 2-3 minutes on medium heat, then pull aside and steep for 10 minutes. Strain and the decoction is ready to drink.

How to Use

For best cleansing results, drink one liter (4 cups) of the decoction for one or two weeks straight. Johannes Künzle’s spring cleanse tea is effective for rheumatism, gout, nervous system disorders, circulatory problems, obesity, constipation, and cellulite. In addition, Kunzle’s cleansing decoction stimulates the immune system.

Read Also: Dr. Jean Valnet’s Spring Detox Juice Recipes

If you’ve found Johannes Künzle’s spring cleanse tea useful, please share this recipe on social media so more people can use this information. Let us know in the comment section below what is your favorite spring detox tea. Stay healthy, naturally!

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How to Make Johannes Künzle's Spring Cleanse Tea - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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