Home Herbs How to Use Sweet Woodruff as Natural Medicine – 9 Health Uses

How to Use Sweet Woodruff as Natural Medicine – 9 Health Uses

by Andreea Laza

Want to learn how to use sweet woodruff as natural medicine? Discover the 9 health uses of sweet woodruff and its amazing health benefits.

Sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum) has been used by women since ancient times for bathing and washing clothes instead of fabric softener due to its pleasant aroma. On the other hand, men used it to add a special flavor to wine and tobacco. Sweet woodruff is mentioned in the year 854 in the Wandalbert Monastery manuscripts, as an important ingredient in the May wine recipe. Since then, dried sweet woodruff has been used instead of tobacco, especially for respiratory tract conditions.

The Agathyrsi called this plant asprusa and used the infusion for typhus and the decoction for wounds caused by syphilis, as well as a natural dye to color wool red.

How to Use Sweet Woodruff as Natural Medicine - 9 Health Uses of Sweet Woodruff - MyNaturalTreatment.com

How to Use Sweet Woodruff as Medicine – 8 Health Uses of Sweet Woodruff

  1. Kidney Sand and Stones – macerate two tablespoons of finely chopped plant in (one cup) 250 ml of cold water for 8 hours, or overnight. Strain and drink in 3-4 reps in between meals.
  2. Heart Palpitations – the flowering tips of sweet woodruff (8-10 cm) are a natural medicine for heart problems. These tips are harvested in June, dried, and ground. Combine a cup of strong homemade brandy (40-45 degrees), with a cup of still water, add 15 g of dried sweet woodruff flower powder, and macerate for 2 days. Strain the tincture and store it in an amber bottle. The dosage is one tablespoon of tincture three times a day for 5 days, followed by a 10-day break, then resume for another 10 days. Avoid eating meat, fish, eggs, dairy, salt, and salted foods during this cure, and eat a large raw onion daily.
  3. Ascites – prepare a cold maceration by soaking 30 grams of dried plant in 400 ml of cold water for 2 days in the fridge. Strain and drink 1/2 tsp 5 times a day. Avoid eating meat, fish, eggs, dairy, salt, and salted foods during this treatment.
  4. Diuretic – simmmer15 g of the plant in one liter (4 cups) of water for 3 minutes, turn the heat off, and steep until cool. Drink 100-150 ml each, 4 times a day.
  5. Insomnia – soak two teaspoons of the plant in 200 ml of cold water for several hours, then bring to a boil. When it starts to boil turn the heat off, strain, and drink warm in the evening.
  6. Headache – scald 2 teaspoons of dried herb with one cup of hot water and steep (with a lid) for 60 minutes. Drink 1-2 cups of this warm tea daily, in small sips. Topically, finely chop the fresh plant and mash it a little with a wooden spoon to help release its juice. Spread the mashed plant on a small compress or towel and apply it on your forehead, so that the mash covers your forehead and temples.
  7. Osteoporosis in Men – prepare a cold maceration with either valerian root, sweet woodruff, or celery (you can use a single plant or combination). Macerate one teaspoon of two different plants in 500 ml (2 cups) of cold water overnight (7-8 hours), then strain and squeeze well. Drink the cold maceration in three reps over the day, 30 minutes before meals.
  8. Hysteria – steep one tablespoon of dried sweet woodruff in 200 ml of hot water, and have one tsp 3-4 times a day.
How to Use Sweet Woodruff as Natural Medicine - 9 Health Uses of Sweet Woodruff - MyNaturalTreatment.com

How to Make Sweet Woodruff Tea for Fatigue

The herbs in this tea blend help fortify the nervous system, induce relaxation, and boost natural immunity. In addition, they make a very delicious tea anyone can enjoy. Here is how to make sweet woodruff tea for fatigue in combination with other powerful herbs.


Combine the herbs and grind 3-4 grams of the blend in a mortar to help release the healing essential oils and fully develop the flavor. Bring one liter of water to boiling point, remove from the heat, and set it aside for 2-3 minutes. Then pour it over the powdered herbs (excessively hot water causes the essential oils to evaporate), cover with a lid, and steep for 5-7 minutes. After straining the infusion through a fine sieve, shake the drops of water that form on the lid back into the cup, as they contain essential oils. You can sweeten to taste with a little honey and drink 3-4 cups throughout the day.

Sweet Woodruff Safety & Contraindications

Sweet woodruff is not toxic, but it contains compounds with a bitter and slightly astringent taste that, in large doses, make it slightly toxic! Never exceed the recommended dosages! The coumarins in the plant can cause headaches and dizziness if you drink more than two cups of tea a day. If you experience adverse reactions when using sweet woodruff stop the treatment immediately. We recommend using sweet woodruff preparations only after consulting a specialist.

Read Also: How to Use Sweet Woodruff for Stress

If you’ve enjoyed how to use sweet woodruff as natural medicine, and the most popular 9 health uses of sweet woodruff, please share this article. This way, you help more people learn how to use medicinal herbs. Remember that sweet woodruff is toxic in high doses, so please ask the advice of an herbalist before using any sweet woodruff remedies. Stay healthy, naturally!

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How to Use Sweet Woodruff as Natural Medicine - 9 Health Uses of Sweet Woodruff - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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