Home Cures How to Make Pine Needle Wine

How to Make Pine Needle Wine

by Andreea Laza

Want to know the pine needle wine uses and how to make pine needle wine for the cold season? Continue reading and find out.

Pine needle wine is a delicious natural remedy for cold season problems, as well as a general tonic and antiparasitic remedy. For the pine needle wine recipe, you need dried pine needles, but you can also use dried pine cones or buds. The pine needles can be harvested picked all year round, and dried in the shade. Now this is how to make pine needle wine at home.

How to Make Pine Needle Wine - MyNaturalTreatment.com

How to Make Pine Needle Wine

Add 2 heaped tablespoons of dried pine needles (cones or buds), roughly cut, in one liter of high-quality boiling red wine in a Turn the heat off, and allow to macerate for the following 10 days, covered. Stir daily. Strain through cheesecloth (without squeezing) and pour the wine into a glass bottle in the fridge for the next 6 days. During this time the wine will decant. Strain once again so that the residue remains at the bottom of the jar. Add more red wine so that you have the initial quantity. Keep it in a glass bottle. If you use good quality wine, the shelf life of the pine needle wine is 2 years.

Pine Needle Wine Uses

  • Cold season viral infections (flu, colds, whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia) – 2 tablespoons, 2 times a day, after meals.
  • General trophic for sickness convalescence – 2 tablespoons, 2 times a day, after meals.
  • Intestinal parasites – 50 ml, in the evening, at bedtime. After three evenings, you can take 30 g of bitter salt (magnesium sulfate) as a purgative.

Read Also: 3 Medicinal Wine Recipes with Coniferous Trees

If you’ve enjoyed learning how to make pine needle wine at home and how to use it at home, please share this article so more people know the pine needle wine recipe. Let us know if you’ve used natural remedies with pine and what is your experience with pine products. Stay healthy, naturally!

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How to Make Pine Needle Wine Recipe - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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