Home Herbs 3 Medicinal Wine Recipes with Coniferous Trees

3 Medicinal Wine Recipes with Coniferous Trees

by Andreea Laza

Looking for medicinal wine recipes? Continue reading and learn how to make medicinal wine with pine, fir, and spruce.

Medicinal wine or herbal wine is an ancient yet powerful natural medicine, still used in some parts of the world, such as the Balkans in Europe. In this article, we want to show you how to make medicinal wine recipes at home using fir, spruce, or pine needles, cones, or buds. But before we jump to the medicinal wine recipes, here is how to harvest these healing bits of pine, spruce, and fir.

3 Medicinal Wine Recipes with Coniferous Trees - NaturalTreatment.com

How to Harvest Pine, Fir, or Spruce

While the pine, fir, and spruce buds are harvested in the spring, the pine needles and cones are best harvested in the wintertime. To resist the cold, conifer leaves secrete a double concentration of active principles and considerably increase their therapeutic qualities in the winter. If you want to use the needles, choose the needles from the young branches at the end of the thicker branches, as they have amazing healing powers. Keep them at temperatures of a maximum of 5°C/41°F before use.

How to Make Medicinal Wine – Medicinal Wine Recipes

This medicinal wine is an aromatic tonic, a good immune stimulant, and a heart strengthener, and can easily be made at home. Here is how to make medicinal wine at home with either pine, fir, or spruce.

  • Add two tablespoons of dried and coarsely chopped fir/pine/spruce needles, cones, or buds into a liter of good quality dry red wine, brought to a boil.
  • Remove from heat and leave to macerate for 10 days, in a glass jar.
  • Shake the jar at least 3 times a day.
  • After 10 days, strain the medicinal wine using a cheesecloth (do not squeeze) and pour it into a clean bottle.
  • Leave to settle for 6 days, so that the clear part separates from the residue deposited on the bottom of the bottle.
  • Pour the clear medicinal wine into an amber-colored one-liter bottle (33 oz.), and fill it up with more red wine so that you have one liter of medicinal wine.

This medicinal wine can be consumed over the course of 1 year after preparation. If the wine used in the preparation of the medicinal wine has an alcohol concentration of at least 11%, keep it at room temperature. If the red wine had an alcohol concentration of less than 11%, keep the medicinal wine in the refrigerator. The recommended daily dose is 2-3 spoons (morning and evening) for 6 weeks.

8 Health Benefits of Pine Buds and How to Use at Home

Medicinal wine can be associated with pine/fir/spruce needle, buds or cones tincture and decoction for better results. Tincture: 30 drops, 2 times a day, with linden tea. Decoction: a cup of tea, twice a day.

Fir Medicinal Wine Benefits

(Abies alba)

  • Respiratory Tract Conditions (tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia). Due to their high content of essential oils, fir needles, buds, and cones are highly recommended for their anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and mucolytic properties, in conditions of the respiratory system. Dose: two spoons of fir medicinal wine, twice a day, after meals.
  • Urogenital Conditions (cystitis, pyelitis, metrorrhagia, renal colic) two spoons of fir medicinal wine, twice a day, after meals.
Fir Oil - Natural Remedies for Skin Disease - MyNaturalTreatment.com

Pine Medicinal Wine Benefits

(Pinus silvestris)

  • Respiratory Tract Conditions (bronchitis, pneumonia) – two spoons of pine medicinal wine, twice a day, after meals.

Spruce Medicinal Wine Benefits

(Picea abies)

  • Tracheobronchitis – spruce medicinal wine helps break up secretions – two spoons, twice a day, after meals.
  • Lung and Urogenital antiseptic – two spoons, twice a day, after meals.
  • Antiflatulent – helps eliminate gas from fermentation colitis – two spoons, twice a day, after meals.

Read Also:
How to Make Pine Needle Decoction
How to Make Fir Needle Tea
How to Make Spruce Needle Tea

Medicinal wine from coniferous trees is one of the most healing herbal wines you can make and enjoy at home. Of course, wine is still wine, which is alcohol. So please use it only occasionally, as alcohol is toxic for the body and can easily cause addiction. If you are fighting an alcohol addiction, we do not recommend using any herbal extractions based on alcohol, but those that use vegetable glycerin instead. Be careful and take care.

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3 Medicinal Wine Recipes with Coniferous Trees - MyNaturalTreatment.com

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